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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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yes. The nc said all proposals have been unacceptable. I presume our nc also made an offer but the company didnt like it.way far apart.

This is probably why there are non-disclosure requirements during the negotiations. Imagine if the Company made a very low-ball offer, and the news was passed along to fleet service, and ensuing results? On-time departures would take a hit, and bags to PHL would be sent to PHX along with bags to DTW ending up in DFW. I know everyone would like to know what was offered, but I understand why the Company requires non-disclosure.
There isnt a non-disclosure, only for confidential financial data, during the meetings in CLT the NC laid it a out for all to know.
This is probably why there are non-disclosure requirements during the negotiations. Imagine if the Company made a very low-ball offer, and the news was passed along to fleet service, and ensuing results? On-time departures would take a hit, and bags to PHL would be sent to PHX along with bags to DTW ending up in DFW. I know everyone would like to know what was offered, but I understand why the Company requires non-disclosure.
700 is right. At iam142, their latest update spells out parts of what the company proposed. I think it was a 1% pay raise. It also spelled out that it was asking for a 10% pay raise, including 3% already negotiated.
I heard the clt meetings were fine. A few scratched their heads over mf remarks asking the members to tell the shift managers 'we want a contract' each time a shift manager passed by.
But i wasnt there so not sure of the tone and mood of how he said it. An informational picket would be nice but as long as the members understand that if the nc is going to do things right, that will take time. No reason to be anxious.
did clt have very good turn outs?
The numbers for clt was just a little over 500 showed up for the two days. Being from clt, I always wish we had more show, but the rest of the NC that was there, was impressed with the turnout. Thanks everyone for taking the time to come out and get informed.
The numbers for clt was just a little over 500 showed up for the two days. Being from clt, I always wish we had more show, but the rest of the NC that was there, was impressed with the turnout. Thanks everyone for taking the time to come out and get informed.
that's a good turnout. IMO, very good
did clt have very good turn outs?

The meetings went very well, and the attendance was good. The Membership was very engaged with the N/C regarding the Company’s aloof attitude, and failure to offer a fair agreement in section six.

Contrary to what Tim Nelson said about some officers "talking down" to the Membership in ORD at those meetings… I saw no evidence of it here in CLT. In fact, every person in attendance was treated with respect by the N/C, no matter how immaterial or preposterous their inquiries were.

I will say this as well… the Membership definitely got the message as just how unappreciative the Company is of them. Everyone understood that we all sacrificed for the better part of a decade to make them profitable, and consequently helped to place them in a situation to become the world’s largest-- most profitable carrier!

Boy did they get it! The anger spilled over into conversations even after the meetings had adjourned! What really impressed me is as to how CLT is actually lining up behind the N/C in droves, and pledging to support them fully throughout the entire process!

that awesome to hear about clt turnout. when you folks went out to phx and out west was it similar? and when will you go to dca and phl and bos do you expect pretty much a similar if not better turn out i think this is going to send a large loud message to those monkeys runnin the circus here that enough is enough its time to get a better contract and to show more respect for all we have sacrificed its terrific again what you and the nc team are doing
Sorry to change the flow, I am curious how you guys are paid when you work another airline charter? I saw US fleet working an Omni 767 yesterday in CLT and just wondering if you guys bid o/t to work it...
US fleet service or any other employee gets paid to work their shift, they dont receive any other pay to work another airline or charter, US itself charges the other airline to work their flight.

Its not a separate bid, it can be covered by people on their normal shift, or people working swaps or overtime.
thats true what 700 said we in my station often work allegiant and frontier ww2 charters as well as our own honor flights
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