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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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The re-nationalization of the airline industry and my desire to see us safely in it ....

When was the airline industry in the U.S. ever nationalized? You do know the difference between nationalization and regulation, don't you?
I don't recall but wasn't it all nationalized in the 70's or was that indeed regulated ?

Either way I can forsee a future where the government has to step in ...
There no difference freedum. Mgmt went BEHIND OUR BACKS to make back room door buster deals w anther airline union all the while iam 141 n 142 STILL DONT HAVE CONTRACTS and they dont want to negogiate in good faith thank god ur not a union rep or shop steward. No armband for me contracts first. Meanwhile these donkeys are making profits on our backs screw them donkeys contracts first 700 is 7% the startin point or is it what theyve asked all along
It was 10% but the M&R got 3% this summer, so right now its 7% and its just a bridge CBA till JCBA happens.
Charlie Brown, i read cltrat comment a bit different than u did. I felt that he meant he isnt getting what he is paying for.
I tend to agree. I know the leadership is saying that the company would like to have unskilled labor slashed to cheap labor, but really...none of this is hardly new. Yes?

The reality of the situation has changed. This company is no longer in bankruptcy and S&P just upgraded the stock with a new forecast suggesting billion dollar profits as a stand alone. Baggage fees have tripled and yhe industry health is great. Toss in a company who needs a fencing in...and we cant possibly have a more favorable environment to negotiate.

That said, it is truly disappointing thatbrother Delaney and our district leadership puked up a silly ta at united. You must realize that such actions give reason for concern.

Whatever the case, i like the actions that have taken place with the association and i hope brother delaney stays the course that he is talking. At this point, hope isnt lost that the leadership will fold with loa that circumvent the negotiations, etc.
You and prez may b in a position to stop delaney from signing a fence agreement. At united he signed a fence agreement to make things seamless and i hope he doesnt sign one at usairways without dramatically increasing scope first.

There is alot of wondering going on but it is driven by the pastactions of our leadership. Not necessarily saying you but imo, cltrat has reason to wonder. No?
I agree and disagree with you.
While it is hardly new that cheap labor has long been out there, it is new on how much they have expanded just in the last five years. Mostly through bankruptcies all the majors have shed hundreds of jobs to these contract companies. They will do their best to shed even more. If anyone gets time check out Skywest airlines route structure today compared to just 5 years ago. It has exploded with routes the major carriers have turned overto them.But you are right 100% on times have changed. Unfortunately our contract hasn't changed yet from the bankruptcy days, except for a little enhancement at merger with AW. I think sometimes our members forget that even though times are record good for this company, they still have us in our POS contract. The big question is, does our membership have what it takes to stay strong until we get what we deserve. I know most posters on here certainly do. However this is far from the majority of the membership on here. I wish everyone was as hell bent on standing up for what we deserve as the posters on here.
thanks 700. cb i do know there are a few of us in my station that want a contract not just the sh!tty one we have but one with protection scope protection better wages etc enough is enough lock n loaded
I don't recall but wasn't it all nationalized in the 70's or was that indeed regulated ?

Either way I can forsee a future where the government has to step in ...

I D I O T !

And you profess to be doing your part in your station ?........O M G

I think you are confusing Nationalized with " National Airlines " back then.
Don't pretend like you don't get my point Mike , nationalization or regulation , my wish is for our company to be in a postion where if things don't work out the way parker hopes they do that the government will be there to step in and pick up the pieces .
Don't pretend like you don't get my poin

I never pretend regarding anything ..... especially your " poin " ( whatever the heck that is ).

BTW , i can't recall any poin of yours i agree with really!
i recall national airlines... but airlines being nationalized.. thats a new one... ive heard of the airlines being de regulated but nationalized...
If the US economy seriously tanks its entirely possible that large companies could get nationalized ....happens all the time in second world countries and our nation's government has already shown that it is prepared to step in when necessary to prevent massive job losses ,GM,chrysiler,AM track ,AIG,Fannie Mae,Freddie mac ,all of our nation's major banks ....

Becoming too big to fail is the ultimate job security .
my wish is for our company to be in a postion where if things don't work out the way parker hopes they do that the government will be there to step in and pick up the pieces .

In one thread you lament the trillions in debt the government incurred in bailing out other companies and industries but in this thread you're saying you're hoping to be a recipient of the very same should it come to it?

So are you a Republican or a socialist? Because the GOP teatards currently in the House of Representatives - presently willing to shut down the government in order to defund Romneybamacare - would have no qualms letting an airline layoff and liquidate if it meant not authorizing one additional penny in bailouts.

It would be ironic and funny for you to lose your job not because of some unwashed criminal invader stole it but because the people you elected to save you from them declined not to bail out your employer when the house of cards economy finally eats dirt...
I'm a capitalist at heart ....captalism is what has made this country into what it is today ....I'm also a republican because at the end of the day I truly believe in a freemarket ...supply and demand ,job creation and job destruction...

There's no denying that I hold views that appear opposed to each other ,but it is my opinion that in emergency situations sometimes extream measures that we may not like must be taken ...

If Doug Parker is right about the merger and all the TV pundits are correct about an improving economy than my secrect hope for nationalization need never come to pass ....

But if parker is wrong ,if the media and the polticians are wrong and the economy dives like we have never seen before , I want us to be ready to do whatever it takes to keep going ...

Hope for the best prepare for the worst ...
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