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Aw Tables Resolution-agrees To Doh

If the AWA F/As were not part of AFA why would the AFA be in charge of the integration?

I would think the company or an independent arbitrator would.

How would they be any worse off than they are now?
They could be stapled to the bottom. They would, for the time being, be without representation. Then the two F/A groups would have to vote on representation. There are far more east flight attendants than west, so AWA would be the union. Without AFA, there is no DOH protection for west flight attendants, thus they could be stapled.

Very trecherous ground to tread for AFA west.
Well I am glad it's over too, but I am concerned and unsure of the unknown. I've been here at HP 14 years and will only get 11 year F/A years, I've heard of Flight Attendants at US being on reserve for more than that! I don't know how reserve life at US Airways is like, but AFA needs to fix the reserve system at US West once the contract gets integrated. Reserves at HP have no life! They get tag after a trip (tagging means scheduling can put another trip in your line after finishing your trip), they also cannot chose or refuse a trip and gets their days off switch around by scheduling which is hellacious! If our reserves are going to be on reserve for a long time, this is the area that needs major improvement.

By the way, here is some questions to US Airways F/As. Can you pick up personal trade trips from other F/As at other bases?

At America West, our Las Vegas reserves are allowed to pick up personal trade trips from Phoenix based F/As since there are no line (block holders) in Las Vegas.
Well I am glad it's over too, but I am concerned and unsure of the unknown. I've been here at HP 14 years and will only get 11 year F/A years, I've heard of Flight Attendants at US being on reserve for more than that! I don't know how reserve life at US Airways is like, but AFA needs to fix the reserve system at US West once the contract gets integrated.

LOL, the most JUNIOR lineholder in PIT is with a 1983 hire date to hold any kind of a line you have to have a hire date before that and with eleven years you won't get much so enjoy the cush in PHX because 11 years isn't much at USAIRWAYS!!!
Well I am glad it's over too, but I am concerned and unsure of the unknown. I've been here at HP 14 years and will only get 11 year F/A years, I've heard of Flight Attendants at US being on reserve for more than that! I don't know how reserve life at US Airways is like, but AFA needs to fix the reserve system at US West once the contract gets integrated. Reserves at HP have no life! They get tag after a trip (tagging means scheduling can put another trip in your line after finishing your trip), they also cannot chose or refuse a trip and gets their days off switch around by scheduling which is hellacious! If our reserves are going to be on reserve for a long time, this is the area that needs major improvement.
By the way, here is some questions to US Airways F/As. Can you pick up personal trade trips from other F/As at other bases?
At America West, our Las Vegas reserves are allowed to pick up personal trade trips from Phoenix based F/As since there are no line (block holders) in Las Vegas.
I am on reserve in PIT with nearly 20 yrs. Its not a picnic but its bearable. We dont get "tagged" they could, but they dont. Its happened to f/a's around holidays, but not likely. NO you can only pick up trips in your base. You can be assigned an out of base trip if they are out of coverage. Its not uncommon for PIT reserves to be sent to PHL to cover their trips.
I am on reserve in PIT with nearly 20 yrs. Its not a picnic but its bearable. We dont get "tagged" they could, but they dont. Its happened to f/a's around holidays, but not likely. NO you can only pick up trips in your base. You can be assigned an out of base trip if they are out of coverage. Its not uncommon for PIT reserves to be sent to PHL to cover their trips.

Oh my goodness. That is horrid and hellacious! Our MECs better negotiate rotating reserve like WN !
Oh my goodness. That is horrid and hellacious! Our MECs better negotiate rotating reserve like WN !

Rotating reserve would be nice and gives more options to junior folks... American does that as well and United does that after five years of service I believe.
Is it true you can pick any trip in /open time/ when they call?
YES..when future scheduling calls you, they will offer you whatever trips they have open. They will say, Hi, Susie, this is Beth in scheduling we have 2, 3, or 4 days for tomorrow, what are you looking for? But sometimes when they get to Susie, they only have one trip, that is the one you get to pick...LOL It is nice to have the option of chosing from what is open.
Hey mdarules:

I am West, all for the DOH and WAY ready for this thing to get started, BUT just friggin' be nice!! YES you have been through a lot and we all recognize that. But this is all new to us and some people do not know what to expect...and just to let you know I just might be able to hold that junior line in PIT. (MAYBE!!)

Hey mdarules:

I am West, all for the DOH and WAY ready for this thing to get started, BUT just friggin' be nice!! YES you have been through a lot and we all recognize that. But this is all new to us and some people do not know what to expect...and just to let you know I just might be able to hold that junior line in PIT. (MAYBE!!)


I am so sorry that you feel that I am mean - I wasn't trying to be... I hope if you do hold that Junior line in PIT then you go for it full force ahead!! I am sorry that you think I am mean though I just was stating a fact and I thought it was funny b/c people don't understand - which is what i would do if someone asked me that in person - I would laugh and then be like no seriously - not in a mean way at all - if you met me you would no i'm just kinda full of sarcasm!
Oh my goodness. That is horrid and hellacious! Our MECs better negotiate rotating reserve like WN !

I could not get mdarule's quote for some reason, but that person is doing an injustice by not telling the entire story as to WHY a PIT f/a is on rsv with 20 years. US Airways deHubbed PIT and has down-sized it to an eighth to what it once was. A twenty year f/a can hold a line anywhere else.

BTW, I didn't ever see mdarules as being mean to anyone. I don't get that, PHXLOST. I missed something.
I could not get mdarule's quote for some reason, but that person is doing an injustice by not telling the entire story as to WHY a PIT f/a is on rsv with 20 years. US Airways deHubbed PIT and has down-sized it to an eighth to what it once was. A twenty year f/a can hold a line anywhere else. It's that person's choice if they stay in PIT. And an 8 tear f/a can hold a line in LGA. Don't like LGA? Oh well, that's life.

This is true First - however alot of people don't like LGA for obvious reasons and that makes it junior, Pit has been downsized and so has the company as a whole!! The point being here is eleven years - you are not going to hold much except the possibility of LGA and that is about it that was my only point which is why i think they should recommend something like a revolving line schedule which is 3 months line 1 reserve - It would be a much better system for all i think. :up:
NO you can only pick up trips in your base. You can be assigned an out of base trip if they are out of coverage. Its not uncommon for PIT reserves to be sent to PHL to cover their trips.

Well I hope they change that because the only way LAS Vegas reserves can make money is to pick up trips from (line/block holders) in Phoenix. There are no line holders in Vegas unless of course they turn this into a major hub again.
I could not get mdarule's quote for some reason, but that person is doing an injustice by not telling the entire story as to WHY a PIT f/a is on rsv with 20 years. US Airways deHubbed PIT and has down-sized it to an eighth to what it once was. A twenty year f/a can hold a line anywhere else.

BTW, I didn't ever see mdarules as being mean to anyone. I don't get that, PHXLOST. I missed something.
Yes I am on reserve due to the downsizing of PIT. Yes I can hold a line in any other base. I certainly didnt mean to do an injustice by anything I posted. I chose to stay in PIT because it is home.

Well I hope they change that because the only way LAS Vegas reserves can make money is to pick up trips from (line/block holders) in Phoenix. There are no line holders in Vegas unless of course they turn this into a major hub again.
Well we too can pick up trips from what they call the ETB board, which is an Electronic Trade Board. Blockholders can post their trips, if they are picked up that reduces their line value. If a reserve picks it up, the trip is paid above your monthly guarantee. Montly guarantee is 71 hours. 20 hrs from the ETB, you got yourself a 91 hr paycheck.

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