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Cactus call sign

I have no strong feelings one way or the other, but I like USAir because we are USAir.

We are US AIRWAYS not USAir. Trust me, there is a difference!
The scars from old AL run too deep to heal. That is why the PI/PS folks are anxious to put it behind us. I think Doug is doing a great job of reopening the wounds and applying a healing balm. He is redoing all of the mergers and doing it correctly.
1. USA
4. PIT
7. NEW
8. GONZO (j/k)

Cactus is pretty cool. It keeps some America West culture, it's where HQ is, and it's unique.

My favorite is Flagship, but doesn't American Eagle or Pinnacle own it? It makes more sense for US, I'd love for them to start referring to US planes as "Flagships". "Gray Flag" works as well, but not as cool as Flagship.
Umm...how about Gila Monster...or Road Runner...or Rattlesnake. Just a few more desert themed ideas!
It should remain USAIR. Cactus is so regional. This is an airline with a route system from Hawaii to Rome. If the airline was still based in DC, would we call it Cherry Blossom? No. Same applies to Cactus.

The company is doing a lot of other things to preserve the culture of the different carriers including HP, so it's not like they are rubbing out the Cactus. Quite the contrary.

That would be a great point if the call sign was something used for advertisements or marketing. The cactus call sign is just fun !
We are US AIRWAYS not USAir. Trust me, there is a difference!
The scars from old AL run too deep to heal. That is why the PI/PS folks are anxious to put it behind us. I think Doug is doing a great job of reopening the wounds and applying a healing balm. He is redoing all of the mergers and doing it correctly.

That was and is taught in law school...those past mergers.
The devil is....the loyalty. I would think the loyalty would be to the company issueing you your pay check......
repainting the planes to the new look is cool,but i have to say....most of the jets in your new airline had the US paint job, wouldnt it be cheaper to paint the AWA jets to that scheme since there are fewer? The call sign for me in my arm chair CEO thing is a picture of the long term future.....which is dominance. anything less in my world is not tolerable 🙂 Perhaps those are the type of leaders you guys should seek 🙂
That was and is taught in law school...those past mergers.
The devil is....the loyalty. I would think the loyalty would be to the company issueing you your pay check......
repainting the planes to the new look is cool,but i have to say....most of the jets in your new airline had the US paint job, wouldnt it be cheaper to paint the AWA jets to that scheme since there are fewer? The call sign for me in my arm chair CEO thing is a picture of the long term future.....which is dominance. anything less in my world is not tolerable 🙂 Perhaps those are the type of leaders you guys should seek 🙂
A call sign has nothing to do with marketing or a company's "long term future"--it is simply used for communcaiton between pilots & ATC
A call sign has nothing to do with marketing or a company's "long term future"--it is simply used for communcaiton between pilots & ATC

I was speaking of brainwashing.......... getting you in the grove of being a part of something big/global. Keep that thought and attitude in as many areas as possible....
So true.........CactUS

Oh, no, it's far too regional thinking to recognize half of your revenue base, nearly half of your customer base, and creatively incorporate the two primary cultures meshing together. 🙄

Would you naysayers be happier if it was UScact, since you apparently "bought" America West and taught them how to run an airline? Ergo, the US part should come selfishly first...

Or maybe we should take a look at the truly global way you took on a West Coast monopoly, treated your PSA colleagues during integration, and took a truly domestic network and handed it to WN as you ran with your tails between your legs all the way back to glorious, thriving, and vibrant Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. :down:

Get a life: no one in Phoenix thinks it's the center of the universe, and no one here thinks we know it all.
Oh, no, it's far too regional thinking to recognize half of your revenue base, nearly half of your customer base, and creatively incorporate the two primary cultures meshing together. 🙄

Would you naysayers be happier if it was UScact, since you apparently "bought" America West and taught them how to run an airline? Ergo, the US part should come selfishly first...

Or maybe we should take a look at the truly global way you took on a West Coast monopoly, treated your PSA colleagues during integration, and took a truly domestic network and handed it to WN as you ran with your tails between your legs all the way back to glorious, thriving, and vibrant Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. :down:

Get a life: no one in Phoenix thinks it's the center of the universe, and no one here thinks we know it all.
My point was that cactus contained "us", as in US Airways. And that's a good thing. I am NOT from the east half so.........
My point was that cactus contained "us", as in US Airways. And that's a good thing. I am NOT from the east half so.........

Yeah, I get that. My post was directed at those who think Cactus is somehow regional or stupid, which you obviously do not.

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