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Blue Flu

Dizel8 said:
Whether it is the flu or CHAOS, these threats by the AFA is like pulling out a gun, you have to be serious and know the consequences. I think, that the company will call it, thinking it is a bluff and personally, I think it is. The AFA must be aware, that the impact of this could well be the end of U. That means no more paychecks, however dismal they may be.
Are you prepared for the fallout?

Having said that, what U management is trying to force through is reprehensible and does call for a response, otherwise, they may well try for more later, sensing the utter despair of the employees.

So, the question is, does the AFA have the guts to go through with this or will it once again be shown to be an empty threat? If it is the latter, then you might as well stop paying dues and save those bucks for the bills.

The AFA has issued a threat, it is now time to shat or get off the pot!


This $39 a month AFA is sick of that above mentality and YES, am ready for the fallout. God knows it has been building for 15 years. :angry: :angry:
Customer Service, Ramp and Res agents need to be part of this! In no way should you be sitting there taking the crap from pissed off passengers. The whole POINT of this episode is to piss off thousands upon thousands. When they want to complain, tell them to call their congressman and ask about deregulation. Let them know how much of a paycut their $100 round trip cost you. :angry:

I"m flying someone else this holiday season, for the first time in my life. 🙂
Well, I know no matter what I say, I am going to be wrong in your eyes, but for discussion sake, here we go.

First and foremost, I do feel for this employee and the many that find themselves in similar situations, but commutting versus living in base is the EMPLOYEES choice. If you chose not to live in the city you are based in, then you assume the responsibility of all the expenses and hassles of commuting.

Now lets go back to the C/S decision to let the block holder fly the trip versus the reserve. If the blockholder was there and ready to work, and the reserve would be at the ATO at departure time, the flight would still incur a delay. Being at security at departure time, doesn't get the flight loaded, boarded and ready to go on time. The reserve still has to get from the parking lot or security to the gate, stow her bags, get briefed by the crew and board (since the flight wouldn't have been able to board because you wouldn't have had FAR minimums). The flight will still be 30 minutes late. Allowing the blockholder to take the trip ensures an on time departure. Do you think the blockholder would board the flight for us, while waiting for his/her replacement to show up?

Isn't it the responsibility of C/S to ensure that the airline operates on time, within the perameters of the contract? Was this a violation of the contract to allow the blockholder to take the flight out? Ultimately, our customers could give a rats behind who flies the trip, as long as it leaves the gate when it is supposed to. Are you advoacating that we take a 30 minute delay when we really don't have to?

I understand the frustration employees feel. The adrenilen rush of getting quick called, rushing to make departure, doing an OJ though the airport only to find the flight is gone.
N513AU -

Ohhhhh, I get it now!!!! The point is to piss off thousands and thousands of CUSTOMERS to prove a point. Duhhhhh!!!! What was I thinking???? Well by all means proceed with the sick out across all departments and we can all shut this puppy down early and have Christmas off too!!!!

Then we won't have to worry about that pesky management anymore, cause they will be out of a job and we will have won!!! I sure hope that win can put a roof over your head and food on your table.

I am curious what you suggest, as a course of action for the employees?
If they allow management to get away with this, they may live to fight another day, but under what conditions? Salary starkly reduced, increased medical cost, no pension, reduced sicktime, further furloughs with little chance of returning etc.

What they give up now, they will probably never recoup. If U was to make a magical turnaround the day after the contracts were signed, I can almost assure you, that the companys response would be, that a contract is a contract and you will therefore have to wait untill it becomes amendable, at which point we can discuss changes. Then it will be the same old song and dance, with the company dragging the negotiations out as long as they can.

They called the pilots bluff, which really was not hard, since there were plenty of dissention in the ranks as we saw. The U pilots are now firmly locked into a payscale close to the bottom in the business, in the case of MDA, they just about took the worst commuter contract, namely American Eagle.

Calling these negotiatons fair would be ludicrous, since they are not negotiations, they are capitulation demands full of threats: You give us this or else! They are backing the employees into a corner.
It's said to see so many, so ready to bend over continually. Why would anyone in this industry for as long as most USAir employees continually and voluntarily ever shackle themselves into inaction by their living expenses. So many have traded their proverbial balls for a big life style forced to play suck up to corporate arogance. Enjoy what Glass, and all of the posters here asking you to bend over, are willing to give you.
Exactly. It's time to sink the ship. :up:

MarkMyWords said:
N513AU -

Ohhhhh, I get it now!!!! The point is to piss off thousands and thousands of CUSTOMERS to prove a point. Duhhhhh!!!! What was I thinking???? Well by all means proceed with the sick out across all departments and we can all shut this puppy down early and have Christmas off too!!!!

Then we won't have to worry about that pesky management anymore, cause they will be out of a job and we will have won!!! I sure hope that win can put a roof over your head and food on your table.

You don't understand anything, and this conversation is pointless. C/s will can do what they want as long as they cover the operation and uphold our agreement.

However, since they busted this f/as right to a trip, then they owe here.

Plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing added.

And they took care of it.

