AWA's first PILOT leaves USAirways

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As to the "Scab List" published earlier here, I can't help but note McNerlins's name upon it with about 17 other names if memory serves.

I also recall that no US pilots appeared on the list.

I'm not sure what that tells you, but it tells me something.

I never met this McNerlin fellow but obviously he's on the list. There's about 3 pages worth of CAL pilots on that list too. They're all dues-paying ALPA members now. Our ALPA National President walked the picket line in 1983 but has worked with them and represented them since then.

What does that tell you?

(Oh, and how come the UA pilots that went over to Oz and did the exact same thing as the AWA pilots are not on the list and the AWA guys are....could it have something to do with the fact that, at the time, UA was ALPA and AWA wasn't?)

ALPA is like the Catholic church in that your sins will be forgiven, except that for going to confessional you just have to promise to pay your dues every month.
Despite all the "holier than thou" rhetoric, I suspect that there's not a unionized pilot group which has been through a strike that doesn't have (or had until they retired) scabs on it's list. That would include some of the various carriers that became part of what is now East......

If you are just a customer, why do you pay so close attention to our internal squabblings?

No one on the west that I know of condones any scab activity, and any scabs we do have on property are not working here because we accept their actions. What would you like us to do with them? Hang em by a tree? What point are you trying to make here? That AWA has a few scabs working here? Ok, now what's your point? Are you trying to say their is guilt by association?

Not anymore than we've verified who you are. :D

As to the "Scab List" published earlier here, I can't help but note McNerlins's name upon it with about 17 other names if memory serves.

I also recall that no US pilots appeared on the list.

I'm not sure what that tells you, but it tells me something.
Despite all the "holier than thou" rhetoric, I suspect that there's not a unionized pilot group which has been through a strike that doesn't have (or had until they retired) scabs on it's list. That would include some of the various carriers that became part of what is now East......


"Suspect" all you want. Show us the "who" and "where", otherwise kindly shut up on this.
As usual all my question were ignored and why? Because they rather mudsling then answer questions they know will to discredit themtheir very own posts.

Another question to add to the list that I already asked Pines.

Please since we can't read your mind what exactly is the "something" that is so telling? And what are your suggestions to fix "that something" And what could have been done to have avoided that "something" from ever happening?

Pines, EastUS and BottomFeeder what is the matter can't or won't answer these?

Again I ask you three:

Since you are so puffed up by your East Pilots union lack of Scabs can you expand on what you personally did AND what your East union did to make sure no Scabs were ever hired or merged into your group?

Would you care to ponder how many Airlines have Scabs amongst their union members?
Since when does being a member of a union that has Scabs within the membership make ALL members Scabs and scabby by nature?
Since when does a union control who the company hires?
How many Scabs have any or all unions been successful in having fired for Scabbing after a strike has ended and the strikers return to work?

And lets play fair. Answer every question before you continue calling me an associate Scab.

And one last question will you drop the "guilt by membership in same union as a Scab" monker when the merger of the Airline is complete (assuming it happens before it is destroyed) kinda like you dropped the binding from "binding arbitration" when things didn't go your way?

Since when does what a few posters on an internet board say reflect on what the whole AWA West group thinks? Since when does one's own personal opinions reflect on the personal opinions of the whole? Does that mean if one East Pilot posts on here (and he might have already posted) that he has no problem with this Pilot being a Scab that should reflect on the whole East Pilot group? As much as you want EVERYTHING a one way highway for the East Pilots you are not the only ones on the highway.

And have you verified each alleged West Pilot posters real identity to make sure they are not really East Pilots or someone else with a axe to grind that might be posting misinformation.
I can't believe that a thread about McNerlin has gone 8 pages! The man is, was and always will be a SCAB. No excuse or efforts to rationalize his decision to scab can change the fact that the man scab did not stand with his profession when he should have. Good riddance. How many more left? Not sure. I can think of about 5 off the top of my head. All Ansett guys. One even has a father on the list....scabbed at UAL. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
So, should anyone post anything else here about McNerlin, remember, first of all, he's a scab. Does anything else pertaining to him after that matter? Hell no.....

Good day.
I can't believe that a thread about McNerlin has gone 8 pages! The man is, was and always will be a SCAB. No excuse or efforts to rationalize his decision to scab can change the fact that the man scab did not stand with his profession when he should have. Good riddance. How many more left? Not sure. I can think of about 5 off the top of my head. All Ansett guys. One even has a father on the list....scabbed at UAL. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
So, should anyone post anything else here about McNerlin, remember, first of all, he's a scab. Does anything else pertaining to him after that matter? Hell no.....
Good day.

It wouldnt of gone this far but several of you defended the scab. You are the first to actually call him a scab. All we heard was what a nice guy he is. Good for you for calling him what he is.
You've directly insinuated the presence of scabs out east...
Not surprisingly untrue. Perhaps you'd better read my post again.....

Now, are you guaranteeing that not one pilot on the Mohawk seniority list crossed the picket line during the 154 day strike in 1971? Care to guarantee the same for the 53 day PSA strike in 1980? How about the 31 day Piedmont strike in 1969?

It wouldnt of gone this far but several of you defended the scab. You are the first to actually call him a scab. All we heard was what a nice guy he is. Good for you for calling him what he is.

Actually that is not true. Pilot was first to call him a
Scab. Here are the ones that said he is a Scab:

1st.Pilot says Scab
2nd.Hawkhunter says Scab
3rd.ussnark says Scab
4th.Walmartgreeter says Scab
5th.Dorf says SCAB
6th.Lunvnsat says Scab
7th.isthiok I think was saying he is a Scab
8th.Charlie_Tuna says he is Scab (post 103)(only saying that because his name is on that list and I assume he is on there for a reason but I have no other proof)

The one below said he is not a Scab:

JetMonkey says not a Scab and is a great guy

The one below said Scab or not he is a great guy:

Skyrat says Scab or not he is a great guy

The two below gave him best wishes with no mention of what he was or wasn't

A320 Driver says can't we just wish him well like gentleman
AWA Contract says Best Wishes to anyone that survives this biz long enough to retire - East or West!!

So you say "All we heard was what a nice guy he is." It looks to me you want to read (hear) what you want to read. Did I miss some of "all" those Posters saying how he was such a great guy? Please point them out.

Actually this thread started with a SKY HIGH posting an article from USAtoday that he ends with "only stating opinions"

Pilots next post was Scab and with post 5 Hawkhunter threw the match to the fuel with "I bet you Westies are real proud of this guy. Like I said, AWA started with scabs and scabed again in the late 80s. How many scabs do you still have flying? Will they get a party when they retire? Why isnt there a list out? Is it that you Westies just dont care? What a joke."

Yes Hawkhunter a joke. You are the joke

So who really made it go this far huh? Oh of course always the West is to blame for everything.

By the way still waiting for answers to my questions I directed to the flamethrowers. You know the questions you want to just go away.
Let me reiterate just so everyone is clear:

McNerlin is a scab. Once a scab, always a scab.

End of story.

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