Best I can tell the only change is now everyone is going to lose their prefunded retirement medical not just those under 50.
Let me comment on that.
Do you feel thats good or bad ?
In the TA we turned down the company said that those over 50 would continue prefunding and those under would not, those under 50 could use their contributions to buy credits for retiree medical, they get nothing for the match. If they wanted retiree medical they had to turn over their contributions (plus the match) before they could use their sick time to buy coverage. The company was not only charging much more than other "conceptually similar" plans but they were giving us much less sick time to bank, no means to rebuild our banks after a catastrophic illnees or injury and reserved the right to raise the amount of hours need to buy coverage after three years.
This would have split the membership right down the middle. Another divisive condition within the workforce.
OK so if this had been voted in all the guys under 50 would be out of prefunding, they would have all lost their matching funds, in my case $6500 and would have also had to give the company our contributions now to buy coverage years down the road, in my case another $6500, so for two years of retiree medical it would have cost me $13000 from a safe trust fund In a BK filing that would all be 'at risk".
Now comes the next round of negotiations, more than half of us are out of the prefunding plan and the company has kept both our contributions and the matching funds, what do you think is going to happen to those who are still in the plan? They will be a minority. What are the chances that those who lost all their prefunding will fight for those who still have it ? You helped take it away from us and we would retuirn the favor. Thats why most senior guys voted against this. It would be gone, you would be left with the same options as us, if you want any retiree medical you will have to turn over all the funds to the company for just a few years of coverage and before we negotiate a new deal they could raise it from 20 per month, to 30 to whatever they felt like. Then after they get us all out they could turn around and cancell the plan, and then all they would have to do is return any remaining funds that are in the accounts of retirees under 65 to them, everyone else is simply screwed. They would pocket over $100 million. Even if you retire you are not safe. Retiree medical is not protected like Pensions.
Lets say that passed then a year later company approaches the TWU saying that they need the TWU to agree to dump the Retiree medical altogether and the TWU must agree or they will file for BK and dump OH. Dont you think the TWU would agree to that? You would get screwed as well, but the company may let you buy credits with your contributions. Now the company has all our funds, both the matching and the contributions that we paid from our after tax paychecks. We took this money out of a bankruptcy proof trust and gave it to the company for "credits" to buy retiree medical, then, when the company cant get what it wants from the pilots, they file BK anyway, how much would those credits be worth? ZERO. So I would have lost $13000. You would lose even more.
Heres the big pictiure, the company wants out of retiree medical, and not only do they want out, they want to find a way to steal all the money from our accounts which are now in a Trust Fund held by JP Morgan that they cant touch in bankruptcy. If they unilaterally cancell it they get nothing, it all either goes back to us or remains in our accounts. In the TA they wanted to take it all from those under 50, both the match and our contributions, then no doubt come for you guys later. Now they are only trying to steal the matching funds but do it all in one fell swoop. They still would pocket $57 million just from our contract group.
One thing thats better about this situation than the TA is we are all in the same boat, old, young, line OH, we either stick together or we all sink.