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Top 10 Aviation Stories in 2014


Oct 23, 2010
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No. 1 on our top 10 stories of 2014: The Wright amendment ends, and Love Field booms
Note; Delta had 5 flights to ATL before and after W/A, no change.  SWA and VA will add even more flts in Jan.
swamt you have got to be joking here, this couldn't be the right list.  Where is the mention that DL is getting more revenue than AA?  Where is it mentioned that DL's moonthumbs are superior than the rest of the industry?  Delta competing as an ULCC is so much more important than American and USAirways merging or Southwest finishing the merger with AirTran.   Surely the introduction of Detla Airlines renaming their classes is much more important than Virgin America going public.  Delta is making a pioneering venture in using a valuable international slot in HND only when it's good for them is so much more newsworthy than a pilot shortage.
Did anyone run this list over to 1030 Delta Blvd before you had the nerve to publish it publicly?  There is going to heck to pay for publishing such a heretical list.  Why the next thing you are going to announce is that Delta didn't invent the Airline Industry and that Delta didn't put the first manned flight to the moon.  Surely, how are we know that the earth rises and sets with the name, DELTA.
for people that seem to hate that I jump into conversations, you do a darn good job of creating the climate for me to do so.

not surprisingly, this top 10 list is decidedly Dallas centric - exactly what you would expect from a Dallas newspaper.

all of the int'l growth at IAH or LAX wasn't the least bit of an interest to them.
does this plane go to paris said:
swamt you have got to be joking here, this couldn't be the right list.  Where is the mention that DL is getting more revenue than AA?  Where is it mentioned that DL's moonthumbs are superior than the rest of the industry?  Delta competing as an ULCC is so much more important than American and USAirways merging or Southwest finishing the merger with AirTran.   Surely the introduction of Detla Airlines renaming their classes is much more important than Virgin America going public.  Delta is making a pioneering venture in using a valuable international slot in HND only when it's good for them is so much more newsworthy than a pilot shortage.
Did anyone run this list over to 1030 Delta Blvd before you had the nerve to publish it publicly?  There is going to heck to pay for publishing such a heretical list.  Why the next thing you are going to announce is that Delta didn't invent the Airline Industry and that Delta didn't put the first manned flight to the moon.  Surely, how are we know that the earth rises and sets with the name, DELTA.
Sorry paris, I did not check with my attorney prior to posting.  Hope I don't get sued for it, but hey, Delta and the elite always threatens lawsuits but never follow thru anyway so who really cares. Just a list I ran across from a local DFW well known and very respected aviation reporter.  I do understand that it is for the local DFW markets and includes all airlines that fly the local markets within the titles of each article except for one, I will give you one guess what airline that might be.  I will give you a hint, it's a rather large airline that conducts flights from both the local airports but still could not reach a level to be included in any of the titled articles that would reach any big local news levels to be entitled to be included within the top 10 stories for 2014...
WorldTraveler said:
for people that seem to hate that I jump into conversations, you do a darn good job of creating the climate for me to do so.

not surprisingly, this top 10 list is decidedly Dallas centric - exactly what you would expect from a Dallas newspaper.

all of the int'l growth at IAH or LAX wasn't the least bit of an interest to them.
See you are still using completely different airports and different cities to change the subject at hand again.  So I took the liberty of bringing to your attention the 2 biggies that are directly related to Delta and you and actually confirms what I have said all along.  Below are the 2 stories that are directly related, notice nothing about another airport or another city.  I should have left #6 as well, as it describes the other North Texas airport and does relate a little to Delta as they are a competitor of AA at that airport.  But that's ok as it has been reposted in a better format for easier and better comprehension.  Happy reading;
swamt said:
No. 1 on our top 10 stories of 2014: The Wright amendment ends, and Love Field booms
Note; Delta had 5 flights to ATL before and after W/A, no change.  SWA and VA will add even more flts in Jan.
  • No. 5 on our top 10 stories of 2014: Virgin America wins the battle over Dallas Love Field gates Note; Delta was set on getting 2 gates and set-up for 22 flights per day out of LF, and would have had to barrow part of a 3rd gate to accomplish it.  And I quote, "Virgin America will get the gates. Period. DOJ official told COD that Delta would NOT offer low fare competition. Delta did not have any room at LF, and they were allowed to lease a gate temporary until early Jan;  Gee where have we heard that before?  You see WT, I did not make it up, it is in fact very true.  Delta still may get lucky (very lucky) in 2015, but, if UAL and SWA add too many flights to accommodate Delta I just don't see them staying or at least they will never grow past their current flights of 5 to ATL.  The LF gate battle shall continue in 2015.  It will get interesting once again and Delta will again be on pins and needles to see if they stay at LF.
in the scope of everything that is going on in the world in aviation, DAL is a major event but it is hardly the top event.

DAL is not even a top ten event for DL, even if it was for WN.

Even if DL had obtained both gates, 22 flights would have made DAL a small to medium sized station.

DAL does have opportunities for DL and other carriers.
WorldTraveler said:
in the scope of everything that is going on in the world in aviation, DAL is a major event but it is hardly the top event.

DAL is not even a top ten event for DL, even if it was for WN.

Even if DL had obtained both gates, 22 flights would have made DAL a small to medium sized station.

DAL does have opportunities for DL and other carriers.
WRONG,  As stated by you yourself, this was an admitted North Tx reporter reporting on North Tx events and YES DAL IS a top event.  Nice try to brush it aside.
WRONG again.  Delta trying to get in with 2 full gates and a 3rd gate rather loaned or leased, was very much so in the top 10 for Delta in 2014.  Nice try to brush it aside.
WRONG again.  Delta can't run 22 flights out of 2 gates, they were in fact trying to lease a 3rd gate or barrow a third gate in order to meet their 22 flights they wanted sooooo badly to run out of DAL LF.
Can you elaborate more on your meaning of "oppertunities for DL at DAL"  You left way to wide open for a comment as you like to twist and turn at every chance you get to make it look better for you and or Delta. Because it really doesn't look like there will be much of an opportunity for Delta at DAL LF come Jan 7th 2015.
Now below is yet again, all the info you continuously try avoiding every single time.  You have not addressed one single item I have pointed out as well as Terry Maxon has pointed out.  The only addition I have supplied is the #6 that I previously forgot to inclued, again, happy reading WT (Wild Tornado)  LOL...
swamt said:
No. 1 on our top 10 stories of 2014: The Wright amendment ends, and Love Field booms
Note; Delta had 5 flights to ATL before and after W/A, no change.  SWA and VA will add even more flts in Jan.
  • No. 5 on our top 10 stories of 2014: Virgin America wins the battle over Dallas Love Field gates Note; Delta was set on getting 2 gates and set-up for 22 flights per day out of LF, and would have had to barrow part of a 3rd gate to accomplish it.  And I quote, "Virgin America will get the gates. Period. DOJ official told COD that Delta would NOT offer low fare competition. Delta did not have any room at LF, and they were allowed to lease a gate temporary until early Jan;  Gee where have we heard that before?  You see WT, I did not make it up, it is in fact very true.  Delta still may get lucky (very lucky) in 2015, but, if UAL and SWA add too many flights to accommodate Delta I just don't see them staying or at least they will never grow past their current flights of 5 to ATL.  The LF gate battle shall continue in 2015.  It will get interesting once again and Delta will again be on pins and needles to see if they stay at LF.
  • No. 6 on our top 10 stories of 2014: D/FW Airport polishes the ‘international’ part of its name Note; Congrats to AA and all the employees for the International growth at DFW.
You just gotta LUV this stuff man...

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