Over the years we have seen AA announce many layoffs that never materialized. I recall in 2009 how they put forward the "White Spaces" presentation and how Luis and Gilboy started ranting how we had to "fill those white spaces on the dock plan", six months later, in a meeting outside of negotiations the company was asking that we help them deal with the increased workload and contradicting everything they said in negotiations. While I don't doubt that the headcount in Tulsa will continue to decrease I suspect that this announcement is because they want something from the members of 514. They need to do something and I suspect that if there is an overage that in order to keep the young blood they will offer some incentive to increase attrition. Why lay off people that are young, at the lower end of the scale with only one week of vacation and keep older workers who are maxed out? Older workers are going to leave in a few years anyway and mechanics aren't lining up to work here, closer to the opposite, if RIFF'd the young guys that they already trained probably wont come back when the need comes and they will have a hard time finding replacements.