ALPO thinks of us as maggots? Yeah, I finally understand now. It is clear. Everything they did makes sense! Gee if we only saw our selves as maggots then we could be happy as a pig in..
Come to thank of it when Dougie or Prater tell us which way to go then we know sure as he ll to do the opposite.
In full fairness = Can't say that I've seen the term maggot employed in print by Alpo to describe we fools who've so long paid for the vast amount of pampered harrumphing that apparently takes place at nat'l...or is that "Alpo Notional"? It certainly seems clear to me that all they're lately able to try and sell is material for the utterly timid, who would prefer the dysfunctional devil that they know, to any other less "known" future. It's a long established sale's pitch on their part that we've seen used on lesser issues for many years.
FDR, if President of Alpo, would have had some serious troubles trying to promote "All we have to fear, is fear itself"