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Branson wants to try and sway Dallas for DAL gates

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all I can say is that if you and the other mechanic are the best and brightest that WN has to offer, it isn't any wonder that WN has had to find protected markets to operate from instead of embracing open competition and continues to do so with the whole DAL issue.

If you truly believe that I have been as wrong as you bothered to iterate, then you truly don't understand the English language. In every case, I used conditional sentence construction and verbs that made it very clear that one thing would have to happen in order for something else to occur.

First, the entire process is STILL not finished. IF DL gets no access to DAL and decides to walk away without a fight, you can claim victory. It hasn't happened. The slot deal and the DAL gate issue is part of the same legal process.

You feel free to rummage thru the thousands of post that have been made on the subject, but it is a bold faced lie to argue that multiple people acknowledged that DL would get access to DAL whether they got the two gates or not.

I have consistently said that DL had the right to argue that it should have access to DAL and I stand by that statement. I do not know how far DL will push it if it doesn't get it. But every one of you that wants to pretend it is just about two gates don't begin to grasp the importance of this issue to the country.

It is beyond incredible that you can think that AA and WN's fight over DAL should rise to the US Congress but that if DL is now willing to push itself into the situation, it is no big deal.

We will see but my words will continue to be that when DL pulls the flights and takes no actions, then you can claim victory.

It hasn't happened. And to be honest with you, I don't expect it will.
Very funny indeed.
Of course you know that your first statement proves you lost the argument.

Everyone here knows how you change your statements by changing a few words to have an out about everything you pretend to know.

If you really knew anything at all, you could just say it with out all the tricks of language that you use.

You seem so afraid to be wrong, that you never say anything for a fact without couching it with a word or two.

It doesn't make you look smart, and we know that is why you spend so much time here pretending to know everything.

Then every now and then you slip and say something that is verifiably wrong that you have to spin like a top to get out of.

It must be sad to live where you have to couch everything you say because you can't stand being wrong so often.
I'm sorry but if you think using anything other than simple past, present, or future is playing tricks with language, then you really have no business using the English language in any type of professional capacity. And I do mean that.

If you don't know how to understand a statement, "if this happens or occurs, do this" or "take this action" or "this might occur" and "could, would...." you really have no business reading or acting on any type of technical documents on any aircraft.

I have no problem with being wrong except that you and about a dozen other people have repeatedly tried to frame me as wrong when I have repeatedly said there are conditions about which DL would act.

None of those conditions have yet to be met.

But the sun is well set in Texas, right?

Where is the ruling and are DL's flights still for sale or not?
WorldTraveler said:
WNMech,all I can say is that if you and the other mechanic are the best and brightest that WN has to offer, it isn't any wonder that WN has had to find protected markets to operate from instead of embracing open competition and continues to do so with the whole DAL issue.If you truly believe that I have been as wrong as you bothered to iterate, then you truly don't understand the English language.
You can be an arrogant pr!ck at times, Skippy.

This is why your score is about to pass -1000 -- it's not because people want to prove you wrong for what you say, but because of the way you talk down to anyone who dares disagree with your so-called superior intellect.
arrogance has nothing to do with being right or not.

You have tried to argue for years that I was wrong about major elements of AA's financial situation only to be shown to be correct.

you and anyone else can argue all you want about arrogance but the arrogance is just as much if not moreso yours and their for being unwilling to be admit that I have been right.

it has nothing to do with intellect. it has to do with recognizing that I have had specific experience and training in certain airlines of what airlines do that you and others quite simply have not.

You have no problem extoiling your experience on IT related subjects but the problem is that you have NEVER been able to say "sorry but that is outside of my field of experience" and have instead stuck your nose into issues that are well beyond what you know.

You never could deal with the subject at hand and have incessantly focused on reputation scores because in your kindergarten playground mentality, might makes right even when you are completely wrong.

Get your jollies out of fighting back if you want. You have a deep-seated inability to know the limits of your knowledge and so do a whole lot of others.

Specific to the topic here, if YOU don't have the ability to recognize the proper tenses of verbs in the English language, then you have no business making assertions that I am right or wrong.

The simple fact is that repeatedly some people here including the WN mechanic above boldly asserted that I am playing tricks with the ENglilsh language by noting that I used structures that anyone that got thru middle school English should know how to use.

Let me know when DL has pulled its flights and has decided to give up their fight for DAL access with empty hands.

Methinks that when DL decided to stick it out, they did so with the full expectation that it might have to go into overtime.
I fully understand what you write.
Everyone here can see how you slowly change a statement over time as conditions change to make it appear you were always right.

And how you sometimes couch a statement so much that you can claim you were right no matter what happens.

You pretend to be Nostradamus but look like a child who is afraid to be wrong.
Of course last Nov right around the time the US/AA merger was in full swings etc, we heard DL will file lawsuits/legal challenges....regarding LGA and DCA..... well here it is middle of May and not one legal challenge from DL..... so lets see ifthis fictitious legal challenge plays out to either add DAL or a separate one is issued for DAL... me thinks neither one is gonna happen. Just dl will have to do with either sharing a gate reduce schedule or move it on up to DFW
It's sad that WT needs that hourly dose of internet courage as much as he seem to...

One of skills a good consultant (and a good lawyer) picks up early on isn't how to pretend to be an expert, but instead, knowing who can explain it in enough detail so that I can understand it and relay it back to a client (or a judge).

You claim to have your contacts at DL, and rest assured, I have mine as well, and they're not just at AA.

Airport leases are hardly one an area of expertise from my days at AA, but interpreting contracts is certainly something I've done a lot of. In this case, it helps having someone who negotiates airport leases being married to one of your friends, so understanding what the City can and won't do isn't too difficult for me to grasp.

