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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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I neither confirm nor deny whom any of you think I may be .... But I will say this ,your fascination with whom you think I may be is becoming determental to our cause ...more of you should be applauding the Strong turn out of our brother's and sisters in CLT instead of trying to play detective ....

As to the meeting here in PHX I was unable to attend ... I did ask around but I hear different stories , some people told me it was delayed and will be rescheduled ,others said they were there ....I cannot communicate reliable information as to what went down .
some people told me it was delayed and will be rescheduled ,others said they were there ....I cannot communicate reliable information as to what went down .

It wasn't delayed. Someone asked about the IAM getting contracts, and Isom didn't have anything new to say about it, just how good a job the IAM employees are doing, how the IAM is swell, that the NMB had just announced a new meeting date for negotiations and how we have to keep in mind that until the merger goes through, we're negotiating with a standalone US Airways which really can't offer the same contract benefits as the merged entity will.
It wasn't delayed. Someone asked about the IAM getting contracts, and Isom didn't have anything new to say about it, just how good a job the IAM employees are doing, how the IAM is swell, that the NMB had just announced a new meeting date for negotiations and how we have to keep in mind that until the merger goes through, we're negotiating with a standalone US Airways which really can't offer the same contract benefits as the merged entity will.

If that is what he said about the IAM groups, that is just pathetic.

But this being an aviation oriented site, this comes to mind:

It wasn't delayed. Someone asked about the IAM getting contracts, and Isom didn't have anything new to say about it, just how good a job the IAM employees are doing, how the IAM is swell, that the NMB had just announced a new meeting date for negotiations and how we have to keep in mind that until the merger goes through, we're negotiating with a standalone US Airways which really can't offer the same contract benefits as the merged entity will.
Isom, Parker and AH would like nothing better than to bypass Section 6 negotiations with US Fleet and Maintenance with the hollow promise more can be gained in transition talks once the merger is complete. The IAM was fooled once, with this hollow promise, at UA. I'm hopeful the IAM Leadrership and our members are not fooled twice. CONTRACTS NOW! TRANSITION AGREEMENTS AFTERWARD! Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; Shame on me. Imo... it's time to LOCK AND LOAD! We need a contract first Mr. Isom, DP & AH.
I neither confirm nor deny whom any of you think I may be .... But I will say this ,your fascination with whom you think I may be is becoming determental to our cause ...more of you should be applauding the Strong turn out of our brother's and sisters in CLT instead of trying to play detective ....

As to the meeting here in PHX I was unable to attend ... I did ask around but I hear different stories , some people told me it was delayed and will be rescheduled ,others said they were there ....I cannot communicate reliable information as to what went down .
Sounds like you are definately out of the loop. Certainly not actively involved. Even if you were involved... I doubt you would have had the b**** to ask the tough questions.
Just wanted to say a Thank You!! To all the rampers in clt yesterday at the picket. We rotated teams of ten every 2 hours, and we walked from 6am-8pm, never ran short of agents. In fact many people just stopped by to volunteer if we needed them. Pretty amazing considering we just received the permits this past Tuesday. It was a great feeling of solidarity out there yesterday, and I know everyone that took part felt the same way. Again, thanks everyone!!! Awesome, awesome job!!!!!!!
I couldn't be prouder of the members on "the line" in CLT. I'm from an outline station and doubt this informational picketing will ever take place here. I would, however, like to be put on a volunteer list for any future picketing in CLT that needs to be done. Hell; I'll get the day off to be there. Nice work CLT!
I neither confirm nor deny whom any of you think I may be .... But I will say this ,your fascination with whom you think I may be is becoming determental to our cause ...more of you should be applauding the Strong turn out of our brother's and sisters in CLT instead of trying to play detective ....

As to the meeting here in PHX I was unable to attend ... I did ask around but I hear different stories , some people told me it was delayed and will be rescheduled ,others said they were there ....I cannot communicate reliable information as to what went down .
Do you understand how pathetic you sound here?

