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Cactus call sign

Who cares! It's just a call sign, but I do like the sound of it though when ATC or operations call the pilots. 🙂
Cactus? The regional airline still hasnt learned to play in a global arena. US Air plays on American dominance of the globe. Use it to your full advantage. With the merger, the US Air can now start to live up to its name.

Just my 2 cents 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Whatever the call sign, i wish you all much success 🙂
None taken! I guess if I worked for US it would mean something. Just wanted to keep in perspective in the overall scheme of things.

Here is a novel idea!!! Why not let the employees vote on the call sign?
that is an excellent idea.i am going to send that in.
It should remain USAIR. Cactus is so regional. This is an airline with a route system from Hawaii to Rome. If the airline was still based in DC, would we call it Cherry Blossom? No. Same applies to Cactus.

The company is doing a lot of other things to preserve the culture of the different carriers including HP, so it's not like they are rubbing out the Cactus. Quite the contrary.
Use our best CRM and come up with a new tactical call sign.
Use ICAO rules, can not contain the words "air, airways or initials" etc. Must be two or three syllables (I think). Don't put up BS ones, maybe we could come up with a good one to suggest to Doug.

I know that old US tried to buy "Flag Ship" but Eagle wouldn't sell the call sign.

Gray Flag?
Phoenix? (the mythical bird, not the city).
The cactus sign would be a constant reminder to the jaded East pilots that this is not the same company they worked for a year ago.

The 18 year nightmare of USAir management is over. It's a miracle we survived it. The more we distance ourselves from it the better.
How about
1) Flying Colors
2) Bargain Flyer
3) Bingo (Mom's favorite)
4) Jackpot
I may not be an employee either and therefore, by etops1's logic, don't have a say but.....

How about Pterodactyl. To designate a relic that's always been on the verge of extinction...... 🙂
Did Hooters Airlines have a call sign? Maybe we can have theirs if they don't need it anymore.

Hooters really didn't have an airline, it hired Pace Airlines to fly flights under the Hooters Logo/Name on their behalf. They flew under the call-sign "Pace".

The cactus sign would be a constant reminder to the jaded East pilots that this is not the same company they worked for a year ago.

The 18 year nightmare of USAir management is over. It's a miracle we survived it. The more we distance ourselves from it the better.
ok lets not start the whole east vs west bs sh#t again. we have excellent pilots on the east side as do we have in phx and vegas. please take back what you said.

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