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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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They have to run back to the breakroom to watch tv, play cards, play on their computers or read.

They are their own worst enemy, its a shame, that basically no one follows the company's written procedures, but damage a plane and see how fast the company disciplines the employee for not following the rules, yet turn a blind eye to it in every other circumstance.
The membership sets their priorities. You are spot on with your assesment of where their priorities are. Many can tell you who got voted off the island, who got voted off America's Got Talent or Dancing With the Stars but they have no clue of how to get to their Local Lodge, who their District Officers or NC representatives are or what their contract language is. This is what needs to be addressed. Station visits by the NC is a positive start. Station visits to only large stations and hubs, while understandable based on sheer numbers, indicates a disregard for dues paying members in the outline stations. The very members, whose livelihoods, stand to be the most adversly affected if scope language is not improved. Protect the existing work! Follow the company's policies and procedures always. If not... we'll all have plenty of arse time to watch TV, go on the computer or smart phone or play cards in the unemployment line.
Calm down a little. I understand what your saying, and I here ya. Big stations aren't all we care about. That's like the first 10 days. We wanted to hit as many people as quickly as possible, so of course your gonna hit the hubs first. A previous post of mine said we would probably hit the hubs first then spread out from there. I will get with GS and also you, and find out a good day in July to get there for the day.
I apologize for being less than calm; but I have seen previous NCs, District leadership teams and the company play the numbers game in the past. All at the cost and hardship of the members' livelihoods in the outline stations. Had it not been for the recent LOA regarding outsourcing of stations we would have been the next station to be lead to the gallows. I understand getting to the masses first. The challenge before the NC will be convincing the members in the larger stations the importance of protecting the existing work, jobs and livelihoods of fellow members in the outline stations. I have 33 years with the company. The vast majority of the members I represent have at least 20 - 25 years. Staying calm is challenging when the apparent agenda of the company is to eliminate your job, career and ultimately your livelihood. Staying calm is challenging when all that stands in the company's way is your NC and your fellow members in larger unaffected stations. Please be assurred you, GS and anyone on the NC are welcome here. I'll try to stay calm; but I believe I speak for the station's members Bro!
I apologize for being less than calm; but I have seen previous NCs, District leadership teams and the company play the numbers game in the past. All at the cost and hardship of the members' livelihoods in the outline stations. Had it not been for the recent LOA regarding outsourcing of stations we would have been the next station to be lead to the gallows. I understand getting to the masses first. The challenge before the NC will be convincing the members in the larger stations the importance of protecting the existing work, jobs and livelihoods of fellow members in the outline stations. I have 33 years with the company. The vast majority of the members I represent have at least 20 - 25 years. Staying calm is challenging when the apparent agenda of the company is to eliminate your job, career and ultimately your livelihood. Staying calm is challenging when all that stands in the company's way is your NC and your fellow members in larger unaffected stations. Please be assurred you, GS and anyone on the NC are welcome here. I'll try to stay calm; but I believe I speak for the station's members Bro!
No appology necessary. I respect your time with the company. I'm in year 31 myself. So I've been there with ya. And I respect your loyalty to your co workers there, especially what many of you already went through in pit and now there in a small station. Scope is a huge issue. But what many don't remember, the guys in clt and phl voted down the last T/A. They didn't throw any smaller station under the bus, many of the clt people are from smaller stations that are already gone. They understand more than you think. While I can't tell you how many of us will make it there. We will get there to talk to you guys.
No appology necessary. I respect your time with the company. I'm in year 31 myself. So I've been there with ya. And I respect your loyalty to your co workers there, especially what many of you already went through in pit and now there in a small station. Scope is a huge issue. But what many don't remember, the guys in clt and phl voted down the last T/A. They didn't throw any smaller station under the bus, many of the clt people are from smaller stations that are already gone. They understand more than you think. While I can't tell you how many of us will make it there. We will get there to talk to you guys.
try tellin freedom that he bloated about how happy he was that he was getting that raise and throwin his own co workers in a broken boat down the river with no life jackets
cb i do know that this thing you and the teams are doing by going to station visits is a huge positive start and solidarity is a must esp now at this critical stage
No appology necessary. I respect your time with the company. I'm in year 31 myself. So I've been there with ya. And I respect your loyalty to your co workers there, especially what many of you already went through in pit and now there in a small station. Scope is a huge issue. But what many don't remember, the guys in clt and phl voted down the last T/A. They didn't throw any smaller station under the bus, many of the clt people are from smaller stations that are already gone. They understand more than you think. While I can't tell you how many of us will make it there. We will get there to talk to you guys.
I think we know where the large station votes came from. I do believe the members in CLT and PHL get it. I believe the past leadership team and the company had a lot to do with where the ratification vote took place to insure passage. In defense of the said previous station though... the scope language regarding outsourcing goes back to the original 99 contract. thus my reference to past District Leadership and NCs. IMO... The IAM needs to get this scope language fixed concerning outline stations. Not interested in how many NC members visit... just interested in at least one to visit to represent the NC. GS has done a great job to this point representing the station as AGC, but in fairness to him, this visit should be from a member of the NC. Additionally, I believe it would be advantageous for the NC to visit other outline stations who are on the brink of being outsourced. CB... my thanks to you and the entire NC. I recognize and appreciate the dedicated work and time put forth by the committee. We have common goals. I'm calm now. Breathe in... Breathe out.
I think we know where the large station votes came from. I do believe the members in CLT and PHL get it. I believe the past leadership team and the company had a lot to do with where the ratification vote took place to insure passage. In defense of the said previous station though... the scope language regarding outsourcing goes back to the original 99 contract. thus my reference to past District Leadership and NCs. IMO... The IAM needs to get this scope language fixed concerning outline stations. Not interested in how many NC members visit... just interested in at least one to visit to represent the NC. GS has done a great job to this point representing the station as AGC, but in fairness to him, this visit should be from a member of the NC. Additionally, I believe it would be advantageous for the NC to visit other outline stations who are on the brink of being outsourced. CB... my thanks to you and the entire NC. I recognize and appreciate the dedicated work and time put forth by the committee. We have common goals. I'm calm now. Breathe in... Breathe out.
OGRAC.....I have been told by my AGC, MM that there will be three NC members in PHX next TH/FR to inform the membership. Also MM told me he is visiting SFO and SJC in the next couple of days to let the membership know the status of the negotiation process and what to expect. I believe that SFO is a medium line station and SJC very small but he intends to visit all his stations in the next 3 weeks, big or small. He (MM) always returns calls if messages are left and gets to his 12 cities on a near regular basis. Remember.....all the AGCs are involved in one way or another and I hope that they remember who got them in the position that they are in presently.
Today, June 11, 2013, the IAM filed a request with the National Mediation Board for a proffer of arbitration in our ongoing negotiations with USAirways on behalf of our Fleet Service membership.

