Charlie Brown, i read cltrat comment a bit different than u did. I felt that he meant he isnt getting what he is paying for.
I tend to agree. I know the leadership is saying that the company would like to have unskilled labor slashed to cheap labor, but really...none of this is hardly new. Yes?
The reality of the situation has changed. This company is no longer in bankruptcy and S&P just upgraded the stock with a new forecast suggesting billion dollar profits as a stand alone. Baggage fees have tripled and yhe industry health is great. Toss in a company who needs a fencing in...and we cant possibly have a more favorable environment to negotiate.
That said, it is truly disappointing thatbrother Delaney and our district leadership puked up a silly ta at united. You must realize that such actions give reason for concern.
Whatever the case, i like the actions that have taken place with the association and i hope brother delaney stays the course that he is talking. At this point, hope isnt lost that the leadership will fold with loa that circumvent the negotiations, etc.
You and prez may b in a position to stop delaney from signing a fence agreement. At united he signed a fence agreement to make things seamless and i hope he doesnt sign one at usairways without dramatically increasing scope first.
There is alot of wondering going on but it is driven by the pastactions of our leadership. Not necessarily saying you but imo, cltrat has reason to wonder. No?