The bottom line is that for the most part, where we live is home, plain and simple. I myself would never relocate just because the cost of living is cheaper somewhere else. We have familes and lives and moving is easier said than done. The cost of living in NY is out fo control with respect to home prices and property taxes.
I would just like a wage that factors in costs of living in addition to our responsibilities as aircraft mechanics. I don't belittle anyone who chooses to live in a lower cost state. I also don't subscribe to the view that those of us who work at the line stations in high cost area should simply "MOVE TO TULSA OR TEXAS WHERE IT COSTS LESS TO LIVE!" It is just not an option for many of us with ties where we now reside.
A decent wage is all I ask.
I could not agree with you more.
Moving is ok for some ,but not for others.
It has good and bad sides to it, and I can tell you that sometimes I wish I never left,and some times I am glad I did.
I made a decision and I have to live with it.
I would never suggest that you guys move.Even Fwaa has not sugested that ( at least in this thread).
Hell,even if all the line mechanics moved out,someone else will have to take their place and thus he ( the new employee)
will be in your shoes then.So really nothing will change.Anyone that says to you "move if you dont like it " is not
really thinking.
At the same time even though you guys are bitterly complaining ,and rightly so , I do not see anything that indicates you guys are
willing to do something ,anything, more than that.
Slow downs by disheartened employees, and union replacement drives are good.
They have also proven ineffective.For decades.What now?
Don't give me the " we need a new union ' line" ( I am not speaking of you here Hopeful),this is just BS.
Were is the outrage?
Its has come to overhaul vs Line and the result is division among the ranks.
This is not the way to go.
Do we need a new union ? Yes!
But even if we get it ,what will change?
Democratic principles are good but without the will to fight ,we will only be left with them,the principles, holding the bag.
If we are not willing to do something now,why will we then?
Yes TWU international will bring back bad contracts as usual; to get something better than what they keep bringing back,
we will have to hit the street.
If we have a different union ,one that will not bring back bad contracts and push for them to pass; we will still have to hit the
street to get something better.
Whats the difference?
I really do not see it in you guys.
I do see a lot of bravado.
Where is the outrage?
I only remember hearing of one chair throwing incident at a union meeting(?) in NY.
Everyone complains because the guys in overhaul keep voting certain kind of people in.
What about the line stations?
Why do you keep voting in all these guys that end up taking international jobs?
According to your writings here, some of the line union officers are as bad if not worse than
the base TWU products.How come ? Are you also duped?
Whats your excuse?
Every day the same,again and again.
What are you going to do about it?
Or are you waiting, for TWU, AA, or some guy hundreds of miles away to do it for you , when you don't
seem to want to stick your head out yourselves?