Case closed.
OK. so she got paid (credit) for the trip....then what is the big deal? The flight departed on time and the position was coverd.

I will ask again, do you expect us to take a delay on a flight to put the quick call reserve on the trip, or did they do the right thing allowing the blockholder to take the trip?
Dizel8 -

I posted this in another thread, and I think it applies to what you are asking:

There are set guidelines that unions follow to settle negotiating disputes. If it comes down to AFA having to use CHAOS as a legal means of protest over contract negotiations, then so be it. If it comes down to CWA having to strike in order to protest a court imposed contract that takes everything away from that employee group, then so be it. I may not want it to happen.....I may not like that it happens, but that is the unions right to protest in that fashion if there is no other alternative. But if we are talking about renegade employees (not organized) taking matters into their own hands and calling in sick as a form of protest, then you have lost my support completely

What I have been yammering about in this thread is the renegade employees that call in sick as a form of protest. I am not talking about concessions, contracts, what an employee group should or shouldn't take. That is the fight between the Unionis and the Company. No where in here did I address contract negotiations.

Also, in another thread someone mentioned a march on the courthouse as a show of protest over abrogating the contracts. I think that is a great idea. I also think that a march on Washington as a protest would also be a great idea. not only by US employees, but by all airline employees.
You don't understand anything, and this conversation is pointless. C/s will can do what they want as long as they cover the operation and uphold our agreement.

However, since they busted this f/as right to a trip, then they owe here.

Plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing added.

And they took care of it.

Case closed.

you absolutely don't get it. a careless "blockholding" f/a starts this event by not simply signing in, and its "they owe here?" And they, being the company, now has to pay two f/a's for the first day of the same trip. So f/a is initially at fault, 2 f/a's get paid, Co loses money on the deal, and the union gets 39 to transact the deal. It's self perpetuating.

These seeming minor events occur ALL the time involving a myriad of excuses, interpretations and misunderstanding that cost the Co. millions. It is why US is failing.
MarkMyWords said:
OK. so she got paid (credit) for the trip....then what is the big deal? The flight departed on time and the position was coverd.

I will ask again, do you expect us to take a delay on a flight to put the quick call reserve on the trip, or did they do the right thing allowing the blockholder to take the trip?


The correct way to pose the question is: Do we expect the company to put on a delay for a quick called reserve, or do the right thing by allowing any one of those f/as who shows up on time for the trip?

That's the correct question. And the Answer is the latter.

HOWEVER!!!!!! According to our contract, the trip get paid to the reserve who was quick called as he/she owns the trip. There for in this instance, the c/s was not willing to pay here unless it was argued, and further gave her an extra day off along with the first day paid for the trip. But, it won't matter on the pay, as she won't break gruarantee to feel the difference.

Just alot of wasted energy in my opinion, and this is where the fraustration lays. YOu wouldn't know it cause you don't fly the line EVER!
openview said:
you absolutely don't get it. a careless "blockholding" f/a starts this event by not simply signing in, and its "they owe here?" And they, being the company, now has to pay two f/a's for the first day of the same trip. So f/a is initially at fault, 2 f/a's get paid, Co loses money on the deal, and the union gets 39 to transact the deal. It's self perpetuating.
These seeming minor events occur ALL the time involving a myriad of excuses, interpretations and misunderstanding that cost the Co. millions. It is why US is failing.

Closed minded,

No. The c/s errored in that only 1 f/a was entitled to pay. The reserve. They should have allowed the block holder to fly to PHL and then be removed as they didn't own the trip anylonger. The reserve than should have deadheaded as originally planned and picked up the trip in PHL and flew it out.

Instead c/s wanted to short change the reserve. Not in my book.

So, stupid them, they had to pay both. And the reserve got an extra day home to recover from the diqust over it.

Now, everyone is happy. Just like I like it in my book. :up:
MarkMyWords said:
Well, I know no matter what I say, I am going to be wrong in your eyes, but for discussion sake, here we go.

First and foremost, I do feel for this employee and the many that find themselves in similar situations, but commutting versus living in base is the EMPLOYEES choice. If you chose not to live in the city you are based in, then you assume the responsibility of all the expenses and hassles of commuting.

Many F/A's have been commuting for years by choice, yes that's true. But what we have going on here is all these F/A's who are and have been commuting for years suddenly finding themselves on Reserve. This new Reserve system doesn't even work for F/A's who live in base. Most go on duty for about 5 days waiting for phone calls from scheduling allowing them to go to work, if needed. Now imagine if you will, the F/A's who commute in that same situation, they now have to spend the added money for up to 5 days in a hotel room waiting for scheduling to call them if they are needed, if they're lucky that week! These are F/A's again with up to 16 years of seniority depending on where they are based, who have gone back on Reserve because of the cutbacks in the company. So it is not their choice to commute on Reserve, they have no choice in the matter!

As for the F/A Pitbull was mentioning, it's not a matter of a delayed flight or even her getting paid for the trip. It comes down to the treatment of her situation and what's going on with the F/A's on Reserve. This is just one of the many POOR working conditions the employees are dealing with and are trying to change for the better. Don't judge until you've walked in their shoes! <_<

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