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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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freedum that bus aint comin for me.. been there done that both sides of the fence.. you have no problem tossin your own coworkers out the flippin door... people who have families... as far as im concerned i know i would never vote for any crappy contract that sells your own down the river... may be you get furloughed one day youll see how people feel being out of work bec of your actions....
It will cost a few hundred thousand, and tim will lose again.

That sounds kinda high to me... Why so much?

maybe they will follow the correct process the next time then



Watch out robbed the bus is coming !


Don't be an ####.

You think furloughs are something to "lol" about? Seriously?

Maybe you can explain to everyone what's so "lol" about getting laid off.
Because every single local within 150 miles of a work location has to hold a meeting on Saturday 1/25/15 for nominations. Certain locations are beyond the 150 mile limit will have to have a meeting place rented and someone assigned there to conduct the nominations, this is for every single IAM member, every local lodge and every place that is beyond 150 mile limit.
Someone please explain why everyone is harping on freedom for "selling out the membership"? Is an alternative point of view not tolerated on this forum? He/she is one union member, one vote to express their opinion. People in the labor movement can cover themselves up as populists but behind the voting booth they vote with their own wallets and interests in mind. The companies know this and capitalize on it, the find ways to divide the membership interests (ie scope for outstations vs pay for hubs) or divide junior and senior with a B-scale and changes to retiree benefits.

his posts speak for him... he freely admits he is more than willing to see his fellow coworkers tossed out tossed down the river actual human beings hard working folks with families kids etc if given the choice if you and him were working together and it came down to you and him and he had the choice youd be the one out the door.. he gloats about how he voted for the 08 contract KNOWING FULL WELL IT WAS DESIGNED TO GET RID OF AGENTS AND STATIONS... thats the bottom line..
many of us had already been on that side of the fence thru hell and yet to freedom he dont give a crap just as long as it not him.. all he cared for at the time was that money period thats why
Thanks Robbed, now I understand. So you think he does it for schadenfreude?

id say so josh.. trust me when i tell ya that i know a few of us have been on the other side of the fence during the 2 ch 11 but its just my opin the 2nd ch 11 was more brutual than the first..
Screw them all !!! I worked in a Class II city for years making almost 5.00 less an hour then my so called brothers,doing more and getting paid less. Before 700 jumps in and says it was voted in by Fleet, it was a stacked deck. The Class II cities had no say. They voted it down by 98% but because of the numbers in the Class I cites, it passed by a very large margin. Like then, Its all about ME! Screw them All. As I have said numerous times, PIT & BDL GOT EVERYTHING They deserved. They didnt care about me then, I sure as hell dont care about them now. Freedom, You and your Brothers and Sisters and the Class II Cities did the RIGHT Thing. We have Families to feed too!
hope you have to remember it was not pit it was PVD and BDL added to class I cities to the list and i do agree with you for the most part bro.. i too was in class 2 and it went from that to mainline express in or around sept 2004 only to be turned back to mainline in january 2005 then feb 2005 we got our pink slips and june 5th 2005 trust me bro we felt the same way and got royally f@@k by them at that time which led to the nd team taking over after randy canary bird lost the election.. there a union rep in my current stat that was part of that 2005 and the 08 and he was on the committee but he disagreed with the 08 agreement. i think pit was one of the class I to vote it down along with all the class II cities
It is probably in the best interest of all the Fleet Service Agents at USAirways to put the politics aside for a while and concentrate on getting a fair and equitable contract from management. I am not saying that there is not a time and a place for the political aspect of this thread but as this point it is neither the time nor the place. If the FSA cannot show solidarity for the workgroup maybe they should defer to the old saying: "Some things are better left unsaid". Everyone have a safe and happy Labor Day.
Someone please explain why everyone is harping on freedom for "selling out the membership"? Is an alternative point of view not tolerated on this forum? He/she is one union member, one vote to express their opinion. People in the labor movement can cover themselves up as populists but behind the voting booth they vote with their own wallets and interests in mind. The companies know this and capitalize on it, the find ways to divide the membership interests (ie scope for outstations vs pay for hubs) or divide junior and senior with a B-scale and changes to retiree benefits.


Can someone please explain why a banker from Boston frequents Airline Union threads, and consistently posts ani-IAM material that is inaccurate?!

It is probably in the best interest of all the Fleet Service Agents at USAirways to put the politics aside for a while and concentrate on getting a fair and equitable contract from management. I am not saying that there is not a time and a place for the political aspect of this thread but as this point it is neither the time nor the place. If the FSA cannot show solidarity for the workgroup maybe they should defer to the old saying: "Some things are better left unsaid". Everyone have a safe and happy Labor Day.
AGREED SOLIDARITY! In spite of Nelson’s agenda, I will refrain from posting about him… after all… that’s what he wants… ATTENTION!

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