usfliboi,usfliboi said:Why does this guy keep getting away with his talk?I mean i thought its a priv to post on here not a right? Frankly its aggrivating to try and read great post only to see a few on here spew their hatred and cursing on here. Its hard enough to read thru the post u wanna read but every other post of these guys have been deleted or their hate mail.
Although I did not see the post before a portion was deleted, what I did see appears to be accurate.
Management did ask the IAM to submit a bid to operate and maintain the system, and even with the cost being substantially lower than any other it was not considered.
The recent announcement by management that they would finally listen to the IAM on cost saving ideas was only due to bad PR..........they have no intention of implementing any of the 100 million in savings ideas.
At a time when they should be carefuly considering every idea, they will instead choose to show the IAM who is boss no matter what the cost.
If this is managements way of punishing the IAM it only shows us that spoiled brats should play in sand boxes, not in the airline business.
This is not labor friendly, it is childish for management to have chosen this path !