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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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show us where in the planet did airlines ever become nationalized esp in the usa.... never heard of us air carriers becoming nationalized... as for the usps take a look at them the only fed govt agency that is forced to pay into a future retiree benefit if they had not have to do that they be profitable.. instead their basically insolvent.. you freedum are truly a clueless clown
as for your boy dp who the f cares he certainly does not and never will care for the hard working people of usairways we bailed the company out time and time again yet they make big ### profits on our backs til you wake up and smell the coffee instead of smoking something else then go figure out who he truly is he sure as heck does not give a dam about us and its very clear look at his track record 8 plus yrs before the fa/s got a deal pilots still dont have a deal both iam groups long ago asked to be released those darn donkeys dont move fast they stall stall stall think they all belong in one anyways..
I think sometimes our members forget that even though times are record good for this company, they still have us in our POS contract.

Not necessarily. You've also got to remember that so many of us come from HP. While I'm sure I'll overlook a few things, with the exception of scope, sick pay and (arguably) the 401(k) the contract we have now is better then what we had at AWA. There's a perspective factor that can't be overlooked. AWA employees have not taken the huge pay and benefit cuts that US did, so we see things differently.

show us where in the planet did airlines ever become nationalized

Isn't BA nationalized?
Isn't BA nationalized?

British airlines were nationalized in the 50's as were a number of British industries at the time but I think with a few minor exceptions those have since been re-privatized, including BA which went private in '87, according to wikipedia.
I'm a capitalist at heart ....captalism is what has made this country into what it is today ....I'm also a republican because at the end of the day I truly believe in a freemarket ...supply and demand ,job creation and job destruction...

There's no denying that I hold views that appear opposed to each other ,but it is my opinion that in emergency situations sometimes extream measures that we may not like must be taken ...

If Doug Parker is right about the merger and all the TV pundits are correct about an improving economy than my secrect hope for nationalization need never come to pass ....

But if parker is wrong ,if the media and the polticians are wrong and the economy dives like we have never seen before , I want us to be ready to do whatever it takes to keep going ...

Hope for the best prepare for the worst ...
First I neither confirm nor deny whom you think I am ...

Second, I suppose your right .... I must be insane ,there is obviously something unusual about me ...where most people look around and see a world moving along like normal ,I see a world that is racing to devalue its currencies in a bid to avoid facing the truth .. I see a world where one of the largest economies in the world ,JAPAN is actually guranteed to go belly up (I consider massive inflation of debt to be the same as BK ) ...I see these things and I stop and ponder the knock on effects ...

I look around me and I see my country deeply in debt (16Trillion dollars) I see the mother of all student loan bubbles (1 Trillion ) I see good middle class jobs being replaced with low wage part time hours with no benefits ...I see a war against blue collar workers with the importation of third world labor , I see American cities collapsing under the weight of their own debt ....

I see all of this and I think to myself, I must be mad .
First I neither confirm nor deny whom you think I am ...

Second, I suppose your right .... I must be insane ,there is obviously something unusual about me ...where most people look around and see a world moving along like normal ,I see a world that is racing to devalue its currencies in a bid to avoid facing the truth .. I see a world where one of the largest economies in the world ,JAPAN is actually guranteed to go belly up (I consider massive inflation of debt to be the same as BK ) ...I see these things and I stop and ponder the knock on effects ...

I look around me and I see my country deeply in debt (16Trillion dollars) I see the mother of all student loan bubbles (1 Trillion ) I see good middle class jobs being replaced with low wage part time hours with no benefits ...I see a war against blue collar workers with the importation of third world labor , I see American cities collapsing under the weight of their own debt ....

I see all of this and I think to myself, I must be mad .
Freedom......I can out you in more ways than you think, but that is not my objective. The bigger picture is that Fleet Service needs to be unified. That is the only objective. Hell, Tim Nelson brings up many valid points but his objective is to have strong people from the top down. ROA has many years of service and continually rallies the troops with his insight and years of knowledge. OGRAC has seen a hub deconstructed and speaks from the heart and Mike33 is forever the consummate professional who doesn't post something unless he has done he research. I could go on and on naming Fleet Service Agents who add to this forum. Maybe you should take a sabbatical in an attempt to focus on the here and now.........A new CBA that brings USAirways fleet up to par with the rest of the industry. One thing that you must remember, once something is negotiated away it is very, very hard to get back. There is always a price and that is what management is banking on. Our NC has held strong for two years through thick and thin and now the company wants our help to promote this merger. SHAME ON THEM!! It is because of the Fleet, CS, MX that record profits have been generated and USAirways has the ability to merge with AA. I believe that the second Tuesday of every month is the Local Lodge meeting for the IAM in PHX. Get yourself down there and get involved. I think you have the passion to want to make a difference but you need to get involved at the station level and help your brothers and sisters in PHX first.
Freedom......I can out you in more ways than you think, but that is not my objective. The bigger picture is that Fleet Service needs to be unified. That is the only objective. Hell, Tim Nelson brings up many valid points but his objective is to have strong people from the top down. ROA has many years of service and continually rallies the troops with his insight and years of knowledge. OGRAC has seen a hub deconstructed and speaks from the heart and Mike33 is forever the consummate professional who doesn't post something unless he has done he research. I could go on and on naming Fleet Service Agents who add to this forum. Maybe you should take a sabbatical in an attempt to focus on the here and now.........A new CBA that brings USAirways fleet up to par with the rest of the industry. One thing that you must remember, once something is negotiated away it is very, very hard to get back. There is always a price and that is what management is banking on. Our NC has held strong for two years through thick and thin and now the company wants our help to promote this merger. SHAME ON THEM!! It is because of the Fleet, CS, MX that record profits have been generated and USAirways has the ability to merge with AA. I believe that the second Tuesday of every month is the Local Lodge meeting for the IAM in PHX. Get yourself down there and get involved. I think you have the passion to want to make a difference but you need to get involved at the station level and help your brothers and sisters in PHX first.

