AWA's first PILOT leaves USAirways

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I think all of you in the east should bow down to Captain MCNERLIN. Without him and the rest of the AWA employees keeping AWA afloat all these years we would not have been around save you. Maybe United would have come to your rescue instead :lol: Delta for sure :lol: Oh damn that's funny.

Well 24 years is impressive for HP... while at US, a 24 year senior pilot is about enough to be a Reserve Captain on a 737. I know that at MDA, we had a 16 year captain flying the E170...
I read the US board about then and saw no one, but admit I miss quite a few threads.
Here ya go:

On May 28 2007, 05:14 PM, Walmartgreeter wrote: "I will cross the picket line of any airline that does not respect the concept of seniority."

I responded: "I sincerely hope you get the chance to be the SCAB you've always wanted to be."

To which Walmartgreeter retorted: "My pleasure, indeed."

This from the thread entitled, "From a US Airways pilot to a AWA pilot" started on May 27 2007, 04:59 PM by (who else?) USA320Pilot.

I'm bored of searching so I'll leave it with this one example.
Here ya go:

On May 28 2007, 05:14 PM, Walmartgreeter wrote: "I will cross the picket line of any airline that does not respect the concept of seniority."

I responded: "I sincerely hope you get the chance to be the SCAB you've always wanted to be."

To which Walmartgreeter retorted: "My pleasure, indeed."

This from the thread entitled, "From a US Airways pilot to a AWA pilot" started on May 27 2007, 04:59 PM by (who else?) USA320Pilot.

I'm bored of searching so I'll leave it with this one example.

I searched and found the same one ( and only one ) you did.

Actually, had you read what he said, you would be ashamed of yourself for stupidity.

He said nothing about a union but, simply an airline that defines their list by something that does not respect seniority. For instance, an airline that places some order based on, say, alphabetical, "slotting" or birth-date. Is that OK by you? What about an order based on the length of your genitalia, which would put all the A&W pilots on the bottom?

How about the "blondness" of your hair and the closeness to the Aryan norm?

Sorry, for your MEC chairperson to refer to "seniority" in his latest blather, that pretty much cops it for me. If you want to run a union that recognizes anything other than seniorty, "scabbing" really does not apply. I'll take your job, also.
Here ya go:

On May 28 2007, 05:14 PM, Walmartgreeter wrote: "I will cross the picket line of any airline that does not respect the concept of seniority."

I responded: "I sincerely hope you get the chance to be the SCAB you've always wanted to be."

To which Walmartgreeter retorted: "My pleasure, indeed."

This from the thread entitled, "From a US Airways pilot to a AWA pilot" started on May 27 2007, 04:59 PM by (who else?) USA320Pilot.

I'm bored of searching so I'll leave it with this one example.

No need to dig or search, I will say it again...No union that does not respect the concept of seniority will ever get my support. Any other concept is simply "every man for himself."

If my date of hire means nothing, with 22+ years of unbroken service, then the entire concept of a "union" is dead.

There are no scabs on the East side, and we intend to make sure that there will be no reason for there to ever be scabs here.

What part of you "are getting a new union" have you missed?

What part of you are not a scab until you cross a line have you missed?

Your years of service mean nothing if you go to Delta or any other carrier so why should it be any different if this is a new entity/carrier. A fundamental flaw in your logic is that it totally disregards existing SENIORITY at the old entities (AWA & USold). The Award honors SENIORITY, not your length of time at your OLD carrier.

The merger created a new stronger company out of 2 weaker ones. One that was days away from liquidation and another that did not have a strong enough route structure or international presence to sustain long term growth.

Easties see the merger as US Airways once again bouncing back form the brink of death and storming to victory. They pause for a moment and say "Oh, who are those AWA guys and what do they want?" After AWA responds the east replies with "unacceptable! This is US Airways and we know how to run an airline (to the ground) and we have worked very hard and long to get here."

Enjoy LOA 93 for the remainder of your career!!! Poetic justice :up:

No need to dig or search, I will say it again...No union that does not respect the concept of seniority will ever get my support. Any other concept is simply "every man for himself."

If my date of hire means nothing, with 22+ years of unbroken service, then the entire concept of a "union" is dead.

There are no scabs on the East side, and we intend to make sure that there will be no reason for there to ever be scabs here.

What part of you "are getting a new union" have you missed?

What part of you are not a scab until you cross a line have you missed?

Go to admit you feasties (my new word for you types) are good at distorting the truth/facts. Taking six words out of my sentence and changing the context is par for the course with you guys. Bravo!!

Your 18 years at US was worth a junior FO spot and that is what you ended up with on the new list. Oh, I know it's such a travesty, a wholesale destruction of your career, complete devastation, a holocaust of epic proportions, the end of civilization as we know it...blah blah blah.

Your years of service mean nothing

Nuff said.

McNeill, Michael B CAL 83 doh 5/21/84
McNeill, Steven H CAL 83 dob 11/25/52, SSN 8566, 0576M
McNeill, Wiley R EAL 89 72175, 7/89
McNerlin, Irby Randal WAA 77 SSN 9571, dob 6/23/47, ATP2113107, Blimp
McNulty, T J UAL 85 51486, DEAD
McPhee, Michael A CAL 83 dob 3/7/54, 0173D
McPhillips, Bernard B CAL 83 dob 5/5/46, 0797G
McQuigg, Andrew R EAL 89 59425
McRae, Candace M EAL 89 64123, 4/89
Go to admit you feasties (my new word for you types) are good at distorting the truth/facts. Taking six words out of my sentence and changing the context is par for the course with you guys. Bravo!!

Your 18 years at US was worth a junior FO spot and that is what you ended up with on the new list. Oh, I know it's such a travesty, a wholesale destruction of your career, complete devastation, a holocaust of epic proportions, the end of civilization as we know it...blah blah blah.

Hope you guys never end up in a cockpit together. These flamethrowers could endanger the safety of the flight.

A320 Driver B)
Hey 767jetz, care to enlighten the board?

No need. Walmartgreeter pretty much summed it up here:
Nice try 700. But since you have not a clue....the 570 hired at UAL in late 84-85 were brought into the fold by ALPA early on. ALPA told everyone involved to get all the training they could at the company's expense, and be ready to walk....which all but a handfull did when the time came. The only scabs in that operation were the ones who crossed an active picket line and went to work. These are basic facts, no spin necessary. I know, I was there.


Some might say that some of the 570's intended to scab but never had the chance to since the strike ended before they were called upon by the company. Your very own infamous 320 captain falls into this group. He was hired as a 570, but when it became apparent that he would not be able to jump ahead of the others by scabbing, he went to USAir. (Thank God!) Now he claims it was such a smart idea, even though at UA today he would be a 777 captain. (Much to his chagrin.)

As for UA scabs posting on this board, I'm not really sure who you are talking about or why you think I would know. That was an era long before my time.

He said nothing about a union but, simply an airline that defines their list by something that does not respect seniority.
That doesn't even make sense. Non-union airlines can do whatever they want and union airlines have specific rules. Walmartgreeter applies his own criteria to decide whether a picket line may be crossed. This is what scabs do; they find whatever reason suits them to justify their scabbing. Like I wrote before, I sincerely hope he gets his chance.
I think all of you in the east should bow down to Captain MCNERLIN. Without him and the rest of the AWA employees keeping AWA afloat all these years we would not have been around save you. Maybe United would have come to your rescue instead :lol: Delta for sure :lol: Oh damn that's funny.

Now that is funny. Maybe you already bowed down on him. Must be a Westie thing protecting scabs.
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