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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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...the IAM has engaged with the NMB but seems to be asking for more negotiation dates. When an impasse is asked for, it means that future negotiations are futile. So seems to be a contradiction,

Literally I think you're right. Reality, however, is something that I believe different. While we may be at an impasse, possibly literally, figuratively, and politically, that doesn't mean that attempts should cease. Were that the case there would be no success once an impasse was declared. Without eliminating the possibility of job actions and/or strikes, it's still possible to be at an impasses and continue to try and resolve differences. Realistically using the term 'futile' in regards to negotiations is a poor choice of words. A more accurate way of defining the situation would be to say that 'at this time no headway is being made.' It's borderline semantics but they do imply different things.
it makes me wonder what I'm getting for my union buck
Getting a lot of the same question from members in my station. IMO... Members need to consider the entire compensation package when questioning what their getting for their union dues. Members need to compare retirement/medical/dental/prescription benefits as well. It's not just about hourly wage and vacation Brother. When the membership becomes focused on short term gains the company laughs all the way to the bank. employees at DL are employees "at will". I'll take my chances with being represented. WE NEED SOLIDARITY. WE NEED A CONTRACT!
The NMB and both DL 142 and 141 are meeting with the NMB next week finally for a status conference.

The National Mediation Board (NMB) has scheduled a “status conference” with the IAM and US Airways in Washington D.C. on Tuesday September 10, 2013 regarding the Mechanic and Related and Fleet Service negotiations.

The purpose of the meeting with the NMB is to discuss remaining issues and both parties’ positions on these issues.

“We are attending these meetings as unified groups with the single goal of attaining contracts IAM members want, need and deserve,” said IAM District 142 President Tom Higginbotham. “Our position has not changed; contract before merger.”

“The IAM requested a release to strike for both groups months ago and the NMB and US Airways continue to stall,” said IAM District 141 President Rich Delaney. “IAM members should not have to wait a second longer for a contract while US Airways earns record profits and scrambles to fix this merger debacle.”

IAM-represented Mechanic and Related, Maintenance Training Specialist and Fleet Service workers have been in negotiations for well over two years with US Airways. The IAM has requested a release from mediated talks for the Mechanic and Related and Fleet Service groups earlier this year.

The IAM represents approximately 14,000 workers at US Airways and is the largest union at the carrier.​

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it makes me wonder what I'm getting for my union buck
Comments like this truly amaze me. Hey Rat why don't you go back and do a little study on the cleaners. Considered unskilled labor, the exact way the company views fleet service. ( unskilled labor). Cleaners with union contracts in the industry used to make 17-19 dollars a hour. Through mostly bankruptcies, airlines were able to break these union cleaners and eliminate their jobs and now for the most part contract them out at 9.00 hr jobs. Ask those cleaners making 9 bucks a hour if they would like to pay 60.00 a month in union dues to make 19.00 an hour instead of 9.00. Just like cleaners, there are dozens of companies trying to do your job for 9.00 an hour. And this company will tell you they will do just as good as job. Delta pays their ramp what they do for one reason only. And that's so they won't vote a union in. Let the airlines be successful in eliminating union fleet jobs, and fleet too, just like cleaners will be wishing everywhere that they could again pay their union dues to make 20+ an hour. But by then it will be too late. The companies will be laughing their ass off, because your job will be getting done for 9.00 a hour. Like I said. Find one of those furloughed cleaners, and ask them how many would like to pay union dues to get their job back at 19.00 a hour. People need to wake up and realize just what this company thinks of you.
Comments like this truly amaze me. Hey Rat why don't you go back and do a little study on the cleaners. Considered unskilled labor, the exact way the company views fleet service. ( unskilled labor). Cleaners with union contracts in the industry used to make 17-19 dollars a hour. Through mostly bankruptcies, airlines were able to break these union cleaners and eliminate there jobs and now for the most part contract them out at 9.00 hr jobs. Ask those cleaners making 9 bucks a hour if they would like to pay 60.00 a month in union dues to make 19.00 an hour instead of 9.00. Just like cleaners, there are dozens of companies trying to do your job for 9.00 an hour. And this company will tell you they will do just as good as job. Delta pays their ramp what they do for one reason only. And that's so they won't vote a union in. Let the airlines be successful in eliminating union fleet jobs, and fleet too, just like cleaners will be wishing everywhere that they could again pay their union dues to make 20+ an hour. But by then it will be too late. The companies will be laughing their ass off, because your job will be getting done for 9.00 a hour. Like I said. Find one of those furloughed cleaners, and ask them how many would like to pay union dues to get their job back at 19.00 a hour. People need to wake up and realize just what this company thinks of you.

