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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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I support the strategy 100%. In order to build solidarity the membership must be educated and informed. They need to hear it straight from the NC that sits across the table from the company representatives in contract negotiations. Maybe then the membership will come to realize the blatant disdain the company has towards the Fleet Service group. Hoping some members of the NC can visit the station. Would welcome RO as well. Two hour drive from us. Thanks for keeping us on the radar Bro. If a station visit is not possible I would like to invite another member of my committee to attend CLT briefings as a witness.
I think we definitely will be having a meeting at RO, s location, since its kind of central to florida. It really depends on how long it is before we are called back to negotiations. But then again, we don't have to necessarily get to every station before negotiations, we can get to some after.
I hopefully will have some dates soon for the first meetings for the station visits. I'm sure that we will hit the hubs first then spread out from there. I'll post the dates as soon as I get them confirmed.
The best is going out on the floor, but with our situation in chapter 11 we didnt have the time.

All forms of communication are needed, bulletins, social media and person to person.
ok understand

definitely agree there
cb how soon do you think you and the team will get the list of cities and dates n times etc? also how many of you plan on visiting each stations?
It's something that now needs to be done, the mediator has told us that we will be back in negotiations sometime in July with no specific date yet. We need to make sure all of fleet is on the same page, we need to build the solidarity. One of the things we are going to do while we wait for the date is visit the stations and Inform everyone where we are at and answer as many questions as possible.

Not to state the obvious, but make sure whoever is out on the road knows their sh*t. Nothing worse than an AGC or other person showing up and basically answering everything with "I'll have to get back to you." All the more so in a line station where visits are rare, and solid info is a valuable commodity...
Not to state the obvious, but make sure whoever is out on the road knows their sh*t. Nothing worse than an AGC or other person showing up and basically answering everything with "I'll have to get back to you." All the more so in a line station where visits are rare, and solid info is a valuable commodity...
Saying "Can't tell ya" or "I'll get back to you" is terrible. We ran into a situation like that a couple weeks ago and thankfully there were two NC there. Long story short, a ballpark answer was received and that was sufficient and relaxed the ready room from the initial "Can't tell ya". regards,
back in the 2005 dog n pony show by tony armidio and his side kick we got a lot of "i cant tell you or ill have to get back to you"

kev you nailed it on the head with that one bro
cb how soon do you think you and the team will get the list of cities and dates n times etc? also how many of you plan on visiting each stations?
We will try to have at least 3 there, but no more than 4. I can tell you phx is set for the 20 and 21st. Bos will be the 20th. Tentative dates for clt is the 24th and 25rh. Dca on the 26th and phl on the 27th and 28th. The tentative dates are subject to change. That's ill I have at this time.
Not to state the obvious, but make sure whoever is out on the road knows their sh*t. Nothing worse than an AGC or other person showing up and basically answering everything with "I'll have to get back to you." All the more so in a line station where visits are rare, and solid info is a valuable commodity...
The people that will be out will know their stuff. Of course I can't guarantee you they will have every answer. But just a suggestion. If a union rep tells you he will get back to ya, ask him for his cell number just in case he doesn't. Not making excuses for anyone, but sometimes we get hit with so much stuff, we can't remember who all to get back to. So call them after a few days with a reminder.
You all should always be working by the book
Unfortuntely, in an effort to get planes turned and out on time we are guilty of cutting corners, regarding the company's safety and Ground Operations policies in many cases. This is a common thread with all stations large and small. Given the current posture of the company in negotiations one would have to wonder why we would be willing to continue this practice. IMO... by the book would result in putting the operation into an on time tailspin. Hmmm!
They have to run back to the breakroom to watch tv, play cards, play on their computers or read.

They are their own worst enemy, its a shame, that basically no one follows the company's written procedures, but damage a plane and see how fast the company disciplines the employee for not following the rules, yet turn a blind eye to it in every other circumstance.
We will try to have at least 3 there, but no more than 4. I can tell you phx is set for the 20 and 21st. Bos will be the 20th. Tentative dates for clt is the 24th and 25rh. Dca on the 26th and phl on the 27th and 28th. The tentative dates are subject to change. That's ill I have at this time.
How many smaller outline stations are scheduled to be visited? We are on the front line of the outsourcing buzzsaw. We are and have always been dues paying members as well. Seems to me, based on the tentative schedule, the larger stations are the focus. With that being said... I'm supposed to believe that scope and protecting existing work in outline stations is a priority in contract negotiations? Time will tell I guess.
thats a great start cb hopefully you folks be able to come to some of the other cities like bwi pit etc
How many smaller outline stations are scheduled to be visited? We are on the front line of the outsourcing buzzsaw. We are and have always been dues paying members as well. Seems to me, based on the tentative schedule, the larger stations are the focus. With that being said... I'm supposed to believe that scope and protecting existing work in outline stations is a priority in contract negotiations? Time will tell I guess.
Calm down a little. I understand what your saying, and I here ya. Big stations aren't all we care about. That's like the first 10 days. We wanted to hit as many people as quickly as possible, so of course your gonna hit the hubs first. A previous post of mine said we would probably hit the hubs first then spread out from there. I will get with GS and also you, and find out a good day in July to get there for the day.
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