This request has been made after consulting with the District 141 Negotiating Team, the Transportation Dept, and Legal Dept. of our International. The request is signed by International President Buffenbarger and is supported by the entire IAM. This request for a release from mediation, under the Railway Labor Act, is the next necessary step in the negotiation process to bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion. It is not an action that is taken lightly by our Union, the Company, nor the National Mediation Board.

We will wait to hear a response from the NMB regarding this request and will follow the directives of the NMB in all matters related to these negotiations.

Calm down a little. I understand what your saying, and I here ya. Big stations aren't all we care about. That's like the first 10 days. We wanted to hit as many people as quickly as possible, so of course your gonna hit the hubs first. A previous post of mine said we would probably hit the hubs first then spread out from there. I will get with GS and also you, and find out a good day in July to get there for the day.

Maybe you should hit the small stations first. That'd send a helluva message to everyone. Better yet, split up and hit large and small alike at once.
thanks 700 for posting that its about time the 141 did ask to be released.. but given that maintaince has already done so i would not expect the nmb to rule any time soon but this is a good thing
i guess theres no time limit for when the nmb would rule however given that both groups have simultaneously requested to be released id expect the nmb to either ignore the request as has been ongoing with the way they have never yet responded to the 142 and or id expect them to rule that 141 keeps talks but nonetheless this is a great start and it appears aiming to put a lot of pressure on the company given how they wrote the letter
The NMB gave US an extension to file information, US submitted their side and the board hasnt ruled yet.
OGRAC.....I have been told by my AGC, MM that there will be three NC members in PHX next TH/FR to inform the membership. Also MM told me he is visiting SFO and SJC in the next couple of days to let the membership know the status of the negotiation process and what to expect. I believe that SFO is a medium line station and SJC very small but he intends to visit all his stations in the next 3 weeks, big or small. He (MM) always returns calls if messages are left and gets to his 12 cities on a near regular basis. Remember.....all the AGCs are involved in one way or another and I hope that they remember who got them in the position that they are in presently.
MM is a dedicated AGC IMO. He serves the membership to the best of his abilities.That's all any member could ask. Consider yourself fortunate to be represented a dedicated AGC. Many AGCs are not on the NC. The members need to meet and hear from representatives who make up our NC. This is not a grievance issue. It's a contract negotiations issue. I understand the logistics of our NC visiting every station; but IMO the focus should be on the larger stations and then the most vulnerable outline stations going forward. The members in my station and myself are completely satisfied with the our AGC GS. He has done a great job but he is not on the NC. IMO... it's more advantageous if they meet, greet and get their answers from a NC member.Station visits by the NC during negotiations is a great idea. A strategy I fully support. A strategy past leadership teams failed to do. Past leadership and NC members visited stations only after a TA was reached.
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