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US & AWA MEC Chairman Msg - July 3, 2007

This could buy the East as much as three years of separate operations and arguably 900 upgrades (notwithstanding a change to Age 60). For them it’s an immediate 13% raise, plus a dramatic increase in the E190 rates. For us? More of the current contract. Because without their cooperation, there will be no single contract generated by the JNC process. And without a single contract, no implementation of the Nicolau Award."


Just a minor point: It would be 900 re-quals as we have all been Captains before; Four years before those senior to us under nic were hired.

Response is to Autofixer and all East pilots less the infamous LGA captain:

Assuming no growth per Doug's previous comments, there is no way a separate East is going to see 900 upgrades in three years. Futhermore, the evidence presented at the arbitration hearings made it clear that the majority of retirements in the East will come from the F/O ranks, not the captain ranks. Finally, age 65 is a reality which futher quashes your idea of 900 near term retirements will result in 900 upgrades on the East. Unless something changes with the collective bargaining agreement, no F/Os will see any benefits regardless of whether there is one or separate operations. Be careful about buying into the fanciful thinking of your resident LGA captain who seems committed to promoting the myth that separate equals better for East. All F/Os on this property have a problem and it's up to all of us to aggressively pursue a solution. The problems that the East has with the Nic award are actually solvable (for the most part) and the best thing for all of us is to get past that hurdle and onto the issues which need to be addressed. Status quo is not an option for any of us.
Response is to Autofixer and all East pilots less the infamous LGA captain:

Assuming no growth per Doug's previous comments, there is no way a separate East is going to see 900 upgrades in three years. Futhermore, the evidence presented at the arbitration hearings made it clear that the majority of retirements in the East will come from the F/O ranks, not the captain ranks. Finally, age 65 is a reality which futher quashes your idea of 900 near term retirements will result in 900 upgrades on the East. Unless something changes with the collective bargaining agreement, no F/Os will see any benefits regardless of whether there is one or separate operations. Be careful about buying into the fanciful thinking of your resident LGA captain who seems committed to promoting the myth that separate equals better for East. All F/Os on this property have a problem and it's up to all of us to aggressively pursue a solution. The problems that the East has with the Nic award are actually solvable (for the most part) and the best thing for all of us is to get past that hurdle and onto the issues which need to be addressed. Status quo is not an option for any of us.

Hey nice try.

You say no growth and then say attrition is not going to give the results. These are the only two means of openings in the left seat.

The majority (60%) of the Captian seats are on the East. The retirements are 4 to 1 in the East favor.

The East has ALL the heavy seats with the most of the guys being close to retirement.

One 330 guy retires and it creates 2 upgrades. First the narrowbody Captain goes to widebody Captian. Two the First Officer upgrades to narrowbody Captain.

The age 60 to 65 change delays the process by 5 years but it still will occur.

Status Quo wins by a landslide over the St Nic award

"IF (and I do mean IF) you get it. A joing agreement gets you a 30% - 40% pay increase, 10 additional days of vacation, short-term disability insurance, a liveable reserve system, a per diem raise, etc.

Your MEC is holding your pilot group hostage from a busload of money."

Nostradamus quote

"What about the pesky matter when (not if) the next merger takes place and they do not need the bottom 1500 pilot?"
How can the east "negotiate" if they have nothing to give? How is their "negotiation" any different than begging.

Parker gains nothing by giving the side that is delaying the full implementation of the merger anything.

I would bet Parker's response to Gentile's offer for him to be an accomplice in further dividing the pilot group would end with the words, "up a rope."
How can the east "negotiate" if they have nothing to give? How is their "negotiation" any different than begging.

Parker gains nothing by giving the side that is delaying the full implementation of the merger anything.

I would bet Parker's response to Gentile's offer for him to be an accomplice in further dividing the pilot group would end with the words, "up a rope."

First, without the East there will be NO joint contract. Happy Section 6 to you

Second, Parker would gain happy workers = better product

Third, we will see if he is interested in running this place

Yes. The current contract stays in effect while a new one is negotiated. The new agent administers it.
Part of the "current contract" the new union administers is the current amendable date. The company has no obligation to bargain sooner than that just because you change unions.
Dear AWA Pilot,

Here's the bottom Line:

Pay parity provides an immediate East pilot 13% raise plus a dramatic increase in the E190 rates.

For the West pilot more of the current contract.

Why? Because without East pilot cooperation, there will be no single contract generated by the JNC process. And without a single contract there will be no implementation of the Nicolau Award, period.

The US Airways pilot contract becomes amendable on January 1, 2010. Then the NMB process could begin, which in the case of the AWA pilot contract 2004 took for year's to negotiate past the amendable date.

Moreover, there is nothing, absolutely nothing the AWA MEC can do about this regardless of their rhetoric and "dig their heels in" mentality.



Let me see, should we support this for you hmmmmmmmm???????

Ahhhh NO!

Thanks for playing