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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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I wanted to report that myself and Karen Asuncion were successful in getting the department of labor to rule against the international and schedule a new election for international positions.
I ll be on conference call the next week to hear the rules that the dol will establish. The dol also ruled that it will supervise the new election.
Myself and karen took no pleasure in having to bring a legal case against our union but we had little choice as we exhausted all internal measures, even prior to the nominations, to get buffy and roach to understand their errors but they just were too arrogant to listen.
In the meantime we have expanded our network into other industries and it appears enough support and awareness will enable an election this time.
Dl141 members are leading the way in this union. From implimenting the new organizing methods, and rising up against a disarray leadership in its attempt to hoodwink the membership into accepting an anti labor agreement at united, to fighting and beating the intl legal team to secure a more favorable election for the members.

I can't wait to read some of the predictable reaction from certain parties on this
Psa8979, ill post as much public information as i get available. On this page and the facebook site you joined. Some of it was a challenge to the actual constitution but as thing progressed, the international just kept digging its own grave, pissing on things, and quite frankly acting like morons.
Brother Tim . I don't really care about the UNION PolItics at LCC/IAM/TWU . It is what it is. My suggestion to you if you are serious and want to hold a Leadership Position, bid a HUB . My FOCUS looking at "THE BIG PICTURE" is CONTRACTS NOW ! MERGER LATER ! LCC /DP SHOW US THE MONEY !
Brother Tim . I don't really care about the UNION PolItics at LCC/IAM/TWU . It is what it is. My suggestion to you if you are serious and want to hold a Leadership Position, bid a HUB . My FOCUS looking at "THE BIG PICTURE" is CONTRACTS NOW ! MERGER LATER ! LCC /DP SHOW US THE MONEY !
I think most members focus is on a contract. But members expect their union to stay clean of criminal actions. Fighting the union to keep it accountable is the primary inherent thing that each member ought to be doing. Unaccountable unions don't listen and that affects its attitude in negotiations, etc.

I'm on their arse! And I'm going to crack skulls of our NC [metaphor] if they don't SEROUSLY ENHANCE SCOPE with a TA. I could live with only a few bucks increase if they stretched out scope. I was disappointed that they were only asking for a bit over $22 at top out but we don't know everything they are asking for so who can say. My assumption is that they will be asking for full snap backs like the CWA enjoy. Many could use some more vacation weeks and full payment on sick days along with premium holiday pay like other airline employees enjoy.
If there is a merger, they better not sign a fence agreement without a complete exhaustive contract. I say don't give the company a thing until a complete contract is cleaned up. Skull cracking time is coming up soon so if any stupid ta comes out that is thoroughly insulting, or any fence agreement comes out before a complete ta then it's going to be popping time!
I think most members focus is on a contract. But members expect their union to stay clean of criminal actions. Fighting the union to keep it accountable is the primary inherent thing that each member ought to be doing. Unaccountable unions don't listen and that affects its attitude in negotiations, etc.

I'm on their arse! And I'm going to crack skulls of our NC [metaphor] if they don't SEROUSLY ENHANCE SCOPE with a TA. I could live with only a few bucks increase if they stretched out scope. I was disappointed that they were only asking for a bit over $22 at top out but we don't know everything they are asking for so who can say. My assumption is that they will be asking for full snap backs like the CWA enjoy. Many could use some more vacation weeks and full payment on sick days along with premium holiday pay like other airline employees enjoy.
If there is a merger, they better not sign a fence agreement without a complete exhaustive contract. I say don't give the company a thing until a complete contract is cleaned up. Skull cracking time is coming up soon so if any stupid ta comes out that is thoroughly insulting, or any fence agreement comes out before a complete ta then it's going to be popping time!
It's easy to bring a contract back, that looks like sh!t when you make over a hundred grand a year and don't have to abide by it. The AGC'S are pukes and I have worked with 3 of them on the ramp before.
I think most members focus is on a contract. But members expect their union to stay clean of criminal actions. Fighting the union to keep it accountable is the primary inherent thing that each member ought to be doing. Unaccountable unions don't listen and that affects its attitude in negotiations, etc.

