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Blue Flu


Your motivation speaks volumes about your character.


The sick out....if there is one.....isn't about teaching managemant a lesson.
It's about spending the holidays with your family instead of with a company that has repeatedly said it doesn't want you around.
The ramp in PHL starts the day with 40+ open lines that need to be filled with overtime! That is before a single sick call but the company includes those lines in its sick call numbers that it puts out to the press.
Even if no one calls out sick for the holiday do you really believe that the overtime will get covered?
PITbull said:

You really need to understand where the problem comes from, why we have a problem, before you can treat the symtoms, or cure it.

There is major abuse here. And the work force is not strong enough to orchestrate anything. They are beaten down, and are extremely emotionally drained, stressed and sick.

These are the consequences to this type of environment.

You don't hear what I hear all day long from every single base. I run around putting out fires in order to give these folks some incentive to stay in this rat hole until we can give them something to leave with.

I only see the future filled with more uncertainty, poverty, and abuse.


You really do need to get out and fly the line more. I believe you are overstating the plight of your group.

While every U employee I have come in contact with speaks openly about their concern for the survival of the company, most do not appear to be emotionally drained or physically sick or stressed. In fact, I have found them to be nothing less than superb in the way they approach their jobs.

The real frustration and stress comes from having to pick up the slack for other, less motivated employee groups. When they don't do their jobs, the other front line employees are the ones in plain view of the customer. They must respond to the questions and concerns of the customers. Not the guys hiding in the break room watching football games or playing cards.

Hopefully, the weather in the Hubs will not be a factor in U's Thanksgiving Holiday operations. From what I've heard, there are plenty of flight crew members who are willing to fly extra over the holidays. So crew shortages should not be a problem, unless they are CHAOS inspired.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
USA320Pilot said:

Your motivation speaks volumes about your character.



Considering how you perform here as a brainless and spineless organism...which I liken to a Jellyfish , You Sir have no room to question anyones character or motives now or ever.

You Sir have badgered your fellow employee's to give up everything they have worked for for years just to insure a flicker of hope of you retaining your lofty perch in the L/H seat of your Baby-Bus.

Maybe you will ? Maybe you won't...but by your continued postings on the subject of the actions of others , its more than obvious your are still living in fear regardless of your getting your way with your particular unions vote.

You have had your say...and that began and ended with your ballot in the confines of the ALPA halls that represent you as a pilot. We shall have our say in whatever form it takes..or whatever actions we as the remainder deem necessary?

Life without a living wage and respectable benefits is simply not worth it...and spare me the static about loving it or leaving it...Cuz to be honest it's loving it that solidifies the convictions of the rest to rise up against what's destroying it , the past and present management.

Un-like some...I will not be calling out sick unless I'm direly ill...foregoing that , I'm going to fight to do it right...and I'm going to fight for my profession in a fashion that will not make me a bad employee just because I do not agree or support those that do not respect us as a dedicated and productive laboring force.

You just do not get it...and maybe too many years of living well above the poverty line will never allow you to grasp our circumstance? Frankly I could care less about you and your cushy flying job...but if you asume it's going to just cruise along on the backs of the remainder of the middle class wage earners here? Let me be the first to say that you and our less than stellar management group are collectively sadly and greatly mistaken.

Nobody cares if survives , if it only survives to satisfy the needs and ambitions of a very select few.
Very well said Phantom.

What he does not realize is, he chooses between a 5,000 sq foot house or a smaller one, driving a mercedes or cadillac.

The lower paid employees are choosing between putting food on their table or pay the bills!
N924PS said:

You really do need to get out and fly the line more. I believe you are overstating the plight of your group.

While every U employee I have come in contact with speaks openly about their concern for the survival of the company, most do not appear to be emotionally drained or physically sick or stressed. In fact, I have found them to be nothing less than superb in the way they approach their jobs.

The real frustration and stress comes from having to pick up the slack for other, less motivated employee groups. When they don't do their jobs, the other front line employees are the ones in plain view of the customer. They must respond to the questions and concerns of the customers. Not the guys hiding in the break room watching football games or playing cards.

Hopefully, the weather in the Hubs will not be a factor in U's Thanksgiving Holiday operations. From what I've heard, there are plenty of flight crew members who are willing to fly extra over the holidays. So crew shortages should not be a problem, unless they are CHAOS inspired.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.


You really need to tell your doctor to switch your medication.....If you think through your rosey colored glasses for even one second that folks paychecks coming around on the 30th will not effect them, you are really in "fantasy island".

You need to come from around your "self serving" world, my friend, folks are in trouble, otherwise you would not have such a LOUD RESPONSE FROM ALL THE F/AS ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!

The only folks not really complaining are pilots and managment...gee, wonder why?

Think you could use a little more pain in the pocket....
PineyBob said:
If an American is to amount to anything he must rely upon himself, and not upon the State; he must take pride in his own work, instead of sitting idle to envy the luck of others. He must face life with resolute courage, win victory if he can, and accept defeat if he must, without seeking to place on his fellow man a responsibility which is not theirs.
– Theodore Roosevelt

Here's a question for you.....Given your current position, take a 21-70% paycut for a job you very well "love" to do. Now in that situation, you are being told it is "your" fault "your" company is failing and may have to shut down for good! You have to give up your retirement, pensions, sick time, vacation time, and of course your salary to "hopefully" make your company survive. How would you feel about that? And the old "If you don't like it quit" does not work here right now. Where are you gonna go during the Holidays to replace a job like this one? With that much vested time in a company and a job that you truley enjoy doing. Isn't it worth the fight to stand up for justice right now? The "Company" dragged the public and the customers into this battle by belittling its own employees! That is just plain WRONG! This Company has a LONG way to go in repairing the damage it is causing on its workforce! And of course, the question is "DO THEY EVEN CARE?"
USA320Pilot said:
Your motivation speaks volumes about your character.

