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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Here Tim,

Looks like it was local lodges who made the mistake, not the International.

The IAM and the DOL reach a voluntary compliance agreement:
There were numorous violations 700. One was inherent in the iam intl constitution in regards to reasonableness in making nominations. So the intl by constitution was at fault. Secondly, yes, many locals chose not to follow the law.
Myself and Karen worked together and brought forth compelling evidence to the intl back in january. And quite astonishing the intl basically laughed at us after conducting its internal investigation and concluding that there were no violations. Then served me letter telling me to quit wasting the intl time and resources.
Basically, we were dealing with uneducated monkeys in the intl who couldnt approach the evidence in an academic way. Therefore, we were forced to write a legal brief challenging the intl and were confident we would be successful in upholding the lmrda rights of the members.

All nominations system wide will be Saturday Jan 25, I believe.
According to TR, it is that Saturday, and there is a 150 mile radius per local per station, the INTL is handling arrangements for every city where there are members assigned.

The GL is also going to send notice to every member.

Nomination locations are being determined as we speak.
According to TR, it is that Saturday, and there is a 150 mile radius per local per station, the INTL is handling arrangements for every city where there are members assigned.

The GL is also going to send notice to every member.

Nomination locations are being determined as we speak.
the rules havent been nailed down yet either.
As the Recording Secretary of my local I have to wonder if the results of a rerun nomination / election process for the Officers of the Grand Lodge will change the outcome of the previous process. Were the results of the nomination process that close to warrant a rerun based on the complaint filed?
As the Recording Secretary of my local I have to wonder if the results of a rerun nomination / election process for the Officers of the Grand Lodge will change the outcome of the previous process. Were the results of the nomination process that close to warrant a rerun based on the complaint filed?
You gotta love this “Brother” Nelson… for his own political agenda, and personal vendetta, he has accomplished taking energy away from our negotiations at a critical time!

Congratulations Mr. Nelson… you have won the right to be soundly defeated again!

Everyone please be sure to thank Mr. Nelson for his thoughtfulness!
roa last thing i heard was frid and its my understanding that the iam is not backing down and its my underSTANDING they aint backing down the quest is does anyone know where we all stand has there been any kind of movement yet also IS IT TRUE that theyve settled on a lot of issues yet

If you are referring to section six negotiations, the answer is NO agreement has been reached. They have asked to be released! This means impasse, neither side is close at all! They aren’t even talking!

The mediator has yet to render a decision as to when, or IF we will be released.

My bet is he will send us back to the table… as to when… who knows? Maybe Charlie or someone can elaborate on the process in terms of time limits. How long does the mediator have to render his decision under the RLA?
You gotta love this “Brother” Nelson… for his own political agenda, and personal vendetta, he has accomplished taking energy away from our negotiations at a critical time!

Congratulations Mr. Nelson… you have won the right to be soundly defeated again!

Everyone please be sure to thank Mr. Nelson for his thoughtfulness!

Hey I don't have a problem with this , if election laws are being violated we need to not only know about it but correct the problem ...The membership cannot be accurately represented if there is fraud or inccompentence occurring .
Election laws? lol

Notice of nomination wasnt provided to all, thats why it is being re-run, it was a voluntary compliance agreement, not a civil or criminal action.

It will cost a few hundred thousand, and tim will lose again.
Election laws? lol

Notice of nomination wasnt provided to all, thats why it is being re-run, it was a voluntary compliance agreement, not a civil or criminal action.

It will cost a few hundred thousand, and tim will lose again.

maybe they will follow the correct process the next time then
Hey I don't have a problem with this , if election laws are being violated we need to not only know about it but correct the problem ...The membership cannot be accurately represented if there is fraud or inccompentence occurring .
just the same way you had np tossing your own coworkers down the river without life jackets just to get the flippin dollar more or whatever it was seriously dude get help
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