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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Did that include throwing your co workers under the bus ?

While I agree that freedom has some crazy viewpoints, and I disagree with him more often than not, can we at least drop the position of he threw his co-workers under the bus for a few dollars please. The same thing happened here in 2005, remember, when ALL the class 1 stations voted to give ALL the class 2stations lesser pay? Weather you personally voted yes or no to the 2005 agreement, I don't care, the majority of class 1 stations threw all of the class 2 stations under the bus for a few pieces of silver. Have we forgotten that? Freedom voted the way he did in 2008, for the same reasons that the class 1 stations did in 2005. You can't deny this. So drop it already, it's past history. Either get over it or don't, but we can't go back and change either vote now, we just have to deal, And correct me if I am wrong here, but PHX alone did not carry that vote.. So as effffed up as freedom's views are, disagree with them on those views alone, the vote is history, and both sides have blood on their hands when it comes to throwing co-workers under the bus for a few coins.
harry that did not include him tossin his own coworkers under the bus... but judging by his statements he has absolutely no issues with tossin his coworkers under the bus... it must be real sad to be him... may be pathetic....

hey freedom if we get a ta to vote on that has outsourcing are you gonna say yes yes yes without reading it in details
harry that did not include him tossin his own coworkers under the bus... but judging by his statements he has absolutely no issues with tossin his coworkers under the bus... it must be real sad to be him... may be pathetic....

hey freedom if we get a ta to vote on that has outsourcing are you gonna say yes yes yes without reading it in details

I have no intention of voting for any contract that has outsourcing , and if our Union even brings to the table a TA that has outsourcing language in it , then they have failed and need to be removed from office .
reallly dumbo you sure as heck had no issues with it before all for a lousy few bucks raise right away.. while i understand the hp way of paying cheap you simply FAILED TO READ THE ENTIRE SCOPE LANGUAGE which is more critical than pay wages
Yep, it sure did:

Massive income inequality

Failing schools

Crumbling infrastructure

A nonstop assault on workers' rights

The list goes on and on...

Thank you comrade Kev , if I may address the international for a moment comrade worker ...

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm a spoiled American and i'm not getting everything I want and or was promised WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

please , compared to the other nations and people on this planet we live in the absolute lap of luxury , why do you think Millions of illegal immigrants flock to this country ? just so they can enjoy our "freedom" ....

Most of us have two cars , a home , a refrigerator , a washer and dryer , food in the refrigerator ... we have MUCH to be thankful for and to point to the recent $%#@! up's in this country and say that Capitalism doesn't work is disingenuous ...

I agree and disagree with you.
While it is hardly new that cheap labor has long been out there, it is new on how much they have expanded just in the last five years. Mostly through bankruptcies all the majors have shed hundreds of jobs to these contract companies. They will do their best to shed even more. If anyone gets time check out Skywest airlines route structure today compared to just 5 years ago. It has exploded with routes the major carriers have turned overto them.But you are right 100% on times have changed. Unfortunately our contract hasn't changed yet from the bankruptcy days, except for a little enhancement at merger with AW. I think sometimes our members forget that even though times are record good for this company, they still have us in our POS contract. The big question is, does our membership have what it takes to stay strong until we get what we deserve. I know most posters on here certainly do. However this is far from the majority of the membership on here. I wish everyone was as hell bent on standing up for what we deserve as the posters on here.
what's the rumor of arm bands? I haven't scrolled all of these pages but I see CLTrat talking about an arm bad. If an armband says Contract now, then tell MF to send some up this way. Even though I would like it to say "Fair contract now" since "Contract Now' could mean any flimsy contract. Nonetheless, Contract now is still something to go with. IMO, it probably won't be a problem systemwide to get brothers and sisters to wear them. My assumption is that DL142 would participate in this as well.
Thank you comrade Kev , if I may address the international for a moment comrade worker ...

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm a spoiled American and i'm not getting everything I want and or was promised WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

please , compared to the other nations and people on this planet we live in the absolute lap of luxury , why do you think Millions of illegal immigrants flock to this country ? just so they can enjoy our "freedom" ....

