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AWA ALPA Thread for the Week 9/14-9/20

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A month or so ago I posted something along the same lines when I was reading that USAPA supporters were claiming that dues would be lower then current ALPA dues. I didn't see it then and I don't see it now, especially with all the costs to set up the union and it's infrastructure, plus the legal bills that will likely accrue sooner rather then later.

We ALL will be paying the dues to USAPA by the East and West.

If you do not want to join then you will be billed to pay a slightly less fee but you lose your voting. 😱
If you do not pay then the union will have the company to fire you. 😱
So the West will be paying for it as well and Thank you in advance, Westies, for your dues monies :up:
I will be home for Christmas is my favorite song.
..and New Years Day, Super Sunday, MLK's birthday, Washingtons birthday, Lincolns birthday, Valentines Day, Ides of March, whatever they call that Irish Day, April Fool's, Tax Day, Cinco De Mayo, May Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, summer soltice, July 4th, etc etc, etc. 🙂
..and New Years Day, Super Sunday, MLK's birthday, Washingtons birthday, Lincolns birthday, Valentines Day, Ides of March, whatever they call that Irish Day, April Fool's, Tax Day, Cinco De Mayo, May Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, summer soltice, July 4th, etc etc, etc. 🙂

White Christmas is another good one.
Thought I'd share something I came across on the National board.

Its from an east pilot and he makes a great point.
"The difference between the east fighting the award to the bitter end, and the west fighting the award to the bitter end is the west's fight will be financed by ALPA, while the easts fight will be personally financed by east pilots.

Ah..I see. = Another "highly principled" AWA argument based purely upon money. You guys with your incessant ranting on "integrity".."Righteous Positon".."dishonorable easties"/etc....well...sigh...words just fail me here :lol:

FYI young one...a certain amount of money's necessary, and beyond that basic amount it's certainly nice...but it isn't what makes one sleep peacefully at night.

Aw, pilots with three years don't have weekends off and can't be with their families. Hell, try 23 years! Interesting to hear Parker say without the merger "We would have been in bankrupcty..." Look, you Westies have been told the real deal, your management has told you that they will not allow you to cash your Nicolau "Lottery Ticket" -- what part of "this ain't happening" don't you get?

Aw, pilots with three years don't have weekends off and can't be with their families. Hell, try 23 years! Interesting to hear Parker say without the merger "We would have been in bankrupcty..." Look, you Westies have been told the real deal, your management has told you that they will not allow you to cash your Nicolau "Lottery Ticket" -- what part of "this ain't happening" don't you get?


I'd forgotten that one. "Without the merger..you would have been in a worse positon....as a 3 year FO, you probably wouldn't have a job" Hmmm...that certainly sounds like a viable argument for the 3 year AWA's to validate a leap over 2 decades out east.. I did nearly burst into tears when the poor kid was whining about stagnation and weekends off. It's a pity that we cannot get along on the serious issues and just joke around with such comic talents. These people are a never ending source of amusement :lol:
It will still be true. We expect dues to go down or at worst stay the same. Why? Because we're not setting up an ALPA infrastructure. We will not be supporting secretaries in Herndon who make more than I do. Plus we won't have a president who makes six figures and produce nothing. No more flight pay loss abuse. There won't be a castle, like in Herndon to build or support. Those alone are worth a reduction. So what other costs are you refering too? Would be glad to answer your questions if I can.

OK, in the spirit of your informative and extremely polite response let me ask the following:

1) Who would take the job as a President without a salary equating to the high double digits to cover what would have been covered by Flight Pay?

2) Who would be doing all the typing and grunt work that will be required to get out all the information? Do you envision having that many volunteers for the length of time that would be required? Most of the volunteers would have families who have emotional and supportive needs that require time?

3) I understand the theory that dues monies should not go for expense accounts that cover fancy restaurants and hotels. But do you really expect the officers and volunteers to stay at Motel 6?

4) As someone else posted after our last exchange, how do you expect to pay the anticipated legal and other bills?

5) Do you really expect a significant number of West folks to pay dues to USAPA ** if ** USAPA is voted in? Do you believe that the Company would actually terminate pilots who refused to pay, especially if a large number of them refused to pay? The scenario I hint at here would also very likely cause larger legal bills to USAPA to attempt to enforce any such decision and action.

Those questions are a good start on the questions I would have for you.

Thank you for any responses you care to share and the pleasant tone of your last response.
FYI young one...a certain amount of money's necessary, and beyond that basic amount it's certainly nice...but it isn't what makes one sleep peacefully at night.
Sure buys a comfortable bed though!!!

Speaking of entertainment, I love how some of your arrogant jerks came out to Scottsdale with your wives looking at houses. Or how about those of your telling UAL pilots how your were going to "fly your 747's for you."

Lots of honor and integrity there.

I've never seen a pilot group so hated by other pilots because of their arrogance and entitlement attitudes.

No one owes you guys anything.
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