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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Hardly. I hope the picketing is successful. Now Bob Owens can't say the IAM didn't picket like he has before. Although picketing in NYC or DCA may be more effective than CLT, but CLT is a US hub so it makes sense to picket there. 700 are you going to be part of the picketing?

CB tell ALL the IAM Brothers and Sisters at CLT THANK YOU ! for stepping up ! Contracts NOW ! Merger LATER ! NMB release US ! SOLIDARITY WORKS !
I want the merger for my own reasons , DP wants the merger for HIS own reasons , the pilots and FA's , they have theirs .... Everyone has their own reason for wanting or not wanting this merger to happen ... just because I want to see this merger happen doesn't mean I'm a company stooge...

I think in the long run this merger will provide job security and increased benefits for fleet Service . You may choose to believe that or not I don't care .
I think in the long run this proposed merger has the semblance of job security and increased benefits for Fleet and other departments. I believe what many will experience throughout the process will be the opposite. Job elimination, displacement and an eventual stagnation, or a reduction in, compensation and benefits. This is part of the "synergies" the company, the investors and the shareholders hope to realize by merging. Thankfully; one thing will stand in their way. The fact that there are union represented employees on their property. Lock and Load! Their coming!
Permits were applied for and received. The only bad part is we didnt get them approved until this past Tuesday, so we weren't really able to get the word out. However on a very short notice, I am proud to say that clt stepped up again and filled every picket slot that we had available. We will be ready to go from 6am- 8pm with 80+ agents picketing throughout the day.
Please thank the members who took the time to do the informational picketing. CLT Rocks!
Orgac one of the postives I see resulting from this merger is our intergration with the AA fleet service group ,they seem pretty hardcore union from what I remeber of the AA guys here in PHX before they were all outsourced ...

It is my hope that with the increased numbers we will for once be able to take back some of the work that has in years past been lost to fleet ....

I know corporation's are hell bent on eliminating any sort of job in this country that pays a living wage so they can hoard all the wealth they can ,but I honestly believe that public sentiment in this country is Turing away from such behavior.

The actions of the food service employees are but the first shot in a Union battle that I believe will ultimately transform this nation .
Orgac one of the postives I see resulting from this merger is our intergration with the AA fleet service group ,they seem pretty hardcore union from what I remeber of the AA guys here in PHX before they were all outsourced ...

It is my hope that with the increased numbers we will for once be able to take back some of the work that has in years past been lost to fleet ....

I know corporation's are hell bent on eliminating any sort of job in this country that pays a living wage so they can hoard all the wealth they can ,but I honestly believe that public sentiment in this country is Turing away from such behavior.

The actions of the food service employees are but the first shot in a Union battle that I believe will ultimately transform this nation .
First of all....... Nice job CLT fleet, watched you guy's online. Second.... Freedom, how old are you and how much time do you have with this company. Third.... If the new AA is going to create jobs, it's going to be above the wing, Why do you think they have Eagle working most of their outsourced cities? If it wasn't for our scope in the contract, we would have alot more guy's on the street. We just got ATL back but lost a few other stations in the process. You remind me of a kid I used to work with back in the 80's at Piedmont, he had about a year in seniority and would chock an a/c with his head if he had too.
Just wanted to say a Thank You!! To all the rampers in clt yesterday at the picket. We rotated teams of ten every 2 hours, and we walked from 6am-8pm, never ran short of agents. In fact many people just stopped by to volunteer if we needed them. Pretty amazing considering we just received the permits this past Tuesday. It was a great feeling of solidarity out there yesterday, and I know everyone that took part felt the same way. Again, thanks everyone!!! Awesome, awesome job!!!!!!!
Hey Marvin Bland in PHX. I heard that there was a town hall meeting in PHX this past Thursday with Donna Paladini and Robert Isom present to entertain any questions. Did you make it up there to ask the hard questions or did you even take the time out of you day to go there? Just wondering
Hey Marvin Bland in PHX. I heard that there was a town hall meeting in PHX this past Thursday with Donna Paladini and Robert Isom present to entertain any questions. Did you make it up there to ask the hard questions or did you even take the time out of you day to go there? Just wondering
Hey Marvin Bland in PHX. I heard that there was a town hall meeting in PHX this past Thursday with Donna Paladini and Robert Isom present to entertain any questions. Did you make it up there to ask the hard questions or did you even take the time out of you day to go there? Just wondering
Ohhh.... Marvin Bland... step on down, you are the next contestant on company stooge!
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