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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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ah haahh there is no 2% ...........

sorry no more cost of living increases for YOU ! as each year passes without a cost of living increase , it's essentially a 2% (more like 3 really) pay cut for all of us .

That 2% increase really became null as that was right around when the union figured it would be a perfect time to increase the dues.
You are correct, no more raises thru the current CBA. It's a shame that the IAM leadership at the time didn't think to impose any type of a penalty on the company for dragging their feet in negotiations. The longer they drag it out, the more $$$ they save. I will say it again, we will NEVER SEE ANY RETRO PAY.
Mtc had/has the two raises, next one due in July due to no CBA being reached.
Robbedagain a.k.a. MB. It may seem a little vague but why spin our collective wheels on something that we will NEVER get per the 2008 CBA. Why can't the membership look forward and possibly get something with an agreement in place. I believe that the NC has the best interest of ALL stations, big and small at heart. There should be some sort of payment to the membership from the time the contract became amendable. We are headed down the backstretch and the NC is making the final turn toward the finish......for Section 6.....at least.
I understand that they have the stations at their best heart but here's the thing we should have been asking to be released a long time ago.. as when the monkeys made those back room door buster deals with the twu and aa go figure yet they cannot even when they dont even feel the need to negogiate with the iam both districts and the cwa and the pilots though thats a diff story. anyways if the membership is to look fwd and possibly get an agreement then things should have started a long time ago. yet our dues are about due to rise again and with the chicken sh!t wages we make we are below all of the carriers in the usa.. pathetic sad i realize the nc is doing their best and i sure hope they will come to most if not all of the stations to visit.... at least all of the mainline stations
at least the M&R were smart enough to have the raises beyond the fact there is and would be no agreement
M&R only negotiated 2 3% raises. Better than the 1 that you guys got, but not good enough to make the company want to negotiate.
agree with you blue collar but at least 2 to 3 percent is better than none even at this stage in the ball game

given that the mgmt has released the dope heads that be running the combined airline i would not expect the combined airlines to get an agreement anytime soon itll probably be anthr 5 yrs 🙂 if we see anything
This July is our last. I don't expect to see anything else for some time.

Remember the west Flight Attendants took almost 12 years, if I'm not mistaken.

AWA management has a peculiar way of dragging things out.
Time to work by the book if you ask me, should have been done the minute US and the unions at AA announced their MOUs.

At least 141 is coming out to the members soon, I hear 142 might be doing the same.
thats good 700 when you were on the committee did you go to the members like this during the 90s
When I was on the committee we were in DCA for 5 days a week for three months, had no time to go on the floor.

We (I) wrote bulletins daily as we were in chapter 11 and section 1113 C negotiations.
did the bullentins help or in your opin is it better to do both the bullentins and go to stations? this seems to be a new territory with the nc going to cities but not sure if its new or not
The best is going out on the floor, but with our situation in chapter 11 we didnt have the time.

All forms of communication are needed, bulletins, social media and person to person.
did the bullentins help or in your opin is it better to do both the bullentins and go to stations? this seems to be a new territory with the nc going to cities but not sure if its new or not
It's something that now needs to be done, the mediator has told us that we will be back in negotiations sometime in July with no specific date yet. We need to make sure all of fleet is on the same page, we need to build the solidarity. One of the things we are going to do while we wait for the date is visit the stations and Inform everyone where we are at and answer as many questions as possible.
It's something that now needs to be done, the mediator has told us that we will be back in negotiations sometime in July with no specific date yet. We need to make sure all of fleet is on the same page, we need to build the solidarity. One of the things we are going to do while we wait for the date is visit the stations and Inform everyone where we are at and answer as many questions as possible.
I support the strategy 100%. In order to build solidarity the membership must be educated and informed. They need to hear it straight from the NC that sits across the table from the company representatives in contract negotiations. Maybe then the membership will come to realize the blatant disdain the company has towards the Fleet Service group. Hoping some members of the NC can visit the station. Would welcome RO as well. Two hour drive from us. Thanks for keeping us on the radar Bro. If a station visit is not possible I would like to invite another member of my committee to attend CLT briefings as a witness.
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