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Blue Flu

Um, yeah......more chest pounding.....

Let's get back to the questions:

So, you are saying that an non-union sanctioned "sick out" is appropriate?

You are saying that a "sick out" will help to put food on an employees table if the whole airline shuts down?

Re-read the post and tell me specifically what you don't agree with?

Aren't the Customers, Agents and Crew Members the ones effected most by a "sick out"?

Do you understand what is CCY's sole concern? Do you know what gets their attention more than anything? Can you comprehend what they place value on? Do you understand the mentality of Jerry Glass and what he worships above all else? Can you guess what most of them there would sell their souls for? Do you know what speaks louder than words or actions? Is the customers money. That is what drives them and if the customer say's Im taking my money someplace else, I can guarantee you we'll have agreements with all labor groups in a New York minute.
WestCoastGuy said:

Do you understand what is CCY's sole concern? Do you know what gets their attention more than anything? Can you comprehend what they place value on? Do you understand the mentality of Jerry Glass and what he worships above all else? Can you guess what most of them there would sell their souls for? Do you know what speaks louder than words or actions? Is the customers money. That is what drives them and if the customer say's Im taking my money someplace else, I can guarantee you we'll have agreements with all labor groups in a New York minute.

You might have agreements in a New York minute but you WON"T have any customers!
MarkMyWords said:
Re-read the post and tell me specifically what you don't agree with? Aren't the Customers, Agents and Crew Members the ones effected most by a "sick out"?

PITbull said:
You will lose major credibility here. :down:

Actually Pitbull I would like to see you respond to his post and give specifics on were he erred in his post. Seems to me like he was spot on.

Who's credibility is really on the line here?
MarkMyWords said:
Um, yeah......more chest pounding.....

Let's get back to the questions:

So, you are saying that an non-union sanctioned "sick out" is appropriate?

You are saying that a "sick out" will help to put food on an employees table if the whole airline shuts down?

Re-read the post and tell me specifically what you don't agree with?

Aren't the Customers, Agents and Crew Members the ones effected most by a "sick out"?

What are you? Some kind-a broken record?

This isn't about a sick out. Its about folks being sick about their pay check and not being able to pay their bills.

Had a f/a reserve 15 year yeasterday in the crew room, quick called and had someone ride her 40 minutes to the airport, dropped her off there, only to find out that the plane left with the blockholder that was late picking up that 3 day. The f/a said it was the 2 time this month that something prevented her from picking up a trip AND SHE HAD IT!!! She was resigning yesterday. She BEGGED C/S to give her any trip they had, why?

She was entitled to that trip NOT the blockholder that forgot to sign in for the trip.

The company should have put her up for the night, instead we asked them to send her home for two days so she could recover from THE DAMN STRESS!!!!!


And these folks CAN't quit. No enemployment unless they get fired.


Or are you going to sit here and ask the same GD questions???? :angry:
WestCaost -

And do you understand that when you call of sick - to prove a point - you are putting the screws to your fellow employees and Customers, much harder then you are going to effect Bruce? Lakefield and Bronner can shut this place down tomorrow if they wanted to and it would have little effect on their lives. Bruce can go back to APF and enjoy retirement and Bronner will have a small 1% write off of a botched inverstment. You and I, and every other employee here will have a much harder time.
Whatnow? said:
You might have agreements in a New York minute but you WON"T have any customers!

Then I suggest Lakefield and Glass take note because many of us here have had enuf and will not break our backs and live in poverty for this job, so that they can continue to milk this company out of millions, while refusing to take the lead and provide leadership and direction and respect for those of us who have given our all. For many it would be better if they receive unemployment and training benefits to start a new future.

Unless I missed something.....the topic is BlueFlu. Meaning a sickout. When you go back and read the posts, the discussion is about calling in sick over the peak holiday travel. I make a statement about who is really effected by a sick out and you come on here to jump my $h!t about concessions and compensation. Two very different topics.

He's "spot on" about what? A sick out. He assumes there will be one.

What he's not telling you is that every single damn day the folks here are sick.

