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Blue Flu

Why did the company insist on taking away the older system that Reserves had? I thought that this new system was to go hand in hand with the new bidding process? Didn't that sytem work better? :huh:
MarkMyWords said:
I know full well what the employees are going through. I know the root cause of the problem. I am not throwing salt on any wounds, what I am trying to do is make people stop and think about the consequences of their actions. Go read some of the other posts in the thread and others. Many people are advocating a "sick out" as a means to teach management a lesson. Many of those same people do not full understand the consequences to every other employee group in the company.

How would you feel if you were a F/A stuck on an airplane full of people waiting 2 hours to load/unload bags? Would that reduce your stress? Would that help your cause? Or does it just make your job that much harder and increasing your stress?

What about this F/A that you talk about, who is so stressed out and depressed that she is crying over a trip assignment that went bad. How would she handle being on that same airplane? She isn't getting paid for that time on the gate fielding irrate customers comments and questions.

You don't know Jack about what employees are going through. I read all your posts. They are empty, and pointless.

THERE IS NO SICK OUT. The emploiyees at U are sick, as I have told you over and over again for the past two years. They have apathy, no incentive to do a job here, and they can't afford to quit.

This managment has destroyed the workforce. And you can sit and hide behind your stupid cubicle and pretend all day that folks are deliberately trying to punish managment.


Rant over...
I was told the other day that Reserve is 15 years in all bases except DCA and LGA...that's unbelievable! :shock:
my guess would be that the new system evenly spreads the msiery throughout the entire reserve book, versus the top reserves timing out early and the bottom reserves not flying at all. Now no one makes their time. PERHAPS, some of this will go away when we increase flying in Feb. If the plan is to increase block hours and not staffing, hoepfully more reserves will make their time.....but that is just my take on it.
Whatnow? said:
I was told the other day that Reserve is 15 years in all bases except DCA and LGA...that's unbelievable! :shock:

I assume you're talking about F/A's, since the junior pilot has 16 years....


You really need to understand where the problem comes from, why we have a problem, before you can treat the symtoms, or cure it.

There is major abuse here. And the work force is not strong enough to orchestrate anything. They are beaten down, and are extremely emotionally drained, stressed and sick.

These are the consequences to this type of environment.

You don't hear what I hear all day long from every single base. I run around putting out fires in order to give these folks some incentive to stay in this rat hole until we can give them something to leave with.

I only see the future filled with more uncertainty, poverty, and abuse.
hack73 said:
I wonder what day the "FLU BUG " will hit this week ?Wednesday,Sundayor maybe Tuesday.If you are flying this week,be ready for Chaos due to short staffing and an abundance of sick calls.Maybe Glass and Lakefield can chip in and throw some bags this week.After all of the negativity thrown at the IAM,CWA and AFA, it is time to reciprocate.YOu treat your employees the way you expect them to treat the passengers.Management by example,not with this crew of clownns in CCY!

This quote is the first post in this topic. Does it sound like legitimate sick occurences or the underlying pangs of a possible "unauthorized job action." And this is not the only poster to bring up this same question. It has come up in several other discussion threads.

Pitbull - Your rants on this discussion thread are off base and do not respond to the points I have brought up. Keep pounding your chest my dear and you will need to put your bra on backwards tomorrow!
Whatnow? said:
This 21% paycut is definitely destroying our paychecks right now, but isn't AFA partly to blame for that too? An agreement needs to be put out there soon, because 3 more months of this is gonna take a toll! And as far as being a 15 year RSV, wouldn't any agreement on the table right now fix that problem for good?

1. There is no way you can come to an agreement with these jacka@@ management croonies as long as they do NOT negotiate in good faith and in ethical terms. Maybe YOU think AFA is partly to blame, but I blame management for unrealistic time limits. They concentrated on ALPA and didn't have the forethought to have enough negotiators for ALL the unions so your assessment has no merrit.

2. Your response is a typical answer management loves to hear. That way they can rush an agreement and fill it full of wholes and then start interpreting them or breaking the contract at will. Do you want that?

Apparently you are not a f/a or you appear to be a very fearful one. I still believe if this management team wants us to survive, we will. As far as a sickout, I have heard of nothing,but the company talks this crap and they always end up with reserves sitting at home come Thanksgiving day.

Don't worry your head with threats. Friend, we learned threats from the best of the best....US Airways management. Hopefully this time THEY will cave and see that the f/a's are SICK of it. :angry: :blink: 😉
MarkMyWords said:
This quote is the first post in this topic. Does it sound like legitimate sick occurences or the underlying pangs of a possible "unauthorized job action." And this is not the only poster to bring up this same question. It has come up in several other discussion threads.

Pitbull - Your rants on this discussion thread are off base and do not respond to the points I have brought up. Keep pounding your chest my dear and you will need to put your bra on backwards tomorrow!

Well, wise guy,

I think it will take a lot of chest pounding to flatten me out.

And just because some poster who probably is not an employee starts a topic about sick, doesn't make it so.

Pitbull -

Let's try this one more time.....staying on topic.....

Would you support an unathorized "sick out"?

Do you agree that in an event like a "sick out" that it is the Customers and Your fellow employees that suffer far greater stresses then Senior Management?
West Coast - I suggest you refill the cheese, it seems your whine doesn't have anything to wash down. I was doing the whole ticket counter, gates, and ops and got out while I could. Can I help it if you like the view from the Titanic?
MarkMyWords said:
Pitbull -

Let's try this one more time.....staying on topic.....

Would you support an unathorized "sick out"?

Do you agree that in an event like a "sick out" that it is the Customers and Your fellow employees that suffer far greater stresses then Senior Management?



I don't authorize any illegal job action!!!! That's a pretty dumb thing to ask. And the f/as don't participate in unathorized job actions.

A. I don't give a damn about managment.
B. My focus at this time is not on the customer, but on the employees very survival. The customer can always find another cheap airline to fly on, the employees are the ones that are subsidizing this outfit to their detriment.
MarkMyWords said:
my guess would be that the new system evenly spreads the msiery throughout the entire reserve book, versus the top reserves timing out early and the bottom reserves not flying at all. Now no one makes their time. PERHAPS, some of this will go away when we increase flying in Feb. If the plan is to increase block hours and not staffing, hoepfully more reserves will make their time.....but that is just my take on it.


In good faith...something US Airways managment knows NOTHING about...the new reserve system was to be implemented ONLY when the Preferential Bidding system was to begin. That system would provide more blocks and there would not be as many reserves, therefore the system may have worked. But oh noooo, 10,000 excuses from Excuse Air on why at the time they had to do it NOW (which was then), causing too many reserves to sit and not get their time in. The company broke the contract, reading it as they felt, and has caused there to be basically no such thing as senority and a group of employees taking 50-70% paycuts. The last thing that system was to do was "evenly spread misery to the reserves". How silly a response.

It gets down, as always, to the company negotiating in bad faith. I promise you no matter WHAT agreement comes our way, the ink won't be dry before these bozos start breaking and reinterpreting as they see fit. You can "mark MY words" on THAT one. 😉
firstamendment said:
I promise you no matter WHAT agreement comes our way, the ink won't be dry before these bozos start breaking and reinterpreting as they see fit.

As they're already doing with the pilot agreement....
