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AWA MEC Chairman's Special Update

We are using legal means to get what we have WORKED OUR #####s off for.
This is part of the problem that many pilots everywhere suffer from: a sense of entitlement. FO's who are displaced captains aren't entitled to get the left seat back. They'll get it back when their seniority can hold it, if and when that occurs.
Why don't we just agree to disagee and let the process play out.
If guys don't like it, go into section 6. That should get you a new contract in what, 3-4 years?
Nope, it'll get us a new contract never. The Company has made it clear it won't be negotiating in any forum other than the JNC.
I'm willing to wait and see if I get a Capt bid in CLT on the next one.
Good luck. I'll be lucky to upgrade in a decade.

Where did I say the Company was at the MEC meeting?


And you are one of the bitter Piedmont Pilots that are still mad about being left behind by your past choices... And thus feel sympathetic to the AWA pilots being left behind by a cheaper US Airways-East

😱 :shock:
No, I am one of the many furloughed AAA pilots that decided not to return to US Airways, ever.

Rico, Rico,

Sorry you jumped on the MDA thing, via the CEL, and things didn't work out the way you envisioned. Although, without it written in black and white, many chose not to take the chance, and are in much better shape today.

And you really still think you were an AAA pilot.......
So sad. :unsure:

I guess it's hard to feel any sympathy for some it's-all-about-me people after looking at their past actions.

Good luck in what ever you choose in your future.
Good luck. I'll be lucky to upgrade in a decade.
In my over two decades here I have been a capt for about four years. I truly hope your record is better than that.

Good luck to us all, I think we need it.
Too bad your thoughts do not jive with the ALPA EC, the Rice Committee, US Airways MEC, and the Company according to "open session" information at this week's meetings.

I hate to break this to you, but your MEC has yet to deliver on ONE promise they've made your pilot group.
How is it that the east goes from pending liquidation to International Growth? And why is it I have moved backward in relative seniority in the last year?

Oh wait, I remember....the Merger...no more growth for the West, loss of airplanes, etc. Lucky me that I can buy that new boat on my new found career expectations. I might hit up the new car dealer while I'm at it.

Where did I say the Company was at the MEC meeting?



You clearly implied it in a reply to Junebug :

""Junebug, the ALPA EC, the Rice Committee, the US Airways MEC, the US Airways NC (note I did not say JNC), and the Company are going to move forward and the intention is to obtain a new East contract that permits separate operations for the East and West and "includea preemptive contract language to assure their continued application during any future merger involving both the US Airways and America West pilots.""

Now on July 18 the company (Elise and Lyle) stated during the CLT "townhall" meeting that they were only interested in a joint contract. (Check out the video on the Hub, interesting that Doug and Scott couldn't be bothered to go)

Now you state above that the company is willing to negotiate with the East as per the new resolution. The statement was made at the same time the resolution was made public. Therefore, in order for such a statement to be true, somebody from the company had to agree to this, while the meeting was going on. Either that, or your reps are lying to you....and they wouldn't do that, would they? 🙄

So, which company representative agreed to "move forward" in lock-step with the EC and AAA MEC (and if it wasn't at the meeting, when did they agree to this?)
Now on July 18 the company (Elise and Lyle) stated during the CLT "townhall" meeting that they were only interested in a joint contract. (Check out the video on the Hub, interesting that Doug and Scott couldn't be bothered to go)
For those without access, they said several things during that town hall:

"The company's view is that we need to bring both employee groups together and negotiate single contracts"

"The end game to get to is single contracts"

"The transition agreement requires that we negotiate for a joint contract"

"As far as a company we're committed to negotiate with the JNC and we really can't vary from that without some approval from both union groups."

"The drive has to be to get to a single contract"

"You can't just negotiate with one side and not the other....we can't just do that per the transition agreement. We have to deal with the JNC and we're governed by that agreement"

Just those six statements Jim, all within an hour, that have the exact same and clear meaning? Is that the best you can come up with? :lol:
Just those six statements Jim, all within an hour, that have the exact same and clear meaning? Is that the best you can come up with? :lol:
Hey - I haven't taken the time to listen to the unedited audio transcript yet...... maybe that's where all the "we'll move ahead with or without the West pilots" remarks are hiding :shock: :lol: 😛

CaptainZitface, I did not imply anything and in my remarks I never said the Company was at the MEC meeting.

