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AWA ALPA Press Release

I'm starting to see a pattern with you. Apparently this pattern is not serving you very well.

Let me guess... You're the type who pi$$es and moans about your poor and self and crumby union, but never actually gets involved or can find the time to attend a meeting. Am I right?

Nope :lol:

"You seem to make incredibly large leaps to come to your conclusions, forgoing the process of information gathering before making assumptions."

See yourself properly hoisted upon your own petard good squire. It took me a long, long time to finally give up on Alpo...and that was after many years of participation. I could only see self-absorbed individuals constantly going off on Alpa "vacations"/conferences, not flying the line, and seeking out personal benefits and enhanced pay for doing...well...ummm...WHAT?...terminating pensions without any membership vote?...abrogating work rules?...the St Nic fiasco?....I'm truly all ears to hear ANYTHING that the union's actually "done for us" within the last two entire decades.
When logic and reason fail, resort to name calling. In Gaza, however, they go further and use automatic weapons and explosives provided by Iran.

and Iraqi freedom fighters use weapons provided by the United States. So what?

And, actually you are wrong. The Pentagon announced that the Fatah terrorists were supplied with arms from the US and Israel.

and, talk about name calling, comparing an MEC to Hamas, and you don't even know anything about Hamas, indicating you know nothing about the MEC. A no-nothing.

Are you a scab?
Yup...I sure DO :lol: Sounds like a fine time for even a slightly less dysfunctional union to arise :up:

Perhaps you should have thought about that before you pushed the process all the way to the final binding arbitration phase.

And I am still waiting for a rational response to my questions about the opportunity to upgrade to captain before the merger (career expectation), as well as the attrition from furlough and the right seat.
Perhaps you should have thought about that before you pushed the process all the way to the final binding arbitration phase.

Better tossing out dysfunctional buffoons later than never :up:

"I'm truly all ears to hear ANYTHING that the union's actually "done for us" within the last two entire decades." That'll be a pretty tough one for you to come back with much on methinks.
By the way, your name might very well end up in a scab book from the sound of it. Aren't you one of the many East pilots who claim you would not honor an AWA strike if they enter section 6 and end up exercising their right to do so? Didn't you claim to not support them and would fly their struck work? What do you think about the other east pilots who said the same thing? Perhaps your opinions shouldn't matter either since you all admitted that you would scab given the chance. :down:

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.
767jetz United pilots and their buddies America West were flying domestic operations in a foreign country. highly paid international scabs
They can't respond because it is an undisputed fact!!! I said all a long this gripe in the east is nothing more than an ego trip. Not one of them will be harmed by the award, other than their fragile egos.

Perhaps you should have thought about that before you pushed the process all the way to the final binding arbitration phase.

And I am still waiting for a rational response to my questions about the opportunity to upgrade to captain before the merger (career expectation), as well as the attrition from furlough and the right seat.
I have and a grander fiction than I have ever seen. BTW, such reports you reference hardly constitute real history. It is posted as "justification" for a ruling and in no way constitutes reality.

If you insist on describing sworn testimony as "a grander fiction" then there is no starting point for any discussion, is there?
Hmmmm... Nonsense? I guess this explains your befuddlement about the award results. You seem to think a written policy that the union you belong to requires, is nonsense.

No wonder you're confused! 🙄
Really? So you're trying to say that the the guys who are now on furlough and reaching age 60, and retiring while on furlough, were expecting to retire as A330 captains at the time this merger was announced? :huh: I think even a casual observer can dismiss this as an unreasonable expectation, let alone an experienced arbitrator and 2 neutrals. These ideas of yours are not based on anything even closely resembling reality.

What about the most junior 737 F/O's on reserve who have a year or two before retiring? How many of them are on your list? Will they ever see the left seat of the 330? Will they even see the left seat of the 320? Did something drastically change from the day before the merger was announced that makes their current situation so different to the previous one? :huh: Response???

My point: Your "career expectation" is only good through the close of business on any given day.

When I was a "new hire" my career expectation was to achieve Captain on the McDonnell Douglas DC9-Super 80.

In 1996, when Steven Wolf ordered 30 A330's and 400 A320 Family aircraft, every pilot at Airways had a career expectation to be a Captain on at least the A320. Their career expectations have not been met, as yet.

9/11 and opportunistic Harvard B School grads took care of those expectations.

Just because ALPA has a written merger policy, inspired by United Airlines pilots, doesn't make it right. I believe it is "nonsense" and USAirways/America West Pilots are but the first merger to reveal the true shortcomings of that policy.

Many First Officers might not have upgraded to Captain prior to retirement, but they certainly should have that opportunity before someone that was hired in 2005.

We'll just have to let the legal process run its course. I know you wouldn't give up your seniority without a fight. Neither will the USAirways Pilots.
Yeah, bringing you another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference, and gets stupified.

You are utterly stupifying.

Keep clicking them heels Dorothy, or are you the scarecrow without the brain? Nah, you sound more like a whining beeeeeeaaaattttcchhhh!

I have and a grander fiction than I have ever seen. BTW, such reports you reference hardly constitute real history. It is posted as "justification" for a ruling and in no way constitutes reality.

US out of cash? Not by news reports, Edger or financial reports, but you just go ahead in believe in your fantasies.

The credit card transaction contract was never in danger of being terminated. Any public comments were a part of negotiations, get it?

US did not have an economic "expert"? Like AWA did? Thanks for that information, yet another reason to have the "award" invalidated.
Why hasn’t the Nicolau seniority list been deliver to Parker from ALPA?
When is the Nicolau seniority list going to be deliver to Parker?
In 1996, when Steven Wolf ordered 30 A330's and 400 A320 Family aircraft, every pilot at Airways had a career expectation to be a Captain on at least the A320. Their career expectations have not been met, as yet.

Using that logic, our 1988-1990 hires had the career expectation to be a 747 Captain flying to Japan. Their career expectations have not been met, and will not be met even if they do end up on a 330 flying to Europe out of PHX.
Oh, you mean like your attrition nonsense? The fact is there was no career expectation for east pilots prior to the merger being announced and no matter how much you try to convince us the rest of the world there was still a glimmering hope, it will never change the reality you guys were facing - wholesale liquidation. Write that down.

There goes that old "career expectation" nonsense again. Every USAirways East Pilot's career expectation was to be an A330 International Captain prior to retirement.

Using that logic, our 1988-1990 hires had the career expectation to be a 747 Captain flying to Japan. Their career expectations have not been met, and will not be met even if they do end up on a 330 flying to Europe out of PHX.

You did have other international flying you can claim. Article is about AWA pilots justifying scab flying.

AWA in Australia

"So here’s Max and I trying to slither off to our apartments through this rather unfriendly group of Federation pilots with their wives and kids. Well, that’s unfair." Real funny wife and kids trying to protect their livelihood. You make fun of them. Did you not have time to go to the nursing home and harass their elderly parents?