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Automated Baggage System

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Again, if you don't have a plan blame management to deflect the fact that you SHOULD have a plan. You're no better than they are from a planning perspective. [/quote]
So in your mind Dave and team should get paid MILLIONS while people like pitbull, who has other things to do, figure out how to save to airline...I Love It! :lol:

Oh wait! I forgot, you probably meant that if she or we don’t have a plan, please shut up and put the all our faith in Dave and his team of destruction.

Your come back is as weak as pond water :down:
Don't tell me what to say, what to think, don't tell me anything, you don't count.

Our livelihoods are at stake and a copy machine guy is explaining morals and business to me, and at the same time slamming my union.... bug off bob, again you just don't count.
The IAM does not need to or will not negotiate for work they already have have. It would not be smart to think they need to go back and negotiate for what they already have. The company will lose the arbitration. If not so be it, but we are going to let it all ride and the company has to live with the results including paying the "U" Mechanics for work the company had done down in Alabama that was the IAM's work to begin with. That's right paying twice for the Airbus checks.

Oh and please tell me one more time how the Mechanics need to bow down and be thankful they have a job and blah..blah....blah........You know everyone believes it so much. Trust me everyone sees your thinly veiled self serving agenda. Do you think the Mechanics here do not know whatever you say they can almost just do exactly the opposite and be ok. Trust me with this. They know you are not looking out for their interests at all. You fool no one. If you believed the company could really screw them hard and had the upper hand you would tell them to keep fighting and hang tough and watch them go out the door. But you believe that is not true and you say "Oh! you need to go and talk more and take more concessions. Go get the Airbus work." Sorry the Mechanics are not children and they see through you. But your desperate tactics are amusing. I do pray for your souls though. Some day you could be judged for your self serving deception.

--There is only one rabbit in Dave's hat and he is running out of tricks fast.


  • rabbithat.webp
    966 bytes · Views: 154
I mean afterall if you don't look out for number one who will:
IAM? AFA? CWA? TWU? George Bush? John Kerry? Dave Siegel? Dave Bronner? or
None of the above?

You may flame when ready
need a light? :lol:
PineyBob said:
I mean afterall if you don't look out for number one who will:
IAM? AFA? CWA? TWU? George Bush? John Kerry? Dave Siegel? Dave Bronner? or
None of the above?
John Kerry Will! If you look closely it is an IAM gear on the bottom of the exclamation point
USA320Pilot said:
The proposal was an opener, but now that the Company won the lawsuit and appears headed to a grievance victory, thus the mechanics may not have very much leverage.
Since arbitration has not yet taken place, do you care to elighten us on how the Company "appears to be headed to victory"? The court only ruled on if this was a major or minor dispute, and went to great lengths to avoid any commentary on the contract language specifically.

As for track records, the Company has been stellar. See that AFA result?

Since you are so quick to point out "Who said XXX first right here on this site?", will you be the first to eat crow should the IAM prevail?
N628AU said:
USA320Pilot said:
The proposal was an opener, but now that the Company won the lawsuit and appears headed to a grievance victory, thus the mechanics may not have very much leverage.
Since arbitration has not yet taken place, do you care to elighten us on how the Company "appears to be headed to victory"? The court only ruled on if this was a major or minor dispute, and went to great lengths to avoid any commentary on the contract language specifically.

As for track records, the Company has been stellar. See that AFA result?

Since you are so quick to point out "Who said XXX first right here on this site?", will you be the first to eat crow should the IAM prevail?
sure seems to be in bed with the company here....what a statement...i didn't know dave has cheerleaders.
700UW said:
PineyBob said:
I mean afterall if you don't look out for number one who will:
IAM? AFA? CWA? TWU? George Bush? John Kerry? Dave Siegel? Dave Bronner? or
None of the above?
John Kerry Will! If you look closely it is an IAM gear on the bottom of the exclamation point
Ah yes, Senator Kerry and his let US liquidate and have 45,000 people hit the streets. Whoops, time to run for President, lets get a good photo op with the IAM.

JOBS WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!! (Only in an election year)

Should he win, do you think he will really care about your job until re-election in 2008. Bottom line is PineyBob is right, look out for #1, because no one is truly looking out for you.
If your job is on the line, then it is in your best interest to do EVERYTHING in your power to ensure the success of your organization or failing that, take the ultimate remedy and remove yourself to an environment that affords you more opportunity.

In the workplace it's ALL ABOUT ME! If the company creates a situation that causes me to lose wages, benefits, and ultimately my employement or a unions actions that cause my job to be outsourced, either way I'm not any less unemployeed! It's called "Looking out for number one". I mean to me you have to love ALPA, they are the stone cold champs of looking out for number one.

Pineybob. Very much on the money. With each member of each union having their own wants and each union in turn after its own interests, the collective pool of sucess and profit is further diluted.
N628AU said:
Since arbitration has not yet taken place, do you care to elighten us on how the Company "appears to be headed to victory"? The court only ruled on if this was a major or minor dispute, and went to great lengths to avoid any commentary on the contract language specifically.
Actually, the dissent at the Circuit court level and the initial decision at the District court level both found the company's reasoning and position to be indefensible.
cavalier said:
So in your mind Dave and team should get paid MILLIONS while people like pitbull, who has other things to do, figure out how to save to airline...I Love It! :lol:

Oh wait! I forgot, you probably meant that if she or we don’t have a plan, please shut up and put the all our faith in Dave and his team of destruction.

Your come back is as weak as pond water :down:
Cav...you're grasping again. What you fail to realize is you're up against professionals and you're trying to compete with a little league team. You can't seem to grasp you have to play the game the same way they do so therefore you will lose the game handily.
I never said for you to put all your faith in the Daves but what you've done is even worse. You've put your faith in an organization that with it's very structure can't find it's way to the end of a straight line. Planning goes a long way and if they had done any of it you wouldn't be where you are today.

As for comebacks...well, I won't do as you and yours do when confronted with things you can't answer and that is attack, call names, make fun of peoples names, distort etc. I could go on and on so go ahead and blast away. We're use to it.
If you honestly believe the IAM stands such a great chance of losing this then you would say nothing. Truth is I believe you think the IAM will win and you guys are in panic mode. Whoop.....Whoop.......panic mode............hehe........Hey let it all ride and let's see what happens. I can live with the results. Can you?

Management in intense meeting trying all desperate measures. Maybe they will try calling Miss Cleo next.


  • seance.webp
    13.7 KB · Views: 157
Yet another thread hijacked by hatred and insults. You can feel the hatred from some thru the screen. I will ask from now own the records of who is working on "my" aircraft ! Moderators i vote we shut this hijacked thread down once again these guys dont contribute anything but their hatred for their fellow board dwellers and our company.This is the very reason many left other chat boards because of people like this. It is getting out of control. You cant have a "human" discussion or even a semi decent conversation. I have no problem with listening to these guys point of you none at all. But the insults must stop!!!!!!!!!!! If they cant read the rules and obey why are they still on here??? Its not fair that most obey the rules and 3 or 4 on here do nothing but flaunt their hatred and the distain for YOUR rules! How many times does cav 700 and others have to be ejected to learn the rules....... Its not fair that good people on here are subjected to their HATRED ! You guys watch the boards and know i play fair as most on here. Having an opinion and fighting for what u believe in is one thing, spewing nothing but Hatred and insults and bashing is outrageous!!!!! SEND THESE GUYS PACKING ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!
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