I'm on their arse! And I'm going to crack skulls of our NC [metaphor] if they don't SEROUSLY ENHANCE SCOPE with a TA. I could live with only a few bucks increase if they stretched out scope. I was disappointed that they were only asking for a bit over $22 at top out but we don't know everything they are asking for so who can say. My assumption is that they will be asking for full snap backs like the CWA enjoy. Many could use some more vacation weeks and full payment on sick days along with premium holiday pay like other airline employees enjoy.
If there is a merger, they better not sign a fence agreement without a complete exhaustive contract. I say don't give the company a thing until a complete contract is cleaned up. Skull cracking time is coming up soon so if any stupid ta comes out that is thoroughly insulting, or any fence agreement comes out before a complete ta then it's going to be popping time!
In the next election for AGC'S we need to threaten their jobs by not supporting them and putting them back into the workforce and let them live under the sh!t they want us to sign onto.
In the next election for AGC'S we need to threaten their jobs by not supporting them and putting them back into the workforce and let them live under the sh!t they want us to sign onto.
Like any slate of AGC candidates there are those who seek office for the right reasons and those who want to provide lip service to the membership and collect a nice compensation package. The challenge before the membership is to determine which candidates from both or multiple slates have the best interests of the membership in mind. In order to achieve this in the future; a member must refrain from voting for a "slate" of candidates based on campaign rhetoric. Every slate has good and not so good candidates.
Like any slate of AGC candidates there are those who seek office for the right reasons and those who want to provide lip service to the membership and collect a nice compensation package. The challenge before the membership is to determine which candidates from both or multiple slates have the best interests of the membership in mind. In order to achieve this in the future; a member must refrain from voting for a "slate" of candidates based on campaign rhetoric. Every slate has good and not so good candidates.


Didn't you support one of those so called people on your slate during the last election? You and I have had heated discussions over this topic numerous times. Are you now changing your tune? I agree that the people should make their own decisions on how their respective AGC has represented their station, and if a different person could do a better job. But isn't that up to the local committee to inform the membership on the ability or lack ther-of, of their assigned AGC? And I also agree that multiple slates may have the best team on them when put together. But the way I am reading your post, and it is just my opinion, is that each slate campaigns individualy, not as a team. If that were the case, why even have a slate? It advocates infighting among the slate, and makes those who politicaly bash the others running, on their own slate, that they only want the paycheck, and not to serve the membership. It is a thankless jon being an AGC. Just like, for the most part, being a grievance committee chair or member. They take heat from both sides. And not everybody is cut out to be an AGC, or on the grievance committee.
Here Tim,

Looks like it was local lodges who made the mistake, not the International.

The IAM and the DOL reach a voluntary compliance agreement:

On August 15, 2013, the Department entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), located in Upper Marlboro, Md., concerning the 2013 election of international officers. The IAM agreed to conduct new nominations and a new election, if necessary, for the offices of international president, general secretary-treasurer and eight general vice presidents under OLMS supervision prior to June 2014. The investigation disclosed that the union failed to provide notice of nomination to the membership regarding the nomination of international officers, local lodges did not provide notice of their nomination meetings to all members, and members were denied a reasonable opportunity to nominate candidates when some members were working at the time of the nomination meeting and/or endorsement vote and no alternative method of nomination was provided. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Washington District Office.

Didn't you support one of those so called people on your slate during the last election? You and I have had heated discussions over this topic numerous times. Are you now changing your tune? I agree that the people should make their own decisions on how their respective AGC has represented their station, and if a different person could do a better job. But isn't that up to the local committee to inform the membership on the ability or lack ther-of, of their assigned AGC? And I also agree that multiple slates may have the best team on them when put together. But the way I am reading your post, and it is just my opinion, is that each slate campaigns individualy, not as a team. If that were the case, why even have a slate? It advocates infighting among the slate, and makes those who politicaly bash the others running, on their own slate, that they only want the paycheck, and not to serve the membership. It is a thankless jon being an AGC. Just like, for the most part, being a grievance committee chair or member. They take heat from both sides. And not everybody is cut out to be an AGC, or on the grievance committee.
You and I have a different opinion on the effectivness of the candidate you refer to. The reasoning behind putting together a slate of candidates is it allows, usually the candidate running for President, to surround him or herself with people they have confidence in. The slate of candidates should work well together and support each other. The reasoning is if candidates are elected from other slates this has the potential to create in house fighting and reduce the cohesion of the team. The voting members are then encouraged to vote for the entire slate rather than crossing from one to the other in their choice. The down side of this is the candidates picked to make up the slate represent the opinion of the one running for President and the potential number of votes the candidate could attract based on the size of the station they work in. End result... some good... some not so good... get elected.
LCC/DP/AH love it when Union Members form the circular firing squad and WE have another POLITICAL fight of who should be on top of the Union Leadership Pyramid. The FOCUS should be on the MEMBERSHIP and CONTRACTS. SOLIDARITY !
LCC/DP/AH love it when Union Members form the circular firing squad and WE have another POLITICAL fight of who should be on top of the Union Leadership Pyramid. The FOCUS should be on the MEMBERSHIP and CONTRACTS. SOLIDARITY !


Couldn't agree more here!
LCC/DP/AH love it when Union Members form the circular firing squad and WE have another POLITICAL fight of who should be on top of the Union Leadership Pyramid. The FOCUS should be on the MEMBERSHIP and CONTRACTS. SOLIDARITY !
Agreed! Let's move on.
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