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Bye bye Tulsa

That will never happen. He has done too many "favors" for the company and international. They will take care of him. Watch and see.
The man is right!------ Once you've drank from that well, there's no going back! Prime example, look what they did for Gorden!
Hows the Kool Aide tasting now Tulsa....

And this is what they get for listening to the TWU and voting YES. Thank you TWU for securing the future of all the mechanics at Tulsa's AA maint. Now do you guys in Tulsa see the writing on the wall? When will you guys get a CLUE?? 400 up for the unemployment line by Jan 2014, and that's just the beginning, don't forget about the 65% reduction of manpower by 2017 and the TWU agreed to it folks, and sold it to their membership. How pathetic is that? UN-FREAKIN-BELIEVEABLE!!!
Over the years we have seen AA announce many layoffs that never materialized. I recall in 2009 how they put forward the "White Spaces" presentation and how Luis and Gilboy started ranting how we had to "fill those white spaces on the dock plan", six months later, in a meeting outside of negotiations the company was asking that we help them deal with the increased workload and contradicting everything they said in negotiations. While I don't doubt that the headcount in Tulsa will continue to decrease I suspect that this announcement is because they want something from the members of 514. They need to do something and I suspect that if there is an overage that in order to keep the young blood they will offer some incentive to increase attrition. Why lay off people that are young, at the lower end of the scale with only one week of vacation and keep older workers who are maxed out? Older workers are going to leave in a few years anyway and mechanics aren't lining up to work here, closer to the opposite, if RIFF'd the young guys that they already trained probably wont come back when the need comes and they will have a hard time finding replacements.
Over the years we have seen AA announce many layoffs that never materialized. I recall in 2009 how they put forward the "White Spaces" presentation and how Luis and Gilboy started ranting how we had to "fill those white spaces on the dock plan", six months later, in a meeting outside of negotiations the company was asking that we help them deal with the increased workload and contradicting everything they said in negotiations. While I don't doubt that the headcount in Tulsa will continue to decrease I suspect that this announcement is because they want something from the members of 514. They need to do something and I suspect that if there is an overage that in order to keep the young blood they will offer some incentive to increase attrition. Why lay off people that are young, at the lower end of the scale with only one week of vacation and keep older workers who are maxed out? Older workers are going to leave in a few years anyway and mechanics aren't lining up to work here, closer to the opposite, if RIFF'd the young guys that they already trained probably wont come back when the need comes and they will have a hard time finding replacements.
I think at this point laying off younger lower paid workers is not a facture since Tulsa will be shrinking to new levels it has never seen before. It is the new way we do business in aviation today. I think they call it progress and technological advances.
And this is what they get for listening to the TWU and voting YES. Thank you TWU for securing the future of all the mechanics at Tulsa's AA maint. Now do you guys in Tulsa see the writing on the wall? When will you guys get a CLUE?? 400 up for the unemployment line by Jan 2014, and that's just the beginning, don't forget about the 65% reduction of manpower by 2017 and the TWU agreed to it folks, and sold it to their membership. How pathetic is that? UN-FREAKIN-BELIEVEABLE!!!
most of my co-workers still don't have a clue and never will
Over the years we have seen AA announce many layoffs that never materialized. I recall in 2009 how they put forward the "White Spaces" presentation and how Luis and Gilboy started ranting how we had to "fill those white spaces on the dock plan", six months later, in a meeting outside of negotiations the company was asking that we help them deal with the increased workload and contradicting everything they said in negotiations. While I don't doubt that the headcount in Tulsa will continue to decrease I suspect that this announcement is because they want something from the members of 514. They need to do something and I suspect that if there is an overage that in order to keep the young blood they will offer some incentive to increase attrition. Why lay off people that are young, at the lower end of the scale with only one week of vacation and keep older workers who are maxed out? Older workers are going to leave in a few years anyway and mechanics aren't lining up to work here, closer to the opposite, if RIFF'd the young guys that they already trained probably wont come back when the need comes and they will have a hard time finding replacements.
If you look around the Tulsa base there aren't any young guys. The young guys are in their mid to late 40s. AA get's anything they want from local 514. We are getting break whistles installed for crying out loud and AA is taking full advantage of the blank work rule pages that are being written as we speak with no objections from the TWU at all. They have already perfected the layoff procedure where they lay off in phases so the least seniority employees bump to DFW and when the senior guys get the RIF their bumps are LGA, JFK, ORD or LAX. This is how they will get rid of senior employees. The TWU doesn't care because they will still get the dues from the ones that are left. Also remember that AA gets to man Tulsa with 25% OSMs. Many will take the pay cut to avoid having to move. The fact is that it doesn't matter what kind of incentive they offer for early retirement. If it doesn't include medical coverage it is worthless. Unlike the major cities like NY, LA, and Chicago, there is not much opportunity for employment in the Tulsa area other than minimum wage service jobs.

