AWA's first PILOT leaves USAirways

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How many 20+ yr. capts does the east have?

The 20 year captains at USAirways are the most junior captains we have.

How many 30+ year captains does the west have? The east has dozens.

West - zero.

How many 25+ year captains does the west have? The east has hundreds.

West - zero.

You guys need to get a life.

We've had a life as an airline since 1946. Our most senior employee was hired in the 1950's.

Get a clue.
America West's first pilot leaves US Airways
The Republic notes that the reverse side of McNerlin's employee badge reads "P0001," the low number a testimony to his longevity at the company.

"the low number a testimony to his longevity at the company."

"..........longevity at the company."

"longevity".....What a concept. It seems intuitive to even the press... :up:

As for honoring ANY scab...count me out as well.
"the low number a testimony to his longevity at the company."

"..........longevity at the company."

"longevity".....What a concept. It seems intuitive to even the press... :up:

As for honoring ANY scab...count me out as well.

He was not honored. Only a handful of folks praise this scab. Those are the folks who in their carreer scabed at other airlines including ansett.
Wow. I checked out the "scab list" hyperlink. There are a bunch of AWA pilots on there.
That's nothing to be proud of.
Shame, shame, shame.
They should put those UAL hires on their who were hired to be scabs, this board has one who posts here all the time.

Hey 767jetz, care to enlighten the board?
They should put those UAL hires on their who were hired to be scabs, this board has one who posts here all the time.

Nice try 700. But since you have not a clue....the 570 hired at UAL in late 84-85 were brought into the fold by ALPA early on. ALPA told everyone involved to get all the training they could at the company's expense, and be ready to walk....which all but a handfull did when the time came. The only scabs in that operation were the ones who crossed an active picket line and went to work. These are basic facts, no spin necessary. I know, I was there.

Absolutely correct Greeter.

U hired a lot of those guys and none were scabs. In fact, I don't know of a single scab on the East seniority list.

If there are any I'd sure like to know who they are.

Absolutely correct Greeter.

U hired a lot of those guys and none were scabs. In fact, I don't know of a single scab on the East seniority list.

If there are any I'd sure like to know who they are.

It's possible that we may have a few from the Trump Shuttle. I know that we have ONE flight attendant scab from Eastern in DCA.
In fact, I don't know of a single scab on the East seniority list.
Just curious, but were you reading these boards back in May right after Nicolau's decision came out? At least two USAirways pilots proudly proclaimed their desire to be scabs. Sad, but not an unusual phenomenon. There are a handful of ex-TWA pilots drooling for the APA to strike just so they can scab. Emotions rule over logic in a lot of people.
Just curious, but were you reading these boards back in May right after Nicolau's decision came out? At least two USAirways pilots proudly proclaimed their desire to be scabs. Sad, but not an unusual phenomenon. There are a handful of ex-TWA pilots drooling for the APA to strike just so they can scab. Emotions rule over logic in a lot of people.

I read the US board about then and saw no one, but admit I miss quite a few threads.

Please, post their aliai.
The one East guy who was promoting whipsaw isn't worth commenting on. He is the guy no one wants in their foxhole.

No matter how contentious or ugly this gets or has gotten I can say with a lot of confidence that few, if any, East pilots would scab. Anywhere or anytime.

And if there are any out there that would they would be scum just like the #1 guy who just retired from the West. Pure scum.

A Post Script:

In typical Sandcastle fashion, the latest "About US" article about the retirement of P0001, identifies him as


Bravo Zulu Tempe!
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