August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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freedom.. RE READ the contract... the 2008 crap contract... HERE FREEDOM FOR YOUR READ ONLY... PER THE 08 CONTRACT....


now what part of that do you NOT UNDERSTAND


We WILL NOT be getting a 2% raise this July. As stated in the 08 CBA, that was a one time deal and no more raises until a new CBA is reached. I have spoken to several AGC's and a few other grievance Chairs, our last raise was July of 12. Hope this clears up how the company actually feels about the FSA group. Well that, and the current atmosphere with our negotiations that is. Remember work safe, and to policy that the comapny set. IE, no such thing as a quick turn in company policy or procedure. Use every minute of the ground objective to SAFELY turn that flight.
Even though the contract is written the way its written we will not be gettin any raises? im lookin on page 117 of the 08 contract and i know the 2% was 09 10 and 11 but on page 117 it says if there is no deal by july 2012 which was just 11 months ago how is that? it does not make sense bro

I may be wrong, but I am 99.9% sure that we will not get another raise until we reach another CBA. Besides, the paragraph you cite, ONLY says July 2012, not July 2012, and beyond, until a new agreement is reached.
I had a conversation with a couple guys today and i said to them.......(they are from HP btw). " Do you guys realize that you are working under a BK contract?" They had no idea and never even thought about it ! So i explained to them that they basically inherited it during the merger.
Also the company would like to thank you for hanging in there and helping create profits by scanning bags and keeping the airline running ontime. We think so much of you that we give you $50 for doing so. Maybe $150 a quarter if you work a little harder at it amongst other things... So far you've done a great job so we are not going to negotiate on par with those efforts. So much so that buy the time we sign anything it will be about six years before we sit at the table again to look forward to the next so many years after that. Meanwhile we will be the biggest airline in the world, something you can be proud of, for your efforts. And, who knows? When we become one with AA?


How nice is that!

Sincerely Appreciated DP / AH
I hear yahh "33"...

Corporate Bankruptcy Code was the tool of choice in this Industry to dramatically reduce labor costs during the lean years. Almost every complaint I read, or hear against the Union can actually be traced to these BK proceedings, abrogation, or threats of abrogation! Many members still don’t understand what happened to them... in their minds it’s the Union’s fault!

The Company enjoyed a long period of time stomping on the Labor Groups, while allowing the majority of the ire to be directed back at the Unions-- It doesn't get any better than that them! The coming decades will be a whole new era for the Airlines! Unfortunately, the Company wants to retain the “old era” BK labor costs, and insert them into the new Global Business Model.

Fleet sacrificed with drastic wage decreases, along with forced part-time hours, that lead to home losses, divorces, and uncountable personal hardships, such as displacements, and outright job loss! It is time to regain all of this lost ground. It was the employees that saved the Industry, not the Industry saving the employees!

It’s time for Fleet to say... NO MORE!
like a coworker of mine just text me and said and it is soo true.. even if it was an extra 20 bucks usairways mgmt will screw us the fsa out of it no matter what but it sure is ok for those filthy rotten arse b@$tards to take their 6 digit figures.. well id say its time to be more than unified and go to the news media and all and let the world know how usair treats their own employess and dont limit it to fsa as they treat all of us and ratchet up the pressure
ask to be released even if the nmb says no
take a strike vote i know most of the folks in my station including myself would vote yes to a strike

I may be wrong, but I am 99.9% sure that we will not get another raise until we reach another CBA. Besides, the paragraph you cite, ONLY says July 2012, not July 2012, and beyond, until a new agreement is reached.
I concur PJ ...

My interpretation was after 12, we are locked in until we negotiate another agreement....There is no language to cover any subsequent years that I know of.
this is how i interpeted it and its straight from the book itself.. the parties will commence bargaining for a new cba no later than july 15 2011 in the event that there is no tentative agreement during the status quo period following the amendable date all base rates will increase by 2% for all employees effective the first day of the first pay period following july 1 2012

signed by none other than randy canale (canary bird)
and 9\
allen hemmenway ( allen i dont give a F about our employees anyway)

in the 08 contract that is how i interepeted as does a lot of my fellow coworkers
like a coworker of mine just text me and said and it is soo true.. even if it was an extra 20 bucks usairways mgmt will screw us the fsa out of it no matter what but it sure is ok for those filthy rotten arse b@$tards to take their 6 digit figures.. well id say its time to be more than unified and go to the news media and all and let the world know how usair treats their own employess and dont limit it to fsa as they treat all of us and ratchet up the pressure
ask to be released even if the nmb says no
take a strike vote i know most of the folks in my station including myself would vote yes to a strike
Welcome to unbridled, wanton, and pristine Capitalism! Mitt Romney, the Kochs, and whole host of far right “Vulture Capitalist” believe this is good for America! Fleet is middle-class because of Union Representation. Without it... we would be working poor, eligible for food stamps!
A strike vote is meaningless at this point, 141 hasnt even asked to be released, 142 has asked two months ago, and no response from the board.

Its time to work by the book, its the company rules, follow them.
700 i understand what youre saying there.. yes i do agree that it would be meaninging less i cannot vouch for other cities or other folks i myself will take it upon myself along with a number of others to strictly go by the manuals and many times already the planes have gone out late i do think that its high flying time the 141 asks to be released even if the nmb will say no i would imagine by asking to be released that could help to ratchet up the pressure.. its just flat out ridicolous that the slime balls at usairways top level dirt are doing this in front of the federal mediator boards and nothing is being done about it at least in the interim
Robbedagain a.k.a. MB. It may seem a little vague but why spin our collective wheels on something that we will NEVER get per the 2008 CBA. Why can't the membership look forward and possibly get something with an agreement in place. I believe that the NC has the best interest of ALL stations, big and small at heart. There should be some sort of payment to the membership from the time the contract became amendable. We are headed down the backstretch and the NC is making the final turn toward the finish......for Section least.
Should have started when Parker did the end around to all the unions at US when he made MOUs with AA's unions.
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