Googling a few things about airport access might make it look like you know what you're talking about, but it doesn't mean you really know what you're talking about. You've vastly overestimated what cards DL can play.

I know you don't want to see your team lose, but frankly, I could care less who wins. I'm just a spectator in all this, a concept you should be familiar with by now...
WNMECH said:
You pretend to be Nostradamus but look like a child who is afraid to be wrong.
Or one that's desperate to be right and hoping for validation that might come with it...

Oh, and as for the flights that DL may still have for sale, why would they pull 'em down before they absolutely have to? Of course they'll leave 'em up- that's just good business sense.

But to use that as a foundation for the argument that they'll be able to get everything they want out of all this? That's just silly.
Kev3188 said:
Oh, and as for the flights that DL may still have for sale, why would they pull 'em down before they absolutely have to? Of course they'll leave 'em up- that's just good business sense.

But to use that as a foundation for the argument that they'll be able to get everything they want out of all this? That's just silly.
Given that they're primarily business markets, there's no point in taking down inventory until 60-45 days out. Most people won't be booking October travel this far out.


It's pretty clear they're not encouraging bookings to the new destinations.

Go do a search on Kayak, and you'll see very quickly that they've zeroed out all but the fullest of full fare inventory to LGA, MSP, and DTW.

Default search for MSP: $372, but you have to connect in ATL...

Nonstop only search for MSP: $1610

DTW Default: $364 (again, via ATL)

DTW Nonstop: $2016 (for coach? A cab might be cheaper...)
WorldTraveler said:
all I can say is that if you and the other mechanic are the best and brightest that WN has to offer, it isn't any wonder that WN has had to find protected markets to operate from instead of embracing open competition and continues to do so with the whole DAL issue.

If you truly believe that I have been as wrong as you bothered to iterate, then you truly don't understand the English language. In every case, I used conditional sentence construction and verbs that made it very clear that one thing would have to happen in order for something else to occur.

First, the entire process is STILL not finished. IF DL gets no access to DAL and decides to walk away without a fight, you can claim victory. It hasn't happened. The slot deal and the DAL gate issue is part of the same legal process.

You feel free to rummage thru the thousands of post that have been made on the subject, but it is a bold faced lie to argue that multiple people acknowledged that DL would get access to DAL whether they got the two gates or not.

I have consistently said that DL had the right to argue that it should have access to DAL and I stand by that statement. I do not know how far DL will push it if it doesn't get it. But every one of you that wants to pretend it is just about two gates don't begin to grasp the importance of this issue to the country.

It is beyond incredible that you can think that AA and WN's fight over DAL should rise to the US Congress but that if DL is now willing to push itself into the situation, it is no big deal.

We will see but my words will continue to be that when DL pulls the flights and takes no actions, then you can claim victory.

It hasn't happened. And to be honest with you, I don't expect it will.
First, the entire process is STILL not finished. IF DL gets no access to DAL and decides to walk away without a fight, you can claim victory. It hasn't happened. The slot deal and the DAL gate issue is part of the same legal process.
Dead wrong again WT.  Of course the process is not finished, and it will not be for a long time to come. And by the way, you say that as if all of us others out here had no clue that the "process was not finished".  Get a clue man.  ONCE AGAIN THE "IF DL GETS NO ACCESS TO DAL"  and decides to walk away with no fight,  IS NOT THE ISSUE.  I have told you and told you this for months.  Get a clue man, get a clue...
You feel free to rummage thru the thousands of post that have been made on the subject, but it is a bold faced lie to argue that multiple people acknowledged that DL would get access to DAL whether they got the two gates or not.
No sir, you feel free to rummage thru the postings.  This is exactly what you hope for, that nobody will research the past postings, and WNMECH as well as myself has done it numerous times in the past and have been very successful at proving you wrong everytime.
If you truly believe that I have been as wrong as you bothered to iterate, then you truly don't understand the English language. In every case, I used conditional sentence construction and verbs that made it very clear that one thing would have to happen in order for something else to occur.
No you did not.  You indicated, and promised that Delta would sue. AND that they would sue for the divested gates at LGA and DCA, BEFORE, I repeat, BEFORE the LF gates became an issue.  And h there you go again claiming someone does not understand you and the english language, just like you use to about spelling and punk-u-a-tions. And of course that always makes you look desperate.
Keep up your antics WT.  You continuously look like a fool.  Keep up the good work.  And by the way, there is not dozens of people on here claiming, as you state, that Delta will not have any access to DAL.  It is only you that states this.  If you disagree, then prove your point and NAME the dozens that you claim are doing this. C'mon WT you can do it,  Name every person, by name who has posted that Delta would no longer be at LF, or forced to leave LF, AS YOU STATED.
You cannot do it, therefore you will twist this one up once again.  Get a clue man.  There are actually "dozens" out here slamming for your BS posts and lies and misinformation and proving you wrong over and over again.  
I just LUV how you refer to me as "the other mechanic"  how cute.  WT,  YOU NEED HELP BROTHER-GET A CLUE MAN!!!
(continued, after a brief commercial interruption by swaamt... 😉 )

LGA Default: $486, and yes, that's via ATL

LGA Nonstop: $2316 (might be cheaper by cab here as well...)
Interestingly, they've left inventory alone on LAX. Looks like Plan C is "find a way to operate 5x to LAX, so we can stick it to VX..."

Still, the prices in place to LAX are considerably higher than if you connected via ATL ($271). That will be an awfully hard sell with an RJ up against VX and WN with narrowbodies.

My advice to DL would be to save your powder for another day, and focus on adding in something a little more meaningful to DL's customers. LAX is certainly interesting, but it's hardly an underserved market with AA, VX, WN, and NK already present.
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