Full planes mean nothing if you aren't making enough to cover your costs. Is that how you run your home?
Bobby Jr,, "Dad pay me more allowance?"
You,"Uh son, my fuel cost are up, I need to buy a new car because the old one has 300,00 miles on it, and food has gotten expensive."
Bobby Jr, "Dad don't con me, you are always working OT and you and Mom just took a vacation."
You, "Son, don't question me. This is my house and my rules. Don't like, get a job and move out."
Based on your positions on this blog, you must be deeply in debt and cave to the son's demands.
Yep mechanics are working tons of OT. When I look around the DFW ready room at any of the terminals I see mechanics playing on their laptops for hours. And yes, I am one of them. If management would pull their head out of their "Blank" they wouldn't call in OT like they do. But hey, working one gate call for 8 hours tim and a half. That's money I can't turn down.
Revenues are up but guess what, so are costs.
I am sorry about telling the truth. If you would like to hear fairy tales then read your own stuff. Believe what you want to believe. Fact is every other airline union that took their chances in BK is not better off then they were before. Outsourcing is up, pensions got hammered, medical benefit costs went up, and the jobs have not returned. But they didn't have Bob Owens so we are going to get a different result...right? RIGHT?!?!