I'm starting to see a pattern with you. Apparently this pattern is not serving you very well.
Let me guess... You're the type who pi$$es and moans about your poor and self and crumby union, but never actually gets involved or can find the time to attend a meeting. Am I right?
"You seem to make incredibly large leaps to come to your conclusions, forgoing the process of information gathering before making assumptions."
See yourself properly hoisted upon your own petard good squire. It took me a long, long time to finally give up on Alpo...and that was after many years of participation. I could only see self-absorbed individuals constantly going off on Alpa "vacations"/conferences, not flying the line, and seeking out personal benefits and enhanced pay for doing...well...ummm...WHAT?...terminating pensions without any membership vote?...abrogating work rules?...the St Nic fiasco?....I'm truly all ears to hear ANYTHING that the union's actually "done for us" within the last two entire decades.