And your willingness to bend over so easily for the company says a lot about yours.
PineyBob said:
If an American is to amount to anything he must rely upon himself, and not upon the State; he must take pride in his own work, instead of sitting idle to envy the luck of others. He must face life with resolute courage, win victory if he can, and accept defeat if he must, without seeking to place on his fellow man a responsibility which is not theirs.
– Theodore Roosevelt

Win victory if he can - presumably through all legal means possible, up to and including a strike (since victory may not necessarily mean the survival of the company).

Accept defeat if he must - interesting tha Teddy said must, not "Just accept your fate for the greater good (or to keep from disturbing others' good deal).

Without seeking to place on his fellow man a responsibility which is not theirs - so one shouldn't go around telling other people what they should do, but rather concern themselves with their own situation.

Old Teddy was pretty smart.....

N924PS said:

You really do need to get out and fly the line more. I believe you are overstating the plight of your group.

While every U employee I have come in contact with speaks openly about their concern for the survival of the company, most do not appear to be emotionally drained or physically sick or stressed. In fact, I have found them to be nothing less than superb in the way they approach their jobs.

The real frustration and stress comes from having to pick up the slack for other, less motivated employee groups. When they don't do their jobs, the other front line employees are the ones in plain view of the customer. They must respond to the questions and concerns of the customers. Not the guys hiding in the break room watching football games or playing cards.

Hopefully, the weather in the Hubs will not be a factor in U's Thanksgiving Holiday operations. From what I've heard, there are plenty of flight crew members who are willing to fly extra over the holidays. So crew shortages should not be a problem, unless they are CHAOS inspired.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

If you believe this to be true, then thank you. That is a high complement to the thousands of us who have lived with this ongoing saga for way too long and understand that your company can suck but your work ethic is yours. I have always felt that our f/a's do an excellent job collectively. And as I have said before, we have learned you can love your job and hate your employer.

I do think we out on the line are somewhere in the middle of what you say and what my pal Pitbull says. I like the f position trips, because I fly with alot of people. I do find more of PB's analysyst with the PIT crews and justifiably so. However, the rest of us know that most of this is out of our control and the only thing left is the right to vote...whether that be for authorization to strike or on a new contract. So I do see alot of your side.

Where I do find alot of anger building up is the motion to void our contracts. That is a whole different ball of wax. I do know that if management is allowed to do what ever they want to us, there WILL be a cost to be paid as that IS the line of what I am hearing from the f/a's. Hopefully a new contract will come into play before that happens, but the f/a's have 0 confidence and -1,000,000 trust in this management team and their negotiator.

Regardless, I and many others refuse to take our frustrations out on the customer but mind you...there is a limit and mine ,friend, will be the destruction of our contracts. So if you are one of our fine customers and care about US, you may want to drop a note to ol Brucie and let him know that the best of us are running out of patience with the notion that we should somehow do it to not screw ourselves and the customer by handing them our contracts. If management gets our contracts,I will promise you they WILL take our pay below any other carrier, putting us in a position where, like the agents, it really won't matter any longer. And that, my friends, will be when I WILL strike in one way or the other..legally only. Because at the end of the day, I DO still love this job and if it is to end for me, I will remember it fondly, but if somebody doesn't stop this wave of CAPITULATE OR LIQUIDATE, ALL carriers, including our beloved SWA, will reap the ramifications. That is why both SWA and American have come out in support of AFA.

All the wisecracks in the world no longer faze me. If there is a true desire to save this company, it will happen. If not, it's not a matter of if, but when I step to the unemployment line.

Let's just all hope for the best.
PineyBob said:
I hold NO LOYALTY to any corporate entity. I love my job and my employer. But if a better deal presents itself this afternoon, I'm gone. By the same token when I'm working I bust my assets as I have my personal integrity to uphold.

Well, all of these employees have been and still are LOYAL to their company. They are just fighting for their rights! This ENTIRE Industry is changing for the worse, and these loyal employees are just trying to put a stop to the massacre at hand. I'm sure you would agree here, your future flying experiences will be equivalent to Greyhound or Amtrak, are you OK with that? I'm sure that you have noticed the dramatic changes already in flying, they are only going to get worse if nothing is done now to stop it!
I don't post much, but read all the time. If you are not at work thru Tues, don't feel sorry for me. Enjoy time with your famlies. As for the ones working, whatever you do. Let's make sure we have the safest airline there is. EVERYTHING you do by the book or manuals...And as my screen name says besafe.
Whether it is the flu or CHAOS, these threats by the AFA is like pulling out a gun, you have to be serious and know the consequences. I think, that the company will call it, thinking it is a bluff and personally, I think it is. The AFA must be aware, that the impact of this could well be the end of U. That means no more paychecks, however dismal they may be.
Are you prepared for the fallout?

Having said that, what U management is trying to force through is reprehensible and does call for a response, otherwise, they may well try for more later, sensing the utter despair of the employees.

So, the question is, does the AFA have the guts to go through with this or will it once again be shown to be an empty threat? If it is the latter, then you might as well stop paying dues and save those bucks for the bills.

The AFA has issued a threat, it is now time to shat or get off the pot!

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