Thanks Solidarity...

If I were a betting man, US needs the cooperation of organized labor more now than ever in history! Now is the time to play our cards by demanding fair equitable agreements that reflect the combined scope, and synergies of the merged carrier BEFORE assisting with the process in any way!

MTX and Fleet are in a perfect position to implement this strategy! As Cargo would say...

“We locked ‘n loaded m***** f******!!
First I neither confirm nor deny whom you think I am ...

Second, I suppose your right .... I must be insane ,there is obviously something unusual about me ...where most people look around and see a world moving along like normal ,I see a world that is racing to devalue its currencies in a bid to avoid facing the truth .. I see a world where one of the largest economies in the world ,JAPAN is actually guranteed to go belly up (I consider massive inflation of debt to be the same as BK ) ...I see these things and I stop and ponder the knock on effects ...

I look around me and I see my country deeply in debt (16Trillion dollars) I see the mother of all student loan bubbles (1 Trillion ) I see good middle class jobs being replaced with low wage part time hours with no benefits ...I see a war against blue collar workers with the importation of third world labor , I see American cities collapsing under the weight of their own debt ....

I see all of this and I think to myself, I must be mad .
Son... you a couple of fries short of a happy meal!
How about Aeroflop?

Aeroflot is one of the oldest airlines in the world, tracing its history back to 1923. During the Soviet era, Aeroflot was the Soviet national airline and the largest airline in the world. Following the dissolution of the USSR, the carrier has been transformed from a state-run enterprise into a semi-privatised company which ranks amongst the most profitable in the world. Aeroflot is still considered the de facto national airline of Russia. As of June 2011, it was 51%-owned by the Russian Government.

Freedom......I can out you in more ways than you think, but that is not my objective. The bigger picture is that Fleet Service needs to be unified. That is the only objective. Hell, Tim Nelson brings up many valid points but his objective is to have strong people from the top down. ROA has many years of service and continually rallies the troops with his insight and years of knowledge. OGRAC has seen a hub deconstructed and speaks from the heart and Mike33 is forever the consummate professional who doesn't post something unless he has done he research. I could go on and on naming Fleet Service Agents who add to this forum. Maybe you should take a sabbatical in an attempt to focus on the here and now.........A new CBA that brings USAirways fleet up to par with the rest of the industry. One thing that you must remember, once something is negotiated away it is very, very hard to get back. There is always a price and that is what management is banking on. Our NC has held strong for two years through thick and thin and now the company wants our help to promote this merger. SHAME ON THEM!! It is because of the Fleet, CS, MX that record profits have been generated and USAirways has the ability to merge with AA. I believe that the second Tuesday of every month is the Local Lodge meeting for the IAM in PHX. Get yourself down there and get involved. I think you have the passion to want to make a difference but you need to get involved at the station level and help your brothers and sisters in PHX first.

I am offended by your insinuation that I am not involved .. I'm on here am I not ? I at least TRY to keep up with union news .. Whenever this Union has called on me to come out , be it marches , pickets , meeting at work , I have NEVER failed to answer that call ..I do the best that I can to support solidarity in my work place ...

your just going to have to get used to the fact that I'm an individual of many different view points ...I don't believe solidarity means that we must all think alike In lock step ...

your just going to have to get used to the fact that I'm an individual of many different view points ...I don't believe solidarity means that we must all think alike In lock step ...

I think if you strayed out of your permanent work area once in a while you might have a different perspective on things, instead of isolating yourself in there reading pink newspapers and shooting the breeze with the old men.
How's that working out for the USPS?

That's a lame duck Republican creation.
There is no company - public or private - on earth that has to pay for its future beneficiaries (even before there born or hired) in a 10 year window. NO ONE! Fifty billion (that's right - BILLION) in a ten year window.
They are trying its best to kill the Post Office and it's pesky unions. But one little detail hampers them from finishing their grand plan.......IT IS CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED THAT WE HAVE A POST OFFICE. It's in our Constitution, and you can't just eliminate it easily. I know that UPS and FedEx combined can't handle the scope and volume that our Post Office moves every single day - and by the way our airlines and USPS HELPS THEM (UPS & FED EX) AS WELL! (We move their Express packages if they need a package moved on the same day) and all of us on the ramp touch so much mail trays in a single flight daily, it isn't funny. In another month or so, you will see a ton of those orange bags of packages, for the upcoming holiday season.

I don't want to see the Post Office die because some politicians don't like unions.

Just setting the record straight on this one............
I am offended by your insinuation that I am not involved .. I'm on here am I not ? I at least TRY to keep up with union news .. Whenever this Union has called on me to come out , be it marches , pickets , meeting at work , I have NEVER failed to answer that call ..I do the best that I can to support solidarity in my work place ...

your just going to have to get used to the fact that I'm an individual of many different view points ...I don't believe solidarity means that we must all think alike In lock step ...

Did that include throwing your co workers under the bus ?

Did that include throwing your co workers under the bus ?



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