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Usairways-res Cntrs-manilla, Mexico, & El Salvador

Aug 23, 2002
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I just wondered with this talk about a possible merger, if the reservations & customer service agents at AWA know that USAIRWAYS has just opened 3 new reservation centers in : Manilla, Phillipines, Mexico City, Mexico and El Salvador....

The Pittsburgh Reservation Center is slated to close on August 1st....

Reports are that wages paid by USAIRWAYS is in the $2.12 range in those foreign centers....

That leaves now the only US Reservation center to remain open will be Winston Salem, NC after closing: Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Dayton, Orlando, Indiananopolis, San Diego, etc....

It has also outsourced the "USAIRWAYS.com" web site calls, as well as the "Baggage Call Center" lost luggage calls to an El Salvador company.....

Does that make ya a little nervous about job security ?
Doesn't America West already outsource just about everything besides frontline employees and pilots? Such as ground crew, cleaners, caterers? It seems to be the way. I think it's a load of bull but thats the way it is.
Catering, cleaning and Heavy MX are the only things outsourced at HP. Some field stations use outside companies for ramp or customer service. But the vast majority use HP employees, even TUS, COS and LGB, which are all served by HP Express.
TUS also does ground work for Continental ...where is probably why they still have mainline employees. I'm thinking COS works CO planes as well.
As far as the res centers "south of the border" go aren't they outsoursed??? I trust Doug Parker and don't think he will jeapordise our agents jobs for those outsoursed. Anyway, those of us in res are not worried about them. I'll just be glad to see some of the old PSA people be able to come home.
I can't begin to tell you how much better it is at HP.---but then I've been saying that for over a year. Good luck guys.