BoeingBoy, in regard to the JNC talks and the grievance situation the US Airways Negotiatindg Committee is only permitted to discuss the following contract language per this week’s resolution:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such separate operations are to be permanent in nature and include preemptive contract language to assure their continued application during any future merger involving both the US Airways and America West pilots, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC authorizes the US Airways members of the NC to pursue an equivalent contract utilizing all necessary ALPA resources, including the assistance of the Rice Committee.

And, as BOS F/O Rep. Garland Jones said this week, “The JNC talks will go forward, but not in the "traditional sense," and may include many different variations that we have not yet even considered. BoeingBoy, how come you conveniently left that piece of information out of your post?

Finally, did you happen to notice the following resolution? In US Airways ALPA MEC AI 07-81 - Transition Agreement Dispute Resolution - July 25, 2007, which I posted on this board earlier, the MEC said "WHEREAS dispute resolution language on this matter has been drafted by the Representation department of ALPA National and,"

"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon resolution of the dispute between the two ALPA parties, if resolved as sought by the US Airways MEC, the Association will file the dispute resolution language drafted by the ALPA National Representation Department seeking to ensure that separate operations be maintained between the two ALPA parties, and"

"BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that separate operations be maintained between the two parties as prescribed in the Transition Agreement."


It matters not what Garland Jones or the East MEC says. It only matters what the company will negotiate.
CaptainZitface, I did not imply anything and in my remarks I never said the Company was at the MEC meeting.

Thanks for finally admitting that. So, obviously, when you wrote "the ALPA EC, the Rice Committee, the US Airways MEC, the US Airways NC (note I did not say JNC), and the Company are going to move forward" you were just "adjusting the truth to fit your definition of reality". Glad we cleared that up.

the US Airways Negotiating Committee is only permitted to discuss the following contract language per this week’s resolution:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots[ with separate operations, and

OK, so the only acceptable solution is separate ops. Got it.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC authorizes the US Airways members of the NC to pursue an equivalent contract utilizing all necessary ALPA resources,

Really, utilize all resources? How revolutionary!! Must be a Harvard grad. There is also a big difference between "pursuing" and "obtaining", a lesson you should have learned by now (DOH, parity, vacating award, etc.)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon resolution of the dispute between the two ALPA parties, [/b]if resolved as sought by the US Airways MEC, the Association will file the dispute resolution language drafted by the ALPA National Representation Department

Nice spin. All it says is that if the two ALPA parties agree to separate ops, the ALPA National Representation Department will write the language. It doesn't say anything about them drafting, or even agreeing with, the AAA resolution.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that separate operations be maintained between the two parties as prescribed in the Transition Agreement.


It doesn't matter how often or how loud you say it, 1 + 1 doesn't equal 3.
And, as BOS F/O Rep. Garland Jones said this week, “The JNC talks will go forward, but not in the "traditional sense," and may include many different variations that we have not yet even considered. BoeingBoy, how come you conveniently left that piece of information out of your post?

Aside from what should have been obvious - my post only concerned executive's public comments concerning the company's position on the pilot's contract talks - anything the BOS F/O rep says is just so much hot air (like someone else that posts here).

Finally, did you happen to notice the following resolution? In US Airways ALPA MEC AI 07-81 ....

Yes - another meaningless resolution. A resolution about a dispute over whether there's a dispute over some undefined part of the transition agreement. Pretty soon the East MEC will be blamed for global warming because of all the hot air.....

BTW, how is that "equal pay for equal work" resolution that was passed working out these days? The one that charged the NC (notice not the JNC) with negotiating pay parity. The pay parity which you claimed Parker initiated discussions on. Are those "MEC resolution mandated" talks still going on?