You are the epitome of what is wrong with the labor movement in the airline industry.
I'm not afraid to ask hard questions ,but I've watched my share of crew meetings in the past ,their nothing more than group therapy for agitated workers ...there's nothing left to say ,if any of you think your going to "talk" managment into giving us anything then your sadly mistaken ...
I'm not afraid to ask hard questions ,but I've watched my share of crew meetings in the past ,their nothing more than group therapy for agitated workers ...there's nothing left to say ,if any of you think your going to "talk" managment into giving us anything then your sadly mistaken ...
Just need to get them on record of what they are not willing to give. In order to achieve that; members must ask very pointed and direct questions to flush them out. You weren't there. You couldn't even confirm if the meeting took place. Your talk is about being on the front line and being vocal about scope and job protection this time around; yet your actions, or lack of, speaks volumes Brother. This meeting took place in your home station; yet you were too pre occupied to attend. WOW! Duly noted freedom.
and why do we need to get them on record ? If they promise us 100 Million dollars a worker in the town hall , you think their going to follow through with that when their sitting at the table because they "said" they would ?

Crying at a Town Hall will do little to advance our cause , I would even suggest a complete boycott of it .. it would have been more effective if we had gotten 30 rampers to stand outside of the conference room with their backs turned then attempt to engage Senior management in word play .

Like I said before , if you think you can "talk" our way into getting what is duly owed to us ( 2% cost of living ! ) then you are WELCOME to join the negotiating committee .. Rallies like what they had in CLT are the only way forwards .. Right now we stand at an incredible cross roads for this company , and I think it could entirely be possible to just annoy management into giving us what we want so we will just shut up and go away ...

You know if I wasn't completely in support of this merger , I would suggest that our Union find fifty thousand dollars and start a targeted Ad campaign via You tube (you can target demographics , location and I'm pretty sure income ) in the HUB cities where we run highly political ad's just slamming the merger ...

Ominous unseen speaker

"Banks and Corporations in America today are sitting on piles of Cash, paying their workers less than ever and charging their customers as much as they can get away with , Do you really want to see MORE mega Airlines that continue to nickel and dime the flying public ? The Merger between US Airways and American Airlines will further reduce competition in this country giving people like you even LESS choice and affordability when it comes time to buy a ticket , in what world is this a good thing ? Call your congressman today and tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , it's time for the American public to stop getting fleeced !"

This ad brought to you by the alliance of Americans for competitive practices and fair play

Well that's what I would say if I wasn't a complete cheerleader for the merger ..
Crying at a Town Hall will do little to advance our cause , I would even suggest a complete boycott of it .. it would have been more effective if we had gotten 30 rampers to stand outside of the conference room with their backs turned then attempt to engage Senior management in word play.

Have you ever addressed management at a town hall event before?
I neither confirm nor deny whom any of you think I may be .... But I will say this ,your fascination with whom you think I may be is becoming determental to our cause ...more of you should be applauding the Strong turn out of our brother's and sisters in CLT instead of trying to play detective ....

I'll play detective. I can recall anyone saying Freedom was any 'Marvin Brand'. 'Marvin' yes, but not with a last name. Since the question was directed at 'Marvin Brand' and not 'Freedom' I am forced to assume that you are either Marvin Brand, an idiot, or both.

So tell me, where were you on the night of the 16th? Where?!?!?!? SPEAK! How could you do that to the victim? WE KNOW IT WAS YOU! REPENT AND YOU SHALL BE SAVED!
Have you ever addressed management at a town hall event before?

When fleet was still going through contract talks after the merger, I remember at a PHX town hall meeting freedum asking Doug Parker for a raise. To paraphrase: "Please give us anything. 10 cents. Anything!." Parker got a big chuckle out of that. It appeared on Wings (or The Hub) in a Town Hall video. That was before Parker only held town halls pilots and flight attendants.
I was at that town hall meeting as were most of ramp ,several of our workers went to both meetings that day ....

I believe his intent was to illistrate just how cheap the company was being ,I don't think anyone actually wanted a ten cent raise ....

But like I've said ,those are nothing more than group therapy sessons ....TALK is NOT going to get us anywhere , all of you have worked here long enough to where you should know how this company operates ...TALK TALK TALK TALK ,that's all you people on here want to do ....

Talk doesn't get us anywhere , show up at the company pickets and don't do more than your own job at work ....prettty soon they will get the message that people are not happy .
Which side of your mouth are you talking out of today?
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