AWA's first PILOT leaves USAirways

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I don't suppose we could just wish him well like gentlemen, could we?
A320 Driver B)

Maybe you can take up a collection for him. At 60 years of age with a SIX YEAR old son he's going to need some seed money for a college fund!
I'll take that as a "NO".
A320 Driver B)

Take it as a HELL NO!

Do you even know the meaning of the term scab? Based on your previous posts I imagine you'd be first to cross a picket line.

Wish him well? What a moron.

Hey Pilot and Hawkhunter - What's black about 12 inches long and hangs infront of a Ahole?? Your Tie!!

Best Wishes to anyone that survives this biz long enough to retire - East or West!!
Randy is listed under a google available "Scab List by Name" as scabbing for WAA, Wien Airlines. DOB 23 June 1947.

I am absolutely certain Randy was a "nice" guy. He pulled off a scam and leveraged himself to a number one position at A&W for 24 years. Why would he have any concerns, at that point? Why is it, simply by labeling someone as "nice", trumps all sorts of bad behavior. Let me put it this way. You cannot trust him to watch your back, he effed up in a way that should forever condemn him as untrustworthy, yet, ignorant people continue to defend these morons.

OBTW, almost every Capt. at US has 20+ years in the left seat or ability to bid the left seat the entire time.

Scab or Not, he's a great guy. I flew with a few Ansett, CAL and other scabs as an FO, and made sure to tell them what I though about crossing a picket line. That was the first good conversation we always had on the first leg.

After that, it was always a professional and comfortable pitt of cocks :D

Now, about 20+ year captains and FO's? Easties bragging about experience, etc.

I am an 8 year CAPT that makes more that ALL your FO's...!!! Hahaha... Get used to it! Or come onboard for a REAL contract!

23+ years of flying w/o any accidents/incidents, cert. actions, etc.

So why MOST of you Easties OLD FARTS think that you are better? What diff does it make?

Get a clue!!!

P.S. Just having fun w/ U AAA OLD FARTS! :up:
I don't suppose we could just wish him well like gentlemen, could we?
A320 Driver B)

Gentlemen, preferring the company of like-minded individuals, are not and do not tolerate cads, boors, thieves or liars, much less, scabs.

That you seem to pass on such behavior would tend to cast yourself in dubious light. Your definition of "gentleman" seems rather broad, encompassing most any form of human male. Did you have to broaden the term so that you can still call yourself a "gentleman"?
Scab or Not, he's a great guy. I flew with a few Ansett, CAL and other scabs as an FO, and made sure to tell them what I though about crossing a picket line. That was the first good conversation we always had on the first leg.

After that, it was always a professional and comfortable pitt of cocks :D

Now, about 20+ year captains and FO's? Easties bragging about experience, etc.

I am an 8 year CAPT that makes more that ALL your FO's...!!! Hahaha... Get used to it! Or come onboard for a REAL contract!

23+ years of flying w/o any accidents/incidents, cert. actions, etc.

So why MOST of you Easties OLD FARTS think that you are better? What diff does it make?

Get a clue!!!

P.S. Just having fun w/ U AAA OLD FARTS! :up:

Yep, you would scab too.

P.S. Just having fun with the legends in their own mind club.

Hey Pilot and Hawkhunter - What's black about 12 inches long and hangs infront of a Ahole?? Your Tie!!

Is that the best you can come up with? Even AWA320 has more wit than you. You girls and guys must be really be getting nervous.

Gentlemen, preferring the company of like-minded individuals, are not and do not tolerate cads, boors, thieves or liars, much less, scabs.

That you seem to pass on such behavior would tend to cast yourself in dubious light. Your definition of "gentleman" seems rather broad, encompassing most any form of human male. Did you have to broaden the term so that you can still call yourself a "gentleman"?

Now that AWA Contract, is how it is done
Yep, you would scab too.

P.S. Just having fun with the legends in their own mind club.
Now that AWA Contract, is how it is done

LOL!!! Hawky! Not in a million years!!!

If you will take a second and pull your head out of your A$$, you'll realize that we are all in this together, that the WEST did NOT wanted or ask for this stupid merger. And that after all, we have a lot of things in common!

We can keep having "fun" with each other, but at the end we need to get together to achieve what we ALL want.


Not a bit nervous - Just making my point - Your reply on a thread that was started to wish someone good luck on thier next step in life was just flat rude. Only goes to show what type of person you really are. I would not hesitate to wish someone on the east side best wishes if they make that point in life.
Gentlemen, preferring the company of like-minded individuals, are not and do not tolerate cads, boors, thieves or liars, much less, scabs.

That you seem to pass on such behavior would tend to cast yourself in dubious light. Your definition of "gentleman" seems rather broad, encompassing most any form of human male. Did you have to broaden the term so that you can still call yourself a "gentleman"?

A pilot retires, and you guys can't gather up one ounce of human kindness to wish someone well without passing judgement and calling names, and just let it go at that. He can't hurt you now, he is retired.

Whether I am or am not a gentleman is not determined by my devotion to trade unionism...and I hope it never is. This board has turned decidedly ugly. I have had my part in it and I regret it. Every day I seem to have less in common with members of this pilot group.

I thought my comments might restore some civility to this thread. I was wrong.

A320 Driver
A pilot retires, and you guys can't gather up one ounce of human kindness to wish someone well without passing judgement and calling names, and just let it go at that. He can't hurt you now, he is retired.

Whether I am or am not a gentleman is not determined by my devotion to trade unionism...and I hope it never is. This board has turned decidedly ugly. I have had my part in it and I regret it. Every day I seem to have less in common with members of this pilot group.

I thought my comments might restore some civility to this thread. I was wrong.

A320 Driver

A scab retired. Bye scab. There are you happy now.
A pilot retires, and you guys can't gather up one ounce of human kindness to wish someone well without passing judgement and calling names, and just let it go at that. He can't hurt you now, he is retired.

Whether I am or am not a gentleman is not determined by my devotion to trade unionism...and I hope it never is. This board has turned decidedly ugly. I have had my part in it and I regret it. Every day I seem to have less in common with members of this pilot group.

I thought my comments might restore some civility to this thread. I was wrong.

A320 Driver

Civility has nothing to do with celebrating a liar, cheat and thief moving on through life.

Passing judgement? Are you kidding? The guy is a scab, no judgement involved. He made his choice. Now live with it. He took another persons job! He has demonstrated that he is willing to place himself above a profession. and now you want me to be "professional" and offer my hand in peace. Hell, at least bin Laden has excuses for what he did. Your man is just a rat coward with no excuses.

If we do not condemn such people than he can hurt us. By not condemning the bastard, we make it easier for others to follow his lead. You glorify his choices.

Are you saying you would scab, also?
pilot retires, and you guys can't gather up one ounce of human kindness to wish someone well without passing judgement and calling names, and just let it go at that. He can't hurt you now, he is retired.

A scab is a scab for life. He stole the food off the table of another pilot long ago. He HURT that same pilot, and this profession, for the rest of their careers. HE WAS A SCAB. I wish him nothing but the worst. Time does not heal a true "SCAB."

This is not Paris Hilton redemption..this is the end of the line for a traitor to the profession. I wish him, and anyone who thinks SCABS get a Larry King pass..nothing but the worst.

He STILL hurts us all, and your forgiveness is your own. Don't speak for the rest of us, on being a SCAB. I hope his retirement is short lived.


Oops, forgot to add..the only thing worse than a scab is someone who does not respect seniority.

Sorry about that.

:ph34r: Anybody ever notice that Hawk and Narc pretty much post simultaneously, regardless of topic. Have they ever been seen together in the same room? :ph34r:
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