The Goose
There you go again with you smug simplistic answer of 'if you dont like it leave". We have already gone over why we choose to stay and fight so its no use going over it again with you since you obviuosly didnt understand then and likely never will.
I really don't care for fwaaa's 'if you don't like it, leave' attitude either, but to put it a different way, once one takes a job at a given rate pay or remains in a job for a given rate of pay, the market rate is established and in that regard only, is correct.
The only way to establish a different rate is for the positions in question to remain unfilled until what is thought to be a reasonable rate of pay is reached, then a new rate is established.
Think that will happen anytime soon? There's too many mechanics trying to find a home for their toolboxes. A&P certificate brokers like Spartan keep cranking out those with hope, but no future; very much like the executives did with their bonus shares when they were sold. It's called dilution and happens both with share prices and rates of pay.
The market rate for mechs will stay low until enough won't take available jobs for what's offered or refuse to reenter the aviation field cutting the available pool of workers. It would also help if the certificate mills would shut down. With their continued "assistance" in cranking out "graduates" and keeping the worker pool large enough for airlines and chop shops alike to suppress wages claiming "market" rates, what do we expect? Why do you think airlines are happy to "assist" aviation schools? Because it's cheaper than paying a decent wage. Cut the number of mechanics through attrition and those remaining could name their price; not exactly what the airlines had in mind.
Arpey and minions are safe in wanting to do location based compensation, knowing full well the twu won't go for it. "... but we proposed it - your union said no" is a tactic no different than the democrats in washington proposing legislation that would seem to go against their pet special interests, knowing very well the republicans won't go for it either. They're safe from further expense and know it, shifting the job of selling the snake oil to the union and it provides a rather amusing show of "good against evil" for those who still believe their opinion counts.
You've said it yourself - neither side has our interests in mind. Now, let's get back to herding cats.