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Aw Tables Resolution-agrees To Doh

The next step is working on an integrated contract. Let's hope AFA can put any differences behind them and work together for the sake of our new, larger, fantastic flight attendant group!

Now that that's settled, will they discuss the possibility of US furloughees going to the HP side until recall? Alot of people are considering this but it depends on how pay and longevity accrual are handled. After the "MidAtlantic" fiasco, no one needs to be working the line and not getting credit for it.

In other news from the BOD meeting, they are trying to get the 170 Division contract printed. A little bit like naming a child after you put it up for adoption, but the AFA and the company are obviously trying to cover themselves from the independent lawsuit, and throw in some F/A-unfriendly scope and successorship language. I don't see any benefit for the membership at this point, but perhaps the AFA hopes they can get better language in it?

Very true light - now the contract is pointless and they know they have wronged hundreds of people. It is well.... laughable!! Let's pray for a good contract with the new USAIRWAYS!!
Results 9 to 1. Wander who the 1 was? Only goes to prove that all airlines agree that this was only fair. Let's now move on on a great contract. Thanks BOD
I dont think there were too many differences. Clearly the HP MEC had to go to bat for it's members, it's the way they have to do it. Keep in mind, most of the FA's that backed this, were probably less than 10 years seniority, most HP FA's saw the reality of what would come, but it wasn't a popular argument so they remained silent. Now it truly is time to move forward, let this go, accept the reality of DOH and put some positive energy into this merger. The HP MEC is professional enough to move forward, while going to bat for its members as expected by the due paying members.
I dont think there were too many differences. Clearly the HP MEC had to go to bat for it's members, it's the way they have to do it. Keep in mind, most of the FA's that backed this, were probably less than 10 years seniority, most HP FA's saw the reality of what would come, but it wasn't a popular argument so they remained silent. Now it truly is time to move forward, let this go, accept the reality of DOH and put some positive energy into this merger. The HP MEC is professional enough to move forward, while going to bat for its members as expected by the due paying members.

Very true, and even though I don't agree with the Uwest MEC position, I commend them for their good work in representing their constituents. I do believe this was a waste of time, energy, and stomoch acid, but it's over and I believe that if there ever were two work groups who could come together and kick competitions' butts, it's America West and US Airways.

Let's do it!
And a bigger thank you to the US West (AWA) passing the resolution that involved management staying OUT of the business of what is UNION business. I will get over it but I highly RESENT management, regardless of US West OR East trying to undermine the AFA. ALL US Airways f/a's, especially US West should be royally pissed off at this interference and should condemn this thru letter writing as opposed to some hailing him as a hero. SHAME ON THAT MANAGER!! SHAME!! I HOPE HE SEES THIS!! :angry:

I can only hope this undermining is not an omen for things to come. 🙁

What manager? Did I miss something?
What manager? Did I miss something?

If you are from US West, ask your MEC President. (AWA) management was behind this 100%, hence the reason for the following:

"This letter also stipulates that the Company (USA & USA/AMW) remain uninvolved in the Seniority Integration Process."
If the AWA F/As decertify AFA at this point would they be better off?

Clearly AFA does not represent their interests.
Do the AWA F/As decertify AFA at this point would they be better off?

Well, that would do no good as the joint US Airways would have to vote on who is to represent them and, well, we outnumber their membership 2-1, so that point is mute. Now had the ruling been the opposite, US East would have had the leverage..BUT it's over so let's work towards a fair contract.
Well, that would do no good as the joint US Airways would have to vote on who is to represent them and, well, we outnumber their membership 2-1, so that point is mute.

Is that true before the operations and seniority lists are merged?
Decertifying would be suicide. US would still be AFA and much larger, and therefore in charge of the integration. Probably wouldn't be very friendly.

DOH is simple and clear-cut, and most importantly fair.
Is that true before the operations and seniority lists are merged?

My understanding from our past mergers is that both groups have to decide who will represent them. In the case of PI and now AWA, both were/are AFA and the DOH automatically triggers. Decertifying takes a looong time. Just ask United. In the case of PSA and Trump Shuttle, they chose to have AFA as their representation, thus the DOH bylaws take effect. I hope this explains all this and if I am wrong on anything, please someone much smarter than me correct me.
If the AWA F/As were not part of AFA why would the AFA be in charge of the integration?

I would think the company or an independent arbitrator would.

How would they be any worse off than they are now?
Well, I'm glad thats over!
I think most of us knew this would be the outcome, but its good now to be able to move forward.

Keep in mind, most of the FA's that backed this, were probably less than 10 years seniority, most HP FA's saw the reality of what would come, but it wasn't a popular argument so they remained silent.

This statement is right on target.
I tried to stay out of it.
Our MEC prez is a great guy, I've flown with him and he is also a great FA.
I did send him an email letting him know that altho I disagreed w/changing the bylaw, I understand he must do what he must do, and I trust him completely to be diplomatic.
US LEC pres's will enjoy working with him.
Now is not the time for more ideas that will/would split this workforce.
The BOD has spoken, AFA has spoken, and DOH will prevail, as we all knew.
Hopefully, ALL of us at USAirways can come together as a solid, unified workforce, and DEMAND the best contract that we can secure.
There is strength in our numbers, and we must not deviate from our mission to secure a contract.
We are ONE, let's get it together and get this thing going!

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