Most of us have two cars , a home , a refrigerator , a washer and dryer , food in the refrigerator ... we have MUCH to be thankful for and to point to the recent $%#@! up's in this country and say that Capitalism doesn't work is disingenuous ...

Are you really this obtuse or is just this a message board persona you've crafted to let your inner #### out?

You don't think our educational system is in trouble? Google where the United States falls in comparison with the rest of the world.
Are you really this obtuse or is just this a message board persona you've crafted to let your inner #### out?

You don't think our educational system is in trouble? Google where the United States falls in comparison with the rest of the world.

Let's get back on to the topic of building solidarity in the work group with these new lanyards that the union is making ...

i'm sure we can save the capitalism good/bad debate for another day .
Let's get back on to the topic of building solidarity in the work group with these new lanyards that the union is making ...

How about you join us in building solidarity in the work group after you've finished building your solidarity with management.
How about you join us in building solidarity in the work group after you've finished building your solidarity with management.

I fail to see why it's a Sin to approve of what appears to make good long term business sense for our corporation in which we all work ...

If we could go back in time to when AWA was about to take Government loans after 9/11 ... should we have opposed that move because our wages were low or we were not happy ?

Before we merged with US Airways , should we have opposed the merger because once again our wages were crap and we were not happy ?

As employee's of this company we MUST support actions that will strengthen our corporation in the long term because we do not exist independently from it ..

I am not saying that all of us need to be happy workers who give 110% percent everyday ... far from it , I try to do my job , and my job ONLY ( still working on subduing that natural desire I have to go above and beyond ) and I encourage my fellow employee's to their job and ONLY their jobs and not to go the extra distance ...

We need to do what we need to do to let this company know that we are not Happy .... but that doesn't mean we have to act like idiots and stick our heads in the sand when presented with long term opptunity ... we can fight the company as we work with it to secure a better future for everyone ...

because as I've said before and will say again , we do not exist independently of this corporation .

go support the donkeys there dumbo im sure the pilots wont mind you helping them sign the petition crap.. the only action ill support is a new contract that has CURRENT STATION PROTECTIONS ENHANCED SCOPE ENHANCED EVERYTHING no excuses why them donkeys make all the profits on our backs enough is enough lock loaded i will not support and i have zero respect for the donkeys since they have chosen not to negogiate in good faith with our union..
what's the rumor of arm bands? I haven't scrolled all of these pages but I see CLTrat talking about an arm bad. If an armband says Contract now, then tell MF to send some up this way. Even though I would like it to say "Fair contract now" since "Contract Now' could mean any flimsy contract. Nonetheless, Contract now is still something to go with. IMO, it probably won't be a problem systemwide to get brothers and sisters to wear them. My assumption is that DL142 would participate in this as well.
We are talking about getting either arm bands or buttons for the members to wear. I'll make sure you get some of either one. Hopefully it'll be armbands. The company is also going to put them out for everyone to wear in support of the merger, I think that's what Cltrat meant when he said he would wear a contract now, but not the other one from the company.
FREEDOM ? you are sounding more and more like a FACEST ! The Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler rose to power by joining German Corporations to not only kill Jewish People .But, to MURDER ! Union Leaders and DESTROY UNIONS/CB . You are a LCC Manager or worse a LCC Management COLLABORATOR ! Teaparty=Facism_ forum.com might WE suggest ? Contracts now ! Merger Later.
We are talking about getting either arm bands or buttons for the members to wear. I'll make sure you get some of either one. Hopefully it'll be armbands. The company is also going to put them out for everyone to wear in support of the merger, I think that's what Cltrat meant when he said he would wear a contract now, but not the other one from the company.
cb our shop steward said that soon we be getting the company support armband and not to wear them... i already know a few in my sta that wont wear it myself including no merger support til we get contracts period

cb do you have any idea as to how the conference will go or just wait n see approach
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