I am all to aware what the company thinks of me, I can also tell you my views and thoughts are pretty mild compared to many of my co workers out there. Charlie for good bad or whatever many people wondering about the whole thing.
I think there are many good things about a union,most of which you mention then there is the other side where lazy deadbeat workers keep their jobs just because it is hard to get rid of them. You know there are quite a few ,you,ve defended many I,m sure. Yet these deadbeats get the same things as the person doing their job and work safe each day. well no actually if there are senior they get more....lol
I am all to aware what the company thinks of me, I can also tell you my views and thoughts are pretty mild compared to many of my co workers out there. Charlie for good bad or whatever many people wondering about the whole thing.
I think there are many good things about a union,most of which you mention then there is the other side where lazy deadbeat workers keep their jobs just because it is hard to get rid of them. You know there are quite a few ,you,ve defended many I,m sure. Yet these deadbeats get the same things as the person doing their job and work safe each day. well no actually if there are senior they get more....lol
Most of the deadbeats that you want to call them eventually weed theirselfs out, and are eventually gone. And now on this post you state there are many good things the union does. On your earlier post you state you wonder what your dues get you. You now have me a little confused!!
Most of the deadbeats that you want to call them eventually weed theirselfs out, and are eventually gone. And now on this post you state there are many good things the union does. On your earlier post you state you wonder what your dues get you. You now have me a little confused!!
Well that's good because I stay confused!

Charlie I guess I get flustered with the whole thing at times
it's vastly different than anything I had ever been in as far as the work environment.
As to those deadbeats some have been here longer than I.
Now I have to go double day tomorrow
cb when you folks have the conference next week are you all in dc for it or how does it work and also ive heard that you folks are really putting the heat on the donkeys at us... i sure wish you folks all the best of luck dealing with them donkeys aint easy..
Well that's good because I stay confused!

Charlie I guess I get flustered with the whole thing at times
it's vastly different than anything I had ever been in as far as the work environment.
As to those deadbeats some have been here longer than I.
Now I have to go double day tomorrow
Catch ya later, you know you and I are good. It's just trying to get people to realize that in our Industry and what we are faced with, with all the companies taking our jobs for 9 bucks a hour. People better hope and pray that they get to keep paying those union dues. We will be history the day that the airline fleet service industry is non union.
cb when you folks have the conference next week are you all in dc for it or how does it work and also ive heard that you folks are really putting the heat on the donkeys at us... i sure wish you folks all the best of luck dealing with them donkeys aint easy..
The NC as a whole won't be in DC. Don't need to bring the whole committee in just for a discussion about when and if we will resume talks. As for the heat? I'm proud to be a part of this NC. But I'm sure AH isn't loosing any sleep about us. He's very experienced and has been through this many times. We just have to stay strong.
stay strong ah is nothing more than a multi million moron donkey just like the rest of those flippin donkeys runnin this outfit... im glad the iam is not supporting the merger enough is enough contracts now lock n loaded good luck with the conference
For those who hate paying Union dues... join the Fast Food Industry!

They are offering entire careers of working poverty part-time, minimum wage positions, with no benefits, where you can be eligible food stamps! The flip side is you will save a bundle on Union Dues-- and you don’t have to worry about any of your money going to that evil Democratic Party!
I am all to aware what the company thinks of me, I can also tell you my views and thoughts are pretty mild compared to many of my co workers out there. Charlie for good bad or whatever many people wondering about the whole thing.

There's a lot of anti labor messaging out there. We're surrounded by it everywhere we go. After decades of being hit with it non-stop, It's not hard to see why people are starting to believe it.

I think there are many good things about a union,most of which you mention then there is the other side where lazy deadbeat workers keep their jobs just because it is hard to get rid of them. You know there are quite a few ,you,ve defended many I,m sure. Yet these deadbeats get the same things as the person doing their job and work safe each day. well no actually if there are senior they get more....lol

People aren't necessarily "hard to get rid of." If they're still around, then a manager somewhere hasn't done their due diligence. Period. I've done my share of defending workers. The truth is, air tight discipline is very hard to grieve successfully. Reality is that many managers are either lazy or don;t know any better, and it makes it easy to win those cases.

All that aside, are you (or the people you talk to) really so frustrated that you'd be willing to give up the recourse/due process you currently enjoy under your CBA? As someone that has lost representation, and is working to (re)secure it, I can tell you that being At Will is a MUCH less desirable option.

Ever had a manager that shoots first and asks questions later? Now imagine having no recourse when that happens. People may be willing to gamble their careers on the hopes that they'll never be in the crosshairs of an arbitrary (or unjust) management decision. I am not.

For those who hate paying Union dues... join the Fast Food Industry!

They are offering entire careers of working poverty part-time, minimum wage positions, with no benefits, where you can be eligible food stamps! The flip side is you will save a bundle on Union Dues-- and you don’t have to worry about any of your money going to that evil Democratic Party!

I hear ya, Roa.

And really, I have to say that right now it seems like many of them have more balls than we do. I mean, how many people you know that would actually walk out right now to improve their working conditions? How 'bout for the entire industry?
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