August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Freedom......I can out you in more ways than you think, but that is not my objective. The bigger picture is that Fleet Service needs to be unified. That is the only objective. Hell, Tim Nelson brings up many valid points but his objective is to have strong people from the top down. ROA has many years of service and continually rallies the troops with his insight and years of knowledge. OGRAC has seen a hub deconstructed and speaks from the heart and Mike33 is forever the consummate professional who doesn't post something unless he has done he research. I could go on and on naming Fleet Service Agents who add to this forum. Maybe you should take a sabbatical in an attempt to focus on the here and now.........A new CBA that brings USAirways fleet up to par with the rest of the industry. One thing that you must remember, once something is negotiated away it is very, very hard to get back. There is always a price and that is what management is banking on. Our NC has held strong for two years through thick and thin and now the company wants our help to promote this merger. SHAME ON THEM!! It is because of the Fleet, CS, MX that record profits have been generated and USAirways has the ability to merge with AA. I believe that the second Tuesday of every month is the Local Lodge meeting for the IAM in PHX. Get yourself down there and get involved. I think you have the passion to want to make a difference but you need to get involved at the station level and help your brothers and sisters in PHX first.
Agreed. Freedom needs to get involved in his own station. It's time to help unify the members. The union desperatly needs members who are willing to get involved, unify the masses and help us fight, on a unified front, for the common good of the membership. You're either with us; or against us. If you can't stand behind us; then I invite you to stand in front of us. Semper Fi!
Thanks Solidarity...

If I were a betting man, US needs the cooperation of organized labor more now than ever in history! Now is the time to play our cards by demanding fair equitable agreements that reflect the combined scope, and synergies of the merged carrier BEFORE assisting with the process in any way!

MTX and Fleet are in a perfect position to implement this strategy! As Cargo would say...

“We locked ‘n loaded m***** f******!!
US needs all the help they can get right now. Likewise, our NC and union needs it as well. NOW is truly the time. The meeting with the NMB tomorrow should be very interesting. I'm sure CB or PREZ will update us. The time is now! Lock and Load M***** F******! We're going in! Semper Fi!
While I agree that freedom has some crazy viewpoints, and I disagree with him more often than not, can we at least drop the position of he threw his co-workers under the bus for a few dollars please. The same thing happened here in 2005, remember, when ALL the class 1 stations voted to give ALL the class 2stations lesser pay? Weather you personally voted yes or no to the 2005 agreement, I don't care, the majority of class 1 stations threw all of the class 2 stations under the bus for a few pieces of silver. Have we forgotten that? Freedom voted the way he did in 2008, for the same reasons that the class 1 stations did in 2005. You can't deny this. So drop it already, it's past history. Either get over it or don't, but we can't go back and change either vote now, we just have to deal, And correct me if I am wrong here, but PHX alone did not carry that vote.. So as effffed up as freedom's views are, disagree with them on those views alone, the vote is history, and both sides have blood on their hands when it comes to throwing co-workers under the bus for a few coins.
Agreed. The focus should not be on Freedom's viewpoints, his past history, or the past history of our collective group's mistakes. The focus should be on what we have learned from past mistakes, what it has cost us. We need to focus on what needs to be done going forward, to prevent us from making the same mistakes again. If we have learned from past mistakes... then it's time for all of us to look forward. There are battles to be fought regarding our collective futures! Our NC is going to need a solidified group if we want meaningful improvements to working conditions.
i agree orgac and i share in lookin in the past w my spats with freedom but now is the time to spring forward lock loaded new contracts now merger later... our past mistakes can help bridge a new n better contract
lol, implying you have any cred on the ramp whatsoever.

let me share with you how I think we need to speak to one another ... When I say that I tell people I only do my job and I don't do more than what is required of me , I'm not TELLING anyone how to do their job .

2 weeks ago I encountered a customer Service situation that in the past I wouldn't have let anything stop from me from ensuring that our passengers got taken care of , I used to have no qualms whatsoever about going above and beyond my Job's parameters to make sure our company took care of the customer ...

but I've decided that because i'm not even getting a cost of living adjustment each year , i'm NOT going to go the extra distance , so I quite plainly told one of my co-workers why I was not going to go the distance for our passengers ... I said if he wanted to that it was his choice and that it was fine with me ...

He decided to go beyond the parameters of what our job requires , and he told me about it later , to which I replied that it was really nice of him to do that and I said no more ..

i'm not going to shame or hate on anyone , i'm not going to tell my brothers and sisters how they should do their jobs ...

When I can lead by example I will do so , but if no one follows me that's OK ..
Agreed. Freedom needs to get involved in his own station. It's time to help unify the members. The union desperatly needs members who are willing to get involved, unify the masses and help us fight, on a unified front, for the common good of the membership. You're either with us; or against us. If you can't stand behind us; then I invite you to stand in front of us. Semper Fi!

I will stand in front and behind you whenever necessary ..

i'm standing in front of you when it comes to the merger because I feel it is the best interests of fleet service , and if you can't see that I feel sorry for you ...

I will stand behind you when it's time to rally the membership , I will try to gently and respectfully goad our people into getting out there to rally , protest and start joining with the other stations to really let this company know that we cannot be ignored .

