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The DA can file charges regardless of the alledged victim(s).

Where have you been?
I have been in PRE LAW STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. You are WRONG. If a shop owner chooses not file charges against a shoplifter, then the DA has no case. If I beat up my neighbor and he does not file charges then guess what....NOTHING HAPPENS! The DA can investigate the crime, but if no one files a complaint then that is the end of it. The only exception is in the case of a battered spouse or child/elder abuse...also if the victim is in a condition where they can not file charges ie. a coma or dead..then the DA has full reign. I give you credit for some of your post, but on this one YOU ARE WRONG.
A DA can file charges, then later drop the case because the witness would not testify, ie Kobe Bryant, doesn't mean they don't have a case, just that the witness would not cooperate, ever hear of a hostile witness?

And I majored in Pre-Law when I was in college.
A DA can file charges, then later drop the case because the witness would not testify, ie Kobe Bryant, doesn't mean they don't have a case, just that the witness would not cooperate, ever hear of a hostile witness?

And I majored in Pre-Law when I was in college.
The DA filed criminal charges in the Bryant case because THERE WAS A COMPLAINT FILED! The hotel worker in the Bryant filed a criminal complaint with the police...hence an arrest based on crimial charges. If no one in the case of the notorious "22" files a complaint, then there will be no arrest.

A hostile witness is someone who testifies in a court hearing AFTER CHARGES HAVE BEEN FILED. The only time a witness can be considered hostle before charges have been filed is during Grand Jury Testimony. This process is used to if the DA has a strong enough case to proceed with an inditement and to file charges.

I am not getting into a Law School debate with you, its not worth my time.

What the "THUG 22" did was wrong, charges filed or not, and they now deserve what has happened. No sympathy here.
Go read a criminal complaint it is the STATE vs the defendant, not the victim.
Ok so how does a murder victim file a complaint with the police then?

Please enlighten us!
Un-employement benefits are for those persons who have lost their jobs at no fault of their own. The termination of the "22" came at their own hands. US Airways nor any other outside force had anything to do with this.

I hope you can appreciate the fact that these folks knowlingly and willfully broke the law.

The "22" have only themselves to blame for their current situation.

On a personal note. Quick tempered, hot headed people who appear to have a serious disreguard for law and order have no business working on or around aircraft. Our passengers and fellow employees deserve better than that.

The four best points I have read yet in this thread....unemployment my A$$....throw them in jail!!
Ok so how does a murder victim file a complaint with the police then?

Please enlighten us!
Really man...to enlighten you.....
When a crime has been committed and there is a victim who is in a coma, mentally unavailable, or DEAD, the State will proceed with the investigation and prosecution. It is the States responsibility to seek justice for those who are no longer able to do it themselves.

Enough of this BS Law School Q & A!

The "THUG 22" got what they deserved. They are adults who knew better than this. We don't need that type of employee working around aircraft for God's sake.

As far as the Uneployement Benefits go, I hope they do appeal the decision and I pray that US AIRWAYS attends the appeal hearing as they will be asked to do, and I hope that US sends a CLEAR MESSAGE TO ANYONE ELSE WHO THINKS THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW. UNLAWFUL ACTIONS COMMITTED BY ANY EMPLOYEE IN THE SERVICE OF THE COMPANY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED BY U-S OR ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE FOUGHT THE HARD FIGHT TO KEEP THIS COMPANY GOING. There is a right way and a wrong way to handle any situation. They chose the wrong one. The end.
Really man...to enlighten you.....
When a crime has been committed and there is a victim who is in a coma, mentally unavailable, or DEAD, the State will proceed with the investigation and prosecution. It is the States responsibility to seek justice for those who are no longer able to do it themselves.

Enough of this BS Law School Q & A!

The "THUG 22" got what they deserved. They are adults who knew better than this. We don't need that type of employee working around aircraft for God's sake.

As far as the Uneployement Benefits go, I hope they do appeal the decision and I pray that US AIRWAYS attends the appeal hearing as they will be asked to do, and I hope that US sends a CLEAR MESSAGE TO ANYONE ELSE WHO THINKS THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW. UNLAWFUL ACTIONS COMMITTED BY ANY EMPLOYEE IN THE SERVICE OF THE COMPANY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED BY U-S OR ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE FOUGHT THE HARD FIGHT TO KEEP THIS COMPANY GOING. There is a right way and a wrong way to handle any situation. They chose the wrong one. The end.

Boy this one is loaded too...trying not to touch it. Im so not right with this, i nearly have the mind to call the IAM with FREE legal advise to fight for the unemployment benefits of these people. Firing them was enough, stop trying to completely destroy them. Many of your arguments and a heap more can be used against US Airways for piss poor management. The operation of US Airways by top management has done more to inflict devestating harm on employees and customers a like....i dont hear the out cries for the airlines future to be destroyed. Step back and take it in. I find it amazing...the anger put forth by some people against 22 wrong doers against a handfull, and not the same against a few handfulls that inflict worst damage upon 10's of thousands........
Boy this one is loaded too...trying not to touch it. Im so not right with this, i nearly have the mind to call the IAM with FREE legal advise to fight for the unemployment benefits of these people. Firing them was enough, stop trying to completely destroy them. Many of your arguments and a heap more can be used against US Airways for piss poor management. The operation of US Airways by top management has done more to inflict devestating harm on employees and customers a like....i dont hear the out cries for the airlines future to be destroyed. Step back and take it in. I find it amazing...the anger put forth by some people against 22 wrong doers against a handfull, and not the same against a few handfulls that inflict worst damage upon 10's of thousands........

EXACTLY! Thank you.
So when and where is this shin-dig? Menu? Cost? Donation??

April 21st at LL1776's hall in Tinicum. $25 gets you in the door. Beef, beer, and who knows what else will be served. It'll probably be a nice spread though.

Sure it will.

Ask the female FSA in PHL that has over 20 years with the company what happened to the ghetto boy that physically threatened her.

Ask the other female FSA in PHL that was punched in the face by another ghetto boy what the outcome was.

I'll tell you what; NOTHING

PHL Management can put out all the memos they want to regarding zero tolerance, but they can't continue to be afraid to enforce it.
And the good taxpayers of the Commonwealth should subsidize these thugs for what?
In case you forgot,in the U.S. your innocent until PROVEN guilty. Don't be a hater. Stop drinking the Company-Aid. :down:

Not much belief as more IAM strong arm tactics. IMO all of the bullies aren't gone yet. See PITbull is what those of us out here don't know is how many Hot Dogs are sold @ $5.00 and we won't know ever. Also I think the attendence or lack thereof will tell us much more than any anecdotal information here.

So maybe those in the know will report on the attendence and if possible the number of "Dogs for Thugs" sold each day.

Think all of those $9.59/hr new hires give a rats rear end about the Thug 22?
Don't HATE. :down:
Ask the female FSA in PHL that has over 20 years with the company what happened to the ghetto boy that physically threatened her.

Ask the other female FSA in PHL that was punched in the face by another ghetto boy what the outcome was.

I'll tell you what; NOTHING

What was the (PHL) iam's position on these ?

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