Unfortunately many of the OSMs you mentioned are licensed A&P mechanics who were forced into OSM positions while losing their license pay with this wonder contract. You want to talk about some bitter people? Many of these guys voted no on the contract too. I feel terrible for these guys. I don't feel a bit bad about the ones who voted yes. They got what they voted for. They are doing the same job for $5 an hour less than they were getting. Do you know anyone in management who took a pay cut with this deal? Of course not. They all got raises. How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?No thats the result of the "Juniority system". No Union has the ability to tell the company where and when they have a reduction in force, but most make sure their senior workers do not get screwed like they do at AA and end up where the Junior workers are instead of where their seniority should let them. Here, thanks to our contract the company essentially gets to pick where guys end up, by staggering the RIFs they can force the senior guys to go to undesirable locations. Thats what happened then. If you could bump by seniority there may be more bouncing around but senior people who are laid off get to pick where they want to go instead of where the junior man is.
BTW 514 has less AMTs than the line, around 500 less, the cleaners and OSMs help Tulsa maintain a 300 Title I
member lead but it wont be long till the line has more Title I than Tulsa. If the 314 number is accurate Local 591 may not only have 500 more AMTs than Tulsa, they will have more Title I members in total.