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Virgin and United settle into gates at DAL

and yet you felt a need to respond to what I said.

oh, and DL is still operating from DAL.

apparently, DL, VX, AND WN have all settled into DAL.

you can call it arrogance if you want, robbed, but on yet ONE MORE TOPIC - DL's AMS-BOM flight, we had multiple people trying to argue that no fly zones and extended flight times weren't an issue.

when meto comes on and says the same thing I have said for more than a day despite the fact that others said I was wrong, it is people like you who are the problem because you can't accept that someone just might know something that you don't.

when the DAL situation is sorted, there will be yet one more and I'm sure you'll be telling us all how arrogant I was.
Is it jan 7 yet fool? No we will see what happens after jan 6 when ur shown to be wrong u change tunes and subject dude to cover ur tracks thats typical of mgmt
you really do have a jaded view of authority, don't you?

and if I am wrong, I will admit it.

will you?
DL2WN said:
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Did you read that response? He said something to the effect of "I will admit I was wrong, if I am wrong."
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Now that is some funny shite!!!
Agree swamt that clown has never ever admitted anything wrong whe he shown to be wrong he changes tunes as for being authoritive ur flat out wrong there dl preacher
in your glee to find me wrong, you wouldn't know the truth when/if you ever see it.
no WT  you are flat out wrong  but then again I would never ever expect mgmt. let alone revenue mgmt. clowns like you to admit when your wrong   thanks for the laughs though
DL and UA's traffic comparisons are available from DAL but it is a little more complicated because DL changed equipment partway in the month.

DL is carrying decent loads at DAL. There was no doubt DL would be just as successful as WN is.

good goes around.
United Express has almost doubled its enplanements YOY? There's the nugget in the statistics. On a share basis, they're carrying almost as many people to IAH as DL is to ATL.

Wish they'd include operations per carrier in the stats. Then we'd know load factors.
DOT traffic stats show that UA's LF ran around 70% before the Wright Amendment fell.

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