Now, you as a customer won't see it, because these folks won't wear their hearts on their sleeves.

BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK? I think that the customers need to understand that folks need to exist at a job. AND THE TICKET PRICES DO NOT REFLECT THE APPROPRIATE PRICE FOR THE FARE.GIVE ME A BREAK.

The truth here is that the entire transportation system everywhere is in trouble and IT NEEDS REGULATED because business' can not make money in transportation.

And SW will be in the same shape as all of us very very soon.

You don't understand the root of the problem, therefore, this topic is irrelevant. You are only focused on the symptom, not the problem

Why? Cause you don't know how to fix it. Only to complain about it.

This problem is bigger than you or me. And no matter how much you sit and complain about the folks who have given up, you will not change their minds...you will only throw more salt on the wounds.
PB, part of her problem is that she NEEDS to go to work, obviously to make some money to live. I'll bet you a dollar that she WON"T participate in any "sickout"! Why? because she needs to fly and make a living with whatever it takes right now! This 21% paycut is definitely destroying our paychecks right now, but isn't AFA partly to blame for that too? An agreement needs to be put out there soon, because 3 more months of this is gonna take a toll! And as far as being a 15 year RSV, wouldn't any agreement on the table right now fix that problem for good?
PITbull said:
A sick out. He assumes there will be one.
Well then lets all hope that his assumption is wrong, because if he is not then his post is accurate, unless you would like to point out were he is not.

Pit, you know that I care about the employees. It truly breaks my heart to read post like the one above about the reserve F/A. You know that I believe in rational fares, not low fares.

But if you want to talk truth, then you and I both know what the results of a sick out will be, and the risk of there being NO check for Christmas is very real.
I know full well what the employees are going through. I know the root cause of the problem. I am not throwing salt on any wounds, what I am trying to do is make people stop and think about the consequences of their actions. Go read some of the other posts in the thread and others. Many people are advocating a "sick out" as a means to teach management a lesson. Many of those same people do not full understand the consequences to every other employee group in the company.

How would you feel if you were a F/A stuck on an airplane full of people waiting 2 hours to load/unload bags? Would that reduce your stress? Would that help your cause? Or does it just make your job that much harder and increasing your stress?

What about this F/A that you talk about, who is so stressed out and depressed that she is crying over a trip assignment that went bad. How would she handle being on that same airplane? She isn't getting paid for that time on the gate fielding irrate customers comments and questions.
Whatnow? said:
PB, part of her problem is that she NEEDS to go to work, obviously to make some money to live. I'll bet you a dollar that she WON"T participate in any "sickout"! Why? because she needs to fly and make a living with whatever it takes right now! This 21% paycut is definitely destroying our paychecks right now, but isn't AFA partly to blame for that too? An agreement needs to be put out there soon, because 3 more months of this is gonna take a toll! And as far as being a 15 year RSV, wouldn't any agreement on the table right now fix that problem for good?

No. ANY AGREEMENT ON THE TABLE WILL DESTROY OUR PEOPLE. THIS 15 YEAR RESERVE ONLY HAS 28 HOURS. There is only 8 days left of the month. Now you and I both know, she will not get her time in. ANd she commutes. Puts herself on quick call every single day she is on duty. Can't afford hotels or a commuter pad. Someone in PIT lets her sleep the night and drives her to the airport to fly. She is broke, and just cried and cried yesterday.

I personally can't take it. I can not tolerate this managment and the people are suffering.

NO. WE WILL NOT GIVE THIS MANAGMENT WHAT THEY WANT. Big difference on need and want. We are the only group that the co. is demanding our wages at the 4 year jetblue f/a. NO other labor group is being compared to that standard for wages.

This is not about topped out f/as but those who are 13 year and less THAT WILL NOT MAKE IT.

So, the deal is that if managment wants to play ball, then negotiate. If they don't, then ALL SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR SUTIABLE WORK. Cause it is not on this property anymore. Its only suitable for managment. And I'm am sick to death of supporting their life styles.