I can see that the time is drawing near for action , so I will indeed increase my level of participation at my station .
I will stand in front and behind you whenever necessary ..

i'm standing in front of you when it comes to the merger because I feel it is the best interests of fleet service , and if you can't see that I feel sorry for you ...

I will stand behind you when it's time to rally the membership , I will try to gently and respectfully goad our people into getting out there to rally , protest and start joining with the other stations to really let this company know that we cannot be ignored .

I can see that the time is drawing near for action , so I will indeed increase my level of participation at my station .
I agree the merger has the potential for a positive future.Let's make every effort to ensure the benefits of a future merger will be shared with the members of our collective bargaining unit as well as others. Too often; mergers translate into job elimination and an adverse affect on members' livelihoods. Additionally, we need to make every effort to insure that the benefits reaped by this merger are not the result of such sacrifices. Are you behind us or in front of us regarding our collective cause?
It's time to rally and unify behind this cause as I see it. It's time to increase participation in every station. It's time to stand united! It's the only hope for gaining meaningful improvements to job security,working conditions and a future ticket to ride.
I agree the merger has the potential for a positive future.Let's make every effort to ensure the benefits of a future merger will be shared with the members of our collective bargaining unit as well as others. Too often; mergers translate into job elimination and an adverse affect on members' livelihoods. Additionally, we need to make every effort to insure that the benefits reaped by this merger are not the result of such sacrifices. Are you behind us or in front of us regarding our collective cause?
It's time to rally and unify behind this cause as I see it. It's time to increase participation in every station. It's time to stand united! It's the only hope for gaining meaningful improvements to job security,working conditions and a future ticket to ride.

Orgc , job security in America today is one of the most important and relevant causes that we as Americans MUST champion ..

You turn on the headlines , and day after day you see THOUSANDS of our people being disposed of like trash , kicked to the curb .. ripped from livelihoods that enable them to support themselves and their families and reduced to government dependency ...

take todays news that BANK Of AMERICA will lay off 2100 employees ....

The banks in this country are making PLENTY of money off of the cheap FED sugar , and I have NO DOUBT that bonuses are still flowing to those at the top .. They could afford to keep their workers , to retrain or re-assign them to other divisions , instead they dump them out like yesterdays garbage ...

US airways and the new AMERICAN is in NO position to layoff more workers , and I intend to expand upon this hopefully later this week ..
cb our shop steward said that soon we be getting the company support armband and not to wear them... i already know a few in my sta that wont wear it myself including no merger support til we get contracts period

cb do you have any idea as to how the conference will go or just wait n see approach
I really just have the wait and see approach. Remember we have asked to be released, however it's not in the NMB vocabulary I don't think to release airlines in today's times. So IMO they will try and get us back to the table.
I really just have the wait and see approach. Remember we have asked to be released, however it's not in the NMB vocabulary I don't think to release airlines in today's times. So IMO they will try and get us back to the table.
Hopefully, the NMB will send all parties back to the table with explicit instructions to negotiate in good faith and reach agreements. hopefully, the NMB is getting tired of the company's position of D****** around, stalling and wasting everyone's time. We shall see. please keep us updated CB.
The NMB needs to RELEASE US ! F/S and M/R the IAM UNION for a 30 day countdown. LCC /DP and the rest of the FACIST working for this INC. will not bargain in good faith PERIOD ! Until they are forced to. IMO. The NMB would only be COLLABORATING with OUR ENEMY in making any other decision. Brothers/Sisters 2+ yrs. of being treated like BOOT FODER . We are on the Final Approach of being the largest and most profitable Airline Inc. in the World. We must be allowed to take a stand now and not expect our Brothers/Sisters at other IAM represented Airlines to be 1st to say Enough is Enough ! for Workers in this corrupt Airline Industry. Contracts NOW ! Merger Later . SOLIDARITY.
Yep, it sure did:

Massive income inequality

Failing schools

Crumbling infrastructure

A nonstop assault on workers' rights

The list goes on and on...
You are correct Kev...

EVERYONE should watch the mini-series "The men who built America" created by the History Channel. I have not seen, or even read a more accurate description of the plutocracy that was in place at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution! Workers were nothing more than expendable slaves in those days. There were NO workers rights or Unions, many workers perished standing up to guys like Andrew Carnegie.

Cut-throat capitalism built fortunes for a select few, and it was their wanton greed that created government regulations and Organized Labor-- In fact, you cannot have one without the other... checks and balances!

~The rest is History!
what's the rumor of arm bands? I haven't scrolled all of these pages but I see CLTrat talking about an arm bad. If an armband says Contract now, then tell MF to send some up this way. Even though I would like it to say "Fair contract now" since "Contract Now' could mean any flimsy contract. Nonetheless, Contract now is still something to go with. IMO, it probably won't be a problem systemwide to get brothers and sisters to wear them. My assumption is that DL142 would participate in this as well.
Now... as far these armbands go... WTF? Didn’t the Pilots just get sued in the court of law for wearing yellow lanyards? Wasn't the Company’s argument that these lanyards were "non-approved" uniform items that perpetuated a clandestine work action?

Now, they are telling me the Company will ALLOW a non-uniform item like a “Support the Merger” armband?

In addition, the IAM will issue non-uniform armbands, or other uniform items in support of a contract?

This should be interesting from a legal perspective...
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