August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Hey Marvin Bland in PHX. I heard that there was a town hall meeting in PHX this past Thursday with Donna Paladini and Robert Isom present to entertain any questions. Did you make it up there to ask the hard questions or did you even take the time out of you day to go there? Just wondering

Feeling pretty good about yourself, tossing someone's name out on the web while yours remains cloaked in the shadows of the internet? Just wondering.

I don't agree with 99.9% of the nonsense that flies out of his keyboard, but throwing names out like that is a #### move, sorry.
Feeling pretty good about yourself, tossing someone's name out on the web while yours remains cloaked in the shadows of the internet? Just wondering.

I don't agree with 99.9% of the nonsense that flies out of his keyboard, but throwing names out like that is a #### move, sorry.
If he isn't Marvin Bland, then I really feel sorry for the real Marvin Bland... even if he isn't Marvin Bland, I still feel sorry for Freedom with his odd, nearly delusional theories. Either way, you are absolutely correct, because we all know that exposing someone in this forum is little more than an attempt to intimidate him within the work place and to force him to keep his (wacky) ideas to himself.

I was once falsely accused of being "Dave" at UDO (supply room), which was another poster's attempt to keep my less-than-lockstep views from being aired on this board. It was a lousy thing to do then, and it is a lousy thing to do now.
Feeling pretty good about yourself, tossing someone's name out on the web while yours remains cloaked in the shadows of the internet? Just wondering.

I don't agree with 99.9% of the nonsense that flies out of his keyboard, but throwing names out like that is a #### move, sorry.

couldn't agree more JFK
I would feel bad if my views caused trouble for other people ...honestly I don't think I've ever said anything that conterversial ...

I continue to approve of this merger ,if parker is right it will be good for fleet ,if he's wrong we will at that point be too big to fail .

While I support this merger I truly am unhappy with the fact that this has dragged out longer than expected with fleet being ingnored ...I will continue to only do what my job requires of me and will be there at any pickets or marches our union plans on having here in PHX.

It's beyond obvious that my presence in the fleet service thread is completely disruptive towards focusing on the important work of continuing to moblize fleet like their doing in CLT ...

It makes me sad that other opinions cannot be tolerated here but oh well...I'm going to post a few more times in support of the merger and then call it quits ....( because I believe this merger and DCA are vital to fleet in the long term)
I would feel bad if my views caused trouble for other people ...honestly I don't think I've ever said anything that conterversial ...

I continue to approve of this merger ,if parker is right it will be good for fleet ,if he's wrong we will at that point be too big to fail .

While I support this merger I truly am unhappy with the fact that this has dragged out longer than expected with fleet being ingnored ...I will continue to only do what my job requires of me and will be there at any pickets or marches our union plans on having here in PHX.

It's beyond obvious that my presence in the fleet service thread is completely disruptive towards focusing on the important work of continuing to moblize fleet like their doing in CLT ...

It makes me sad that other opinions cannot be tolerated here but oh well...I'm going to post a few more times in support of the merger and then call it quits ....( because I believe this merger and DCA are vital to fleet in the long term)

Freedom I don't think anyone wants you to call it quits. Man just educate your self so you know what's going on.

Feeling pretty good about yourself, tossing someone's name out on the web while yours remains cloaked in the shadows of the internet? Just wondering.

I don't agree with 99.9% of the nonsense that flies out of his keyboard, but throwing names out like that is a #### move, sorry.
I agree with you here.

As much as I disagree with "freedom's" delusional thought vomit, he should enjoy himself in his privacy.
and why do we need to get them on record ? If they promise us 100 Million dollars a worker in the town hall , you think their going to follow through with that when their sitting at the table because they "said" they would ?

Crying at a Town Hall will do little to advance our cause , I would even suggest a complete boycott of it .. it would have been more effective if we had gotten 30 rampers to stand outside of the conference room with their backs turned then attempt to engage Senior management in word play .

Like I said before , if you think you can "talk" our way into getting what is duly owed to us ( 2% cost of living ! ) then you are WELCOME to join the negotiating committee .. Rallies like what they had in CLT are the only way forwards .. Right now we stand at an incredible cross roads for this company , and I think it could entirely be possible to just annoy management into giving us what we want so we will just shut up and go away ...

You know if I wasn't completely in support of this merger , I would suggest that our Union find fifty thousand dollars and start a targeted Ad campaign via You tube (you can target demographics , location and I'm pretty sure income ) in the HUB cities where we run highly political ad's just slamming the merger ...

Ominous unseen speaker

"Banks and Corporations in America today are sitting on piles of Cash, paying their workers less than ever and charging their customers as much as they can get away with , Do you really want to see MORE mega Airlines that continue to nickel and dime the flying public ? The Merger between US Airways and American Airlines will further reduce competition in this country giving people like you even LESS choice and affordability when it comes time to buy a ticket , in what world is this a good thing ? Call your congressman today and tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , it's time for the American public to stop getting fleeced !"

This ad brought to you by the alliance of Americans for competitive practices and fair play

Well that's what I would say if I wasn't a complete cheerleader for the merger ..
You show up at their propaganda meetings to voice the members' true opinion. You show up to ask pointed questions on record. You show up to let them know the membership isn't buying their Bull****! Does it make a difference? Who knows. One thing is certain; they prefer an audience who says Uh huh... uh huh over an audience who calls them out. You missed an opportunity to do so Freedom. You missed an opportunity to Lock and Load. It's evident you choose to sit on the sidelines and let other members, such as though who showed up for informational picketing in CLT, to fight for you. You will eventually fall on your sword Marvin. The light YOU see at the end of the tunnel may very well be an oncoming train. PHX = PIT get it! Spare me the argument "they will never close PHX!" I heard the same rhetoric in PIT many years ago.
Feeling pretty good about yourself, tossing someone's name out on the web while yours remains cloaked in the shadows of the internet? Just wondering.

I don't agree with 99.9% of the nonsense that flies out of his keyboard, but throwing names out like that is a #### move, sorry. are absolutely right. My bad, but I never associated anyone on the forum with my most recent post. People who answered that post chose to on their own accord. From now on I will use only initials. May I ask a question of you? Are you one of our soon to be AA brothers at JFK?
Then why do you keep beating the drum on AA/US company boy? You somehow believe the IAM gains more dues payers and you get to non-rev to more cities?

Besides being anti-union, and a liar, you are now making up things.

First of all I am far from a company boy, unlike you.

Second I have never supported the merger nor spoke in favor of it.

Third, if a merger happens it doesnt increase dues to the IAM nor the TWU.

No run along and go kick another old lady out of her house.
Do you realize every merger leads to job cuts?

That's true. Sad but true.....
We've felt it already.

But there will be a reduced headcount somewhere. Especially if there isn't enough people willing to leave on their own (ie: early out) We've all seen it when the "merger synergies" to produce the "supposed shareholder value" aren't quite where there are. So a hub or several stations have to be sacrificed.

BTW: What would be the total headcount of the "new American" if the merger is agreed on?
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