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AWA ALPA Press Release

Cactus..the WORST any AWA pilot could have done was DOH. You guys did great.
Folks, all threats aside...there is a real chance ALPA will be facing a decert vote in the next 6 months. In my world, that is fact.


You bettcha I did great! That's why I'm still an FO, and not a reserve CA right NOW. Life is still good, and I am at peace with the BINDING ARBITRATION that was delivered under ALPA Merger Policy. No do overs or best 2 of 3.

So, do you think they have those senior 517-800+ Captain's signed up for that ALPA De-cert?? Or would they prefer a huge raise and 10 more days of vacation?? I'll bet I know. :up:
BOOB. P0001 retired two weeks ago and was TIRED of East Whine & Cheese fest! Here's some windfall items that you forgot:
1. The First 517 slots went EAST.
2. The wide body flying is EAST protected for 4 years.
3. The EAST pilot's got stock in the new company.
4. The EAST still gets a defined retirement (albeit via the PBGC).

ALPA Merger policy was followed to the "T". Relative seniority was lost by AWA senior pilots, but WE signed and accepted the BINDING ARBITRATION. Come to think of it, so did your Merger Committee representatives.

I can see how you would be so concerned about all of us West pilots flocking to PHL for those seats. With the warm reception that we have gotten, who wouldn't?? :down:

You forgot to mention that most USAirways First Officers will NEVER be afforded the opportunity to upgrade to Captain if the award stands.

Item 2: This provision ceases to exist upon the effective date of the Age 60 Rule change.

Item 3: LCC Closed at $31.00 per share today. Strike price: $56.90. You do the math.

Item 4: HP never had a Defined Benefit plan.

We'll be delighted to see you in PHL when the time comes. See ya at the Lagoon!
BOOB. P0001 retired two weeks ago and was TIRED of East Whine & Cheese fest!

Good for him,(any and all of you posting your "It's MINE..Just ask Nic/ME, ME/etc" are cordially invited to take similar actions in righteous protest)...Who knows?...If enough of you resigned...it'd sure show us who's pure as the driven snow hereabouts, and who's cause is Just.

Plus: Consider all the benefits of never having to adjust to, or further more tolerate all the "East Whine & Cheese fest!"

If that's insufficient incentive....think of how much "fun" it would actually be to fly with a bunch of guys that your group of posters evidently hold in utter contempt as people and pilots.
So, do you think they have those senior 517-800+ Captain's signed up for that ALPA De-cert?? Or would they prefer a huge raise and 10 more days of vacation?? I'll bet I know.

I am not sure. I will soon know the answer to your question. Gut feeling...landslide. But just as I commented as to the award....the East has NOTHING to lose now.

See ya at the Lagoon!

That place still exists? Got some good (but hazy) memories of their "Tiki-bar" in the late nineties. Cheap booze, cheap women and a short stumble to your room. A freight-dog's dream.
So, do you think they have those senior 517-800+ Captain's signed up for that ALPA De-cert?? Or would they prefer a huge raise and 10 more days of vacation?? I'll bet I know. :up:

You're merely projecting your own "I'm just all out out for ME"..."isn't EVERYONE?" notions upon others with that "I'll bet I know." observation.
You bettcha I did great! That's why I'm still an FO, and not a reserve CA right NOW. Life is still good, and I am at peace with the BINDING ARBITRATION that was delivered under ALPA Merger Policy. No do overs or best 2 of 3.

So, do you think they have those senior 517-800+ Captain's signed up for that ALPA De-cert?? Or would they prefer a huge raise and 10 more days of vacation?? I'll bet I know. :up:

I've already issued a wager proposal: Here is the original post:

"Boeing Boy issued a wager that no one took. I didn't because it was a sucker bet. I have no way of knowing the political views of the EC or whether it is even legal to void the list. However, after 30 plus years I do know the U pilots. Especially the so called GAG (aka 320 and his boys) and the RC4 (my side). I personally know each guy ahead of me (about 50 or so) and a substantial number of guys below me (the ones who I've flown with and trained over the years).

So here's another wager offer. But only for active AWA pilots just to keep it fair. And this wager is aimed directly at you AWA320:

5 grand says that the East pilots vote for new union representation if the EC does not void the award. AND that the vote will succeed and result in ALPA no longer being the bargaining agent for the pilots of LCC. Put your money where your mouth is since you seem to have your finger on the U pilots pulse.

No arguing. No bravado. No more opinions. 5 grand in the form of a certified bank check we can both send to an agreed on 3rd party to hold until after the ballots are counted.

Let me know and get me your contact info. You seem to know more about the U pilot group than I do so this should be an easy bet for you.

And, by the way 924PS, EVERY pilot on each and every SENIORITY list in this country was adversely affected by this ruling. The sad part is that so many don't realize or understand why or how. Most have never even heard of Dave Behncke or Clancy Sayen. These proud men are spinning in their graves as we lose the profession they fought to build.


So, cactusboy, pm me and we'll get this little party started. Put your money where your opinion is.

The NMB will include the West Pilots in any campaign and/or election.
Well boo-frickety-hoo :shock: !

How many years at CACTI gets you a reserve CA slot ?

FYI, I had 2 of the 517 on my Jumpseat yesterday and they both are 100% on board with supporting the de-cert campaign and neutering the "Award".

You bettcha I did great! That's why I'm still an FO, and not a reserve CA right NOW. Life is still good, and I am at peace with the BINDING ARBITRATION that was delivered under ALPA Merger Policy. No do overs or best 2 of 3.

So, do you think they have those senior 517-800+ Captain's signed up for that ALPA De-cert?? Or would they prefer a huge raise and 10 more days of vacation?? I'll bet I know. :up:
The NMB will include the West Pilots in any campaign and/or election.

That's because they are required to. Makes no difference though.

The GAG as well as the RC4 groups are united on this one. I dare say the entire East group is united on this one.

And in my 30+ years this is the first time I've seen that happen.

Although I still don't want a certain someone in my foxhole with me not matter what.

You forgot to mention that most USAirways First Officers will NEVER be afforded the opportunity to upgrade to Captain if the award stands.

But those same USAirways F/O's would never have been afforded the opportunity to upgrade to captain before the merger. That is the career expectation they brought to the table. So where is the damage to their career? Certainly you can't suggest that the damage is a result of this award, can you? What is your answer to this??? :huh:

They were going to retire as F/O's anyway. The award did not change anything. And as for all the alleged attrition on the east side... No one as of yet has addressed the fact that much of that attrition is from the F/O seat. This means that there are far fewer Captain slots being vacated than is being implied by the east. Response??? :huh:
But those same USAirways F/O's would never have been afforded the opportunity to upgrade to captain before the merger. That is the career expectation they brought to the table. So where is the damage to their career? Certainly you can't suggest that the damage is a result of this award, can you? What is your answer to this??? :huh:

They were going to retire as F/O's anyway. The award did not change anything. And as for all the alleged attrition on the east side... No one as of yet has addressed the fact that much of that attrition is from the F/O seat. This means that there are far fewer Captain slots being vacated than is being implied by the east. Response??? :huh:
Are you really a scab? Just curious.
When logic and reason fail, resort to name calling. In Gaza, however, they go further and use automatic weapons and explosives provided by Iran.

The childish association you made with terrorists is just a bit too "Cute" little greenie...before you run your mouth off about the middle east..kindly recall that a goodly number of "Easties" have that place well marked with "been there" pins, and some don't much consider childish BS pertaining to it as being very "funny".

Keep up the fabulous PR work for the AWA side....you're winning converts out here in droves.