I loved this statement..."We're told Tulsa's largest employer recently purchased new airplanes that won't require as much maintenance as the previous fleet." We're told? We're told? They just 'heard it through the grapevine' about possibly the largest fleet renewal plan in the history of aviation? That's been going on for more than a couple of years now? I take it that investigative journalism is not their strong suit. :lol:
I loved this statement..."We're told Tulsa's largest employer recently purchased new airplanes that won't require as much maintenance as the previous fleet." We're told? We're told? They just 'heard it through the grapevine' about possibly the largest fleet renewal plan in the history of aviation? That's been going on for more than a couple of years now? I take it that investigative journalism is not their strong suit. :lol:
No, just a slow news day!
The Tulsa news media is told lots of stuff by AA that the employees aren't. When the TWA deal went down, there was special Jetwire released that day that said there was no truth to the rumor that AA was buying TWA. Later on the local evening news the deal (AA paid $742 million for TWA) was announced by the media. So, in fact, AA misinformed their own employees (Management was told but sworn to secrecy) even though they had made the deal. The only purpose of this was to show us minions that AA had complete control of all information. Of course a couple of years later (2003), Local 514 notified AA that the contract vote had passed before they bothered to tell us. So we are always the last to know anything. Even from the people who garnish union dues from our checks. By the way MCI.... When AA bought AirCal it was called a merger, but when they bought TWA it was called an acquisition. The difference? The AirCal mechanics were represented by the TWU and the TWA mechanics were not.
Good Point Old Guy... I think the definition of merger is relevant to the "health" of the 2 companies.. If one is healthy and the other is sub par or near or in bankruptcy, then it is labeled an acquisition... As in acquiring the companies debt.. I could be wrong on this though. Aircal was a profitable airline at the time.. Reno AIr?... Twa?
Hows the Kool Aide tasting now Tulsa....

Probably just as good as those free Teamsters T-Shirts they were giving out.
So how is that Yes vote to save jobs working out for you Tulsa guys that voted Yes?
Promises, promises. Just like the Teamsters and the TWU. Hard to tell the difference between the two when the International reps open their mouths and move their lips. All you get is lip service.
The Tulsa news media is told lots of stuff by AA that the employees aren't. When the TWA deal went down, there was special Jetwire released that day that said there was no truth to the rumor that AA was buying TWA. Later on the local evening news the deal (AA paid $742 million for TWA) was announced by the media. So, in fact, AA misinformed their own employees (Management was told but sworn to secrecy) even though they had made the deal. The only purpose of this was to show us minions that AA had complete control of all information. Of course a couple of years later (2003), Local 514 notified AA that the contract vote had passed before they bothered to tell us. So we are always the last to know anything. Even from the people who garnish union dues from our checks. By the way MCI.... When AA bought AirCal it was called a merger, but when they bought TWA it was called an acquisition. The difference? The AirCal mechanics were represented by the TWU and the TWA mechanics were not.
Point taken! -------So now you want to code share with the IAM, and call it a merger? Something does not compute here!
Code share with the IAM?

Airlines code share, the IAM and TWU negotiated and agreed to an alliance.

Just like the CWA and ibt have at US for the CSA and RES.

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