AtlanticBeach said:
Customers are entitled to best efforts by all employees. Threats under the guise of "warnings" further erode your position with the judge. Echoing previous sentiments, please leave if you are that unhappy. If your complaint is about current pay, you are free to resign and work wherever you can be paid appropriately.
Unless your union presents a viable alternative to current management, they are here for the duration. If your complaint is with management, your resignation will also eliminate your dependence on them.
I think people have a need to blow off steam. While I agree that if one is TRUELY unhappy, they SHOULD leave, I also believe that the reason for having a union is for not only protections, but also to provide those alternatives you spoke of. The problem is that it gets frustrating when you deal with a managemant team and negotiators whose philosophy is capitulate or liquidate. Where do you go with that?As humans, most rebelle when threatened in such a way. Usually three things happen.
1. Fight to the end.
2. Become apathetic from the years of abuse and take whatever.
3. Stick with the company, hoping things will get better.
It's funny, if you are number 1, people criticize you. Example...not ONCE...and I keep up with things pretty much...has our current or future MEC AFA President called for a sick out. Infact, there has not been ANY rumblings on the jumpseat, yet many of you opposed to the passions of those like PITBULL continue to spread lies of the contrary. Also, sending out a strick vote DOES NOT MEAN a strike is going to happen. Why has there not been a big deal made about the CWA, who already authorized a strike? Could it be that there is no passionate leader that can rival PITBULL? Our strike authorization ballots haven't even been sent out and you guys are spreading lies of an imminent strike.
For those of you like number 2, you are in a fog, walking around with no purpose. You have lost all hope and know you have mouths to feed at home. You feel powerless, therefore you go along, like Jews gathered in the holicaust, not putting up a fight, uncertain of your fate, your spirit stymied by uncertainty and fear. When the train stops, uncertainty remains. There is no fight. They have won. Your spirit is dead. You do whatever.
For those in number three, God love you. Unfortunately, I have watched many who were believers that all would be ok and improve move to the number 1 position. It's fun to be a #3 because everyone praises you for being a great team player...the kind of employee we need. Yeah, you will be accused of being Oprah, but the compliments feel good, so you dare not ever say how you REALLY feel. Everything is "just fine". At first you mean that with the most optimistic smile in the world. But after a while, that "just fine" comes with an attachment...a sarcastic grin.
The number threes are more realistic to the job market today and ususally have distraction, such as family, to keep them focused on the hope that all will be "just fine". They switch from smile to grin when they say that and sometimes too easily, not even aware of the easy transition themselves. The over whelming threes are the A320's who root for the team mainly because they have more to lose, therefore their optimism is actually lead by fear. Again, everything will be "just fine".
Where am I? All complicated as the person I am. The reason I say all this to you is that it isn't so easy to just say leave. I'm staying around for pure curiousity. I know I will be alright and who knows, maybe enough will retire or leave that I will actually be a top dog in senority. If the company goes under, hey, that's out of my control. Like my dad says "US Airways has been about to go under for 15 years, son, so why worry now?" Easy for someone retired to say but oh so true. I am single and have no responsibilities, but many have families and can't "just leave", so cut some slack jack. Some of these fine folks have no place to go BUT to this thread to complain. I would much rather them do it here then take it out on their families or coworkers. Let it out here.
I would much rather work with a passionate PITBULL than a "JUST FINE" sarcastic grinning timebomb. Just a little food for thought.