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this article is a good read

Unfortunately this is typical! The politics of personal destruction. No actual facts to point to Doug Parker. But hey why let facts get in the way of Character assination.

I'm in TOTAL support of bringing the res work in house and I've had the pleasure to meet a great many CWA members and leaders, but damn John-john you totally lose me with crap like this. To me it just reinforces the stereotype and it's a stereotype I'm not real fond of and it's counterproductive for the average worker.
i agree till he or anyone else as some facts no need to post things like that
Unfortunately this is typical! The politics of personal destruction. No actual facts to point to Doug Parker. But hey why let facts get in the way of Character assination.

I'm in TOTAL support of bringing the res work in house and I've had the pleasure to meet a great many CWA members and leaders, but damn John-john you totally lose me with crap like this. To me it just reinforces the stereotype and it's a stereotype I'm not real fond of and it's counterproductive for the average worker.
The article is about DP and his view on labor. I am sure DP has a strong opinion on union labor. I spent a many of night at the supper table listening to my dad and his opinion on labor and management. I also sat in my living room with my mother watching dad cross the picket line as low level management with State troopers line up with cars turn over. Crossing the picket line is something very personal and emotional only a few select have felt. My dad stated entry-level union labor and work his way up to middle management. I would say my dad opinion is union wages and benefits help created Middle America with union pay I think entry-level management and middle management are paid well because of union pay. Like my dad says YOU HAVE TO KEPT THE BIG BOYS HONEST. Now PineyBob you assume it was my opinion that DP was being stereotype by me in a negative way I would think DP is very interested Kroger situation since his dad spent his life working there. And I think labor and management have lot to learn from their mistakes. After working for this airline for 28 years in customer service I always listen and get the customer opinion before making my own opinion and suggestions.
proud son of a scab......NW is hiring.
My dad was card carrying member in good standing with the The United Steelworkers (USW) for 20+ years I recall two strikes with my dad walking the line in his mid 40’s he went into management and retired at 65 years of age with 46 years of service. And I hope you know the difference between a scab replacement worker and someone rising thru the ranks to management
I dont know what everyone has against CEO's, including Doug Parker. These positions are availalbe for any person willing to work hard enough to achieve that status and level of salary. CEO's are no different at any other company, they all like the power, the prestige, the ability to make change and anyone who doesn't like the salary would be foolish. I'd like to see some of the critics actually step in and try to make it all work at US Airways or any other large company for that matter.

If you can do it better, then step up to the plate! You can create change for the better by spending less time on this board and more time moving forward in the workplace.
This is so true...if it was so easy we would all be CEO's I sure as hell would not want the pressure...something to be said about being a worker bee...
It is (at least on my part) scepticism based on past U CEOs and Parker's lack of intiative, thus far. I feel that he is just another empty suit. I hope he proves me wrong, but I bet he won't. Goodness, LCC cannot even get the HFs to work on the PHNL flights and they have years of experience at UEAST, but god forbid we tap into our resources, let's just flail along here.

Many of us out here have our own companies. Small companies where we are CEO, CFO, VPs of everything and responsible to our families and our employees and with NO GOLDEN PARACUTES if things go badly.
any guy who runs with the bulls in pamplona spain has my vote. lol.

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