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Blue Flu

What the F is that supposed to mean? I am just as dismayed by so many of my dear friends who are still there making those mistakes as I am by the thousands at U that I never met. I see clearly now that I am on the outside. I was not a pilot who made in the 6 figures. I was a flight attendant who saw my WORLD falling apart around me. Taking the separation was the hardest decision I have made in this life. I come from a family who subscribes to the notion of "Its a job, keep it". The decision not to keep my job at U was an awful time for me....what if? But why is this happening? Then what? In the end I was SO TIRED of having my future decided for me...the true joy of leaving was knowing that my future didn't belong to encroaching LCC's but to me. My success and happiness are now entirely in my grasp...I cannot blame anyone but myself for my unhappiness. And, surprisingly, I dont need a scapegoat to blame. Life is better here. Sure there are stresses, life would be worthless without them, but they have been put into perspective...Life goes on....the uncertainty of still exists but not in a way that consumes me. Yes, I still log on here. Yes, I'm still kind of hoping for a resolution. But, it really doesnt matter now, one way or the other. Good luck, PAL/
MarkMyWords said:
I just love this mentality of how a sick out will show management.

FSA in PHL aren't calling in sick to "show Management."
NOthing for her efforts to run to the airport on damn quick calls.

Sure she did. Monthly minimum pay. And if she didn't get called out once, she still receives pay.

Funny how a f/a by not following a simple rule like signing in has now involved, a reserve, a crew scheduler, afa, paying two f/a's for the first day of one trip and 48 hrs of stress rest.
To MarkMyWords and whom ever is of the same opionion, you really DO NOT have a clue. I have many friends and relatives throughout the company in almost every work group and the majority DO NOT care anymore what happens to this company. What is going on is management's fault and management's only. It is because of their greed, ineptness, uncaring, self-centered dealings with this company and employees. They have pushed too far!

From what I have heard, the employees that will be at their post on the holidays are the ones that have no family near them, must be there due to disiplinary levels or DESPERATELY need the money. They are all prepared if there is a higher number of call offs than usual and DO NOT care. There will be NO animosity towards the employees that call off. IT IS UNDERSTOOD!!!!! Bags will be checked in and loaded and unloaded one at a time, passengers checked in one at a time, lost baggage claims and calls taken one at a time, Res calls taken one at a time and problems and complaints taken one at a time. Everyone working will take their prescription prozac or valium and they will get through the next six or seven days staffed or half-staffed. It can't get much worse than it already is. Everyone has to do what they've got to do.

As far as passengers....they were long ago fore warned.
bobcat said:
Everyone working will take their prescription prozac or valium and they will get through the next six or seven days staffed or half-staffed. It can't get much worse than it already is. Everyone has to do what they've got to do.

As far as passengers....they were long ago fore warned.

Ain't that the truth. Thank God for valium.....oh sure, have 3 on me....10 bags of pretzels? No problem!! What should you do with your miles? .....one moment sir, I'll be right back. (pops another legal valium) RETURNS...Oh everything will be alright. I wouldn't worry about it. The govt won't allow us to shut down. (right?) Don't worry, here, have another cocktail. B)

:lol: :lol: 😛
bobcat said:
As far as passengers....they were long ago fore warned.

Customers are entitled to best efforts by all employees. Threats under the guise of "warnings" further erode your position with the judge. Echoing previous sentiments, please leave if you are that unhappy. If your complaint is about current pay, you are free to resign and work wherever you can be paid appropriately.

Unless your union presents a viable alternative to current management, they are here for the duration. If your complaint is with management, your resignation will also eliminate your dependence on them.
This happens to me all the time and I call them out on it! I got QCK CALLED for a Caribbean one day a few months ago and rushed like mad to get to the airport. I mean breakneck speed to get there. After clearing security I called F/A scheduling to tell them I was walking to the gate and I was in the airport. Upon arrival at the gate I see no aircraft and no agent. I thought they had given me the wrong gate so I went up to another agent who looked in the computer only to tell me......"Oh....that flight left 10 minutes ago." She said the blockholder showed up at the last minute and they left. Now, at what point did scheduling decide not to call and tell me? Oh wait!?......I called them twice and they never told me the plane was leaving. No communication in OCC. They should have told that blockholder to just turn around and GO HOME. They knew she was late and they had called me out to cover the trip. They also knew I was only a few minutes from the airport because I kept them informed of my location on my cell. Now, I am breathing hard from running around and I paid a $3.00 toll to come to work. So, I called scheduling and they said......"oh, yeah we let the blockholder take it...sorry." I got paid for that trip and it was the principle of the matter. The only way they learn is when they must pay out a claim. It's like a puppy...when they piddle on the floor you have to show them what they did wrong. It's not pleasant but hopefully they learn. I even wrote on the claim "You should not have to be paying this out...but maybe next time OCC will communicate better." If a blockholder doesn't sign in for a trip they give them all the leeway in the world but heaven forbid I am ever late signing in as a reserve.....it's "we covered the trip...just go home and call your supervisor." (I have never had a late check in but many friends of mine have)
This happens all the freaking time! Everything must to have a check and balance. If we were not able to file claims for this sort of thing what is the "check" for them running us raggid? For those of you who don't know what it's like to be Quick Called I can tell you no matter now many times it happens or how many years you have it always gets you in a twitter. You are rushing...making sure you turned off everything in your home and you have all your things. What route will get me there the fastest? A million things go through your head and it's a stressful time...your constantly checking your watch to make sure you are there within your call out time. This company gets you all in a twitter and into the airport only to tell you...."oh...opps....just kidding". Nope...they better not call my tail over to that airport unless they intend me to fly on that aircraft. They play this game like "well the blockholder is coming late and lets call out a RSV too....whoever makes it there the fastest wins the trip." They think it's funny I guess.
AtlanticBeach said:
Customers are entitled to best efforts by all employees. Threats under the guise of "warnings" further erode your position with the judge. Echoing previous sentiments, please leave if you are that unhappy. If your complaint is about current pay, you are free to resign and work wherever you can be paid appropriately.

Unless your union presents a viable alternative to current management, they are here for the duration. If your complaint is with management, your resignation will also eliminate your dependence on them.


I think people have a need to blow off steam. While I agree that if one is TRUELY unhappy, they SHOULD leave, I also believe that the reason for having a union is for not only protections, but also to provide those alternatives you spoke of. The problem is that it gets frustrating when you deal with a managemant team and negotiators whose philosophy is capitulate or liquidate. Where do you go with that?As humans, most rebelle when threatened in such a way. Usually three things happen.
1. Fight to the end.
2. Become apathetic from the years of abuse and take whatever.
3. Stick with the company, hoping things will get better.

It's funny, if you are number 1, people criticize you. Example...not ONCE...and I keep up with things pretty much...has our current or future MEC AFA President called for a sick out. Infact, there has not been ANY rumblings on the jumpseat, yet many of you opposed to the passions of those like PITBULL continue to spread lies of the contrary. Also, sending out a strick vote DOES NOT MEAN a strike is going to happen. Why has there not been a big deal made about the CWA, who already authorized a strike? Could it be that there is no passionate leader that can rival PITBULL? Our strike authorization ballots haven't even been sent out and you guys are spreading lies of an imminent strike.

For those of you like number 2, you are in a fog, walking around with no purpose. You have lost all hope and know you have mouths to feed at home. You feel powerless, therefore you go along, like Jews gathered in the holicaust, not putting up a fight, uncertain of your fate, your spirit stymied by uncertainty and fear. When the train stops, uncertainty remains. There is no fight. They have won. Your spirit is dead. You do whatever.

For those in number three, God love you. Unfortunately, I have watched many who were believers that all would be ok and improve move to the number 1 position. It's fun to be a #3 because everyone praises you for being a great team player...the kind of employee we need. Yeah, you will be accused of being Oprah, but the compliments feel good, so you dare not ever say how you REALLY feel. Everything is "just fine". At first you mean that with the most optimistic smile in the world. But after a while, that "just fine" comes with an attachment...a sarcastic grin.

The number threes are more realistic to the job market today and ususally have distraction, such as family, to keep them focused on the hope that all will be "just fine". They switch from smile to grin when they say that and sometimes too easily, not even aware of the easy transition themselves. The over whelming threes are the A320's who root for the team mainly because they have more to lose, therefore their optimism is actually lead by fear. Again, everything will be "just fine".

Where am I? All three...as complicated as the person I am. The reason I say all this to you is that it isn't so easy to just say leave. I'm staying around for pure curiousity. I know I will be alright and who knows, maybe enough will retire or leave that I will actually be a top dog in senority. If the company goes under, hey, that's out of my control. Like my dad says "US Airways has been about to go under for 15 years, son, so why worry now?" Easy for someone retired to say but oh so true. I am single and have no responsibilities, but many have families and can't "just leave", so cut some slack jack. Some of these fine folks have no place to go BUT to this thread to complain. I would much rather them do it here then take it out on their families or coworkers. Let it out here.

I would much rather work with a passionate PITBULL than a "JUST FINE" sarcastic grinning timebomb. Just a little food for thought. 😉
You always have the option to quit your job. The company does not owe you anything...if you think you can get paid more or treated better somewhere else, please do us all a favor and leave.
firstamendment said:
I would much rather work with a passionate PITBULL than a "JUST FINE" sarcastic grinning timebomb. Just a little food for thought. 😉

Agreed. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
jack mama said:
You always have the option to quit your job. The company does not owe you anything...if you think you can get paid more or treated better somewhere else, please do us all a favor and leave.

That is only one option open to all the employees. Several other options include riding this puppy to the ground, give your 79% everyday. You are wrong also as the company does owe the employees. Especially the ones who have given and given and given. The company could and should act in a adult and appreciative manner. Especially those 25 or so on the $23 million pay/compensation list for the last 12 months. Where do they think the funds are coming from? The groups that are currently in negotiations would be in a better frame of mind if the company would show up with a attitude of "let's work together".

See.......the prescription